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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. Hyperspace travel in SW did always seems a little strange.


    The strangest bit has to be in ESB when Luke trains with Yoda during the duration of the Millenium Falcon's escape from Hoth, evasion of Imperial Forces, travel to Bespin and subsequent time on Bespin.


    Does anyone know how long this took? It could be a few days or at least a month.

    Was Luke really so talented that he learned so much in so a little a time? Or is it that hyperspace travel does take quite a long time? In SW at least.

  2. I speed read through part of the Ep3 novelization in a bookstore while my sister was looking for a few books, and some of the scenes in the book were great.


    I wish they had that entire conversation between Sidious and Dooku in the film, though I can understand why it was cut or was it ever filmed at all? It gives you a greater understanding of Dooku's motivation.


    Also in the book Anakin grapples with his darker persona the Dragon...which I though was a corny name, but