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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. Does anyone need a card that powerful yet for just gaming purposes?


    Not that I know what all those technical specs mean but I'm sure its saying, it's pretty powerful.


    Heres hoping everything is a lot cheaper late this year, when I plan to build a new computer.

  2. Just finished Splinter Cell. I have all three games and the first was a lot of fun, but I'm needing a break from the Stealthy sneaking for a while. Next two games are installed and ready to go. I tested them out and my old 9600pro card seems to handle both of them pretty well. I was surprised!


    I got Psychonauts, but the game came with 2 CD2s and no CD3...so I can't play until I get a new copy. Shame, was looking forward to playing some on the weekend.

  3. The Revan Revelation...never saw it coming. I'm glad I never saw it coming or engaged my brain to think while playing the game. I was just enjoying myself immensely.


    I always liked that FMV in Warcraft 3 where that Axe ogre guy kills that Demon dude. Can't remember their names, been too long. Not exactly moving, but exciting to watch.


    In FFVI where Locke and Ceres(Celes?) are in that whole opera scene. It was nicely done and really romantic, even with the graphics and music at the time. I still hum the music sometimes. Actually this whole game kicked ass and its probably the only JRPG I could play through now...random encounters and all.


    The ending FMV to Prince of Persia 3. It brought the series full circle, and I was pretty moved by the sudden nostalgia. I was still dissapointed in Farah's new voice...they should have gotten the original voice of Farah.


    The entire talk with Deionarra before you faced the Transcendent One. I always felt sad for her and always wanted my version of the Nameless One to set things right and seek forgiveness.


    Watching as my companions all perished to protect me in PST.


    Resurrecting and talking to the companions once again at game-end in PST.


    When Jade reunites with Peyj in Beyond Good and Evil! I never was so happy to see a pig before...except of course when I'm about it eat one. When are they making a sequel to this game dammit.


    In Jedi Knight 2, when you encounter your first lightsaber wielding Reborn in cloud city. Up until then it was just an ok game, from then it became an awesome game.


    Come to think of it, my first time playing Dark Forces 2 was special. I felt like I was in an interactive movie and not a game.


    Hmm..too sleepy to think of more.

  4. I suggest drastically cutting the budget for voice actors and using the money from there to fund more important parts of the game.


    Now, I won't deny that voice acting does add a level of immersiveness, but I really don't need every single line in the game spoken. Maybe just for the first one or two lines to set the tone and character of the NPC talking and maybe full voice acting for major plot points, but not every single line please.


    Use that money to create more gameplay options or roleplay opportunities or hire a very talented writer that respects the series.

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