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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Humblest apologies for the double post, freebies: http://forums.cdprojektred.com/threads/32289-The-Witcher-3-Wild-Hunt-16-free-DLCs-for-everyone!
  2. Oh I can't be bothered to trawl through all that, i'm not that invested or pathetic. Besides anybody can see through all the blatant bias and agenda pushing in a quick glance over it. Edit: That and these issues have been debated/debunked before and i've got a Guy to burn and fireworks to set up. The SJF's have provided me with a good chuckle for the night however, at least they have one use.
  3. I've got to admit these attempts at logical analysis are extremely amusing, though in a rather tragic manner. Do elaborate, please. Lies, logical fallacies, blanket condemnations, unsubstantiated accusations, poor grasp of basic ethics, extremely shaky grasp on logical framebuilding, and a quite obvious bias towards the professional victims and the fascists...a rich tapestry of subject matter to laugh at. Edit: And now a melted face Nazi trying to paint somebody else in his own colours, i'm sorry but this is hilarious.
  4. I've got to admit these attempts at logical analysis are extremely amusing, though in a rather tragic manner. I wonder why the writers cannot percieve how they are portraying themselves, is it simple stupidity or their fanaticism?
  5. Wow, just wow. Arrogance, self righteousness, idiocy and disdain all rolled into one poorly written sentence. These are the people we are told to not challenge, critique, or question in any way, but simply listen to and believe. I can't see how anyone, no matter how much of an indoctrinated follower can in good conscience want to become a slave for these sneering morons.
  6. So is this Gawkers masterstoke at sowing division, seems a little...weak. Edit: I assume everybody will just use both.
  7. What i'm continually perplexed by is this claim that Mr Grayson's unethical behaviour has been debunked, when in reality it was proven by himself and his editor. He slept with a developer and thus caused a conflict of interest, this would be fine if he had informed his editor and recused himself. He did not thus his impartiality was compromised and he was guilty of misconduct, even if he never wrote a single word about her. Ms Hernandez' unethical behaviour was arguably worse. However Mr Totilo's covering for his journalists and denying any wrongdoing is in my opinion the most unethical behaviour, but that is subjective, whereas the former cases are proven and admitted unethical. Yet the same claim that these unethical actions have been debunked keep on cropping up, do the SJF's believe that repeating the same lie will make it true somehow? Mind you it doesn't really matter, when proven wrong they will simply shift the goalposts again, so that it's not about ethics or they're not bothered about that. Edit: Mr Chu came off as a paranoid hysteric in the above interview, Mr Pakman entirely reasonable.
  8. For me it's quite simple, a bunch of (mainly) spoiled corrupt white men slandered and accused millions of men, women and children from all races, creeds and sexualities of being misogynistic, racist, homophobic etcetera. Quite reasonably these consumers protested as is their right, also their frustration with a medium that has been unfit fo purpose for many years had been steadily accumulating, prompting a ferocious reaction against this latest round of abuse. The gaming media tried to hide behind their supposed self righteousness, which is revealed by the makeup of their group to be bogus, and further demonised the millions they had allready slandered. Sinking to the level of schoolground taunts and hatemongering. But interestingly they also revealed their true fascistic agenda, which is not improvement of gaming (which has problems that are being overcome,) but censorship and control according to their biased, blatant and childish agenda. They do not want innovation, improvement or representation, they want blatant preaching and clumsy moralising that fits in with their pampered, privileged worldview. And for all to be forced to abide by the decisions of these few spoiled white children. Furthermore they want games to regress to badly written, non interactive graphical picture books, which are for them the height of technology. Quite frankly I can't see why anyone would want these morons, raving and gibbering nonsensically in the McIntosh Zone, to be allowed anywhere near game development. They're against game developers whom they slander, they're against a broad spectrum of players covering every demographic whom they feel free to villify and they're against the medium improving at all. That's just my personal view however.
  9. I'm sure Mr Sawyer will get around to it at some time, especially if a Poe 2 is viable (and they wish to partake in this hassle again.) Personally I think it can add quite a few benefits to a game, I always thought Tiamat and Bahamut dissappearing from the skies of Krynn was quite a good dramatic scene in Dragons of Autumn Twilight, though I never particularly cared for the book or series all told. Edit: The observatory on Moonglow in Ultima also stands out as quite a nice and sometimes useful feature.
