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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. Beyond Divinity. It's a lot harder than the first one.


    Soul Calibur 2. Currently playing Yunsung. I'll pick up 3 for Christmas.


    I haven't gotten around buying any new games in awhile. There aren't any games that really pique my interest right now. Plus I'm saving up for a new computer so I'm saving all the money that comes into my grubby little hands.

  2. I would watch it, but probably when it comes out on DVD.


    T2 was the best Terminator for me. If you didn't get even a teensy emotional when Ahhold gave the thumbs up at the end, there's something wrong with you.


    Garrgh~ stop with the Arnold butt images...they made me think of Patrick Swayze's behind shot in Roadhouse. So now I have two male butt images in my head.


    I gotta watch some lesbian porn.

  3. I know Koreans and Chinese tend not to share the bill. Instead of buying rounds, we Koreans argue endlessly about who'll pay the bill(Most people fight about WANTING to pay the bill except for the few cheapasses.) and then someone buys the entire night, then someone else pays next time and so forth.


    Since I've been in the U.S. I asked around as to bar/drinking etiquette before doing anything stupid and got the rules of buying rounds down. The rules tend to bend when there are women involved or among close friends.


    Those peeps who walked off after getting a free drink seem to be in bad form though.

  4. Meta: You must be in expcellent physical shape. For me, as soon as the burn starts, all my attention goes there. I kind of revel in the pain and it does start to feel after a while...then it starts to hurt again.

  5. I'm a pretty easy-going guy.


    I take the 'if you're not bothering me then I don't care' approach to most things in life.


    However there are some things that annoy me for absolutely no reason. Right now it's people who read things while working out.


    I'd be running on the treadmill or peddling on the bike, huffing and puffing, when someone comes on the machine next to me, opens up a book with tiny print and begins 'reading' while going at slow leisurely place.


    Now, I probably wouldn't be bothered if it was a magazine or a comic book or something with large print and/or pictures. But most of these reading materials look like textbook copies of some thesis on one subject or another.


    I can hardly concentrate on my own thoughts when I run/bike. If you can concentrate on that tiny print and comprehend what it's saying, then you aren't exercising hard enough. Sweat a little for God's sake!


    End of pointless rant on inane subject.

  6. I hate being scared. I watched the original Japanese version of the The Grudge, titled Ju-on and couldn't sleep for days.


    Of course I watched it alone at night with the lights off in my then basement like room.


    Never saw the Grudge though, is it scary?

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