  10. As a point of interest, if I may ask you ladies and gentlemen whom have played the beta: How much do you think that your characters efficiency is marred by not having access to the resources you will have (theoretically) built up throughout the rest of the game, up to the point where the beta begins?
  11. I'm definitely with you on an increased focus on shield use Mr Sensuki, armies and combat have been built upon good use of the left arm, and methods of using and bypassing shields could build an entire talent tree in my opinion. For single combat it would be nice to see the effectiveness of the buckler actually translated into a game for once, rather than it being the poor mans choice of defense. Indeed maybe even spiked bucklers, or the Highlanders famous use of the Dirk in his Targe holding hand.
  12. I sound like i'm proving Mr Infinitron right, but having watched your recent video which at the beginning showed stealth animations, my immediate thought was that this is how a combatant should approach combat (without the transparency of course.) Wary, watchful and in a combat ready stance, rather than running forward willy nilly. However that's only my preference however.
  13. Ah I see, thank you for the information. Personally however I haven't found turn based combat systems to be limited or boring, in fact just the opposite, the sense of anticipation on the enemies turn and waiting for ones tactics to succeed or fail has always thrilled me. Even in pen and paper when one is waiting on the dice throw to delight or damn, there was always a great excitement to the move and counter move of turn based combat. I still hold TOEE and JA2 to be some of the finest combat systems i've ever experienced. This is not to denigrate the IE games RTWP system however, I relished the challenges of both the IWD's and BG2's spell intensive battles, the optimum use of ones pawns and selection of casting choices, and look forward to similar challenges in Poe.
  14. As somebody whom has not yet played the beta (rather busy,) I have to admit that just watching Sensuki and others videos, the game does seem more suited to a turn based system. Especially with the use of so many skills from all the characters on screen. However i've not played it so may be mistaken.
  15. The anti-GG are not still tolerating IMC are they? I mean the gentleman endorsed the genocide of six million men, women and children, they can't seriously be wanting such an individual supporting them, can they? If so then they have sunk further than I can believe.
  16. Lords of the Fallen is a good game, gameplay wise at least. The bosses and environments are however a touch unimaginative, and the plot is disappointingly mundane considering all the potential that it could have, what with the dead god and his rising from torpor. The pc port is a touch unstable and somewhat hammered by the drm punishing players performance, as well as some other issues. All told i'd say that i'm happy with the purchase, it's no Severance but what is? Oh by the looks of it you may not be able to gather all lore and secrets in one playthrough, and you will be given three playthroughs with the same character so as to master Warrior, Rogue and Cleric classes.
  17. Why would you go to war with them dude, they seem to be doing a pretty good job of going to war with themselves. Being Queen of Victimtown is srs bsns. "To be united by hatred is a...fragile alliance at best."
  18. You don't understand, he's also French. Weep with him brethren, cry bitter salt tears and rend thy clothes. Edit: I'm awful, sorry.
  19. Well I can confidently state that I avoid talking to anyone of the female gender whilst walking the byways and highways of England, just today I briskly strode past a woman who was asking for my attention, quickly leaped into and started the car and drove away. When Mrs Nonek finally got home she was quite upset about my ignoring of her, we can't win!
  20. You unlock this door with the key of a weak imagination, beyond it is another dimension. A dimension of much sound, a dimension of short sightedness, a dimension of a weak mind. You're moving into a land both shallow and substanceless, of things that have no idea. You've just crossed over into the McIntosh Zone.
  21. I agree with most of your points but have to say that some of the aforementioned demonisation and dehumanisation is fairly much unfixable, the shows of utter contempt and hatred cannot really be forgotten, especially when they're directed at ones audience whom have in reality given the publications existence in the first place. For such people as Ms Alexander and Mr Biddle, I can't see any improvement in the toxic atmosphere of game journalism without their removal.
  22. Personally I think Mr Biscuit let the gentleman off very lightly on the subject of ethics, Mr Totilo talked a good game, but both of the reporters mentioned only declared their conflcits of interest after the fact. This is clearly a breach of ethics and any good editor should see it as his duty to judge such knowing omissions in a draconian manner, whereas Mr Totilo is content to do nothing at all, not even have the reporters who he admits breached ethics, issue an apology. All together I found that interview was a classic demonstration of double talk and evasion, where the editor gives his reporters carte blanche to even sleep with their subject matter, but not be judged impartial or tainted at all. A journalist of course can have friends, but they must not include anyone in his professional sphere, ones private life must be seperated, this is not difficult or unknown.
  23. I admit I have a certain relish when eating duck.
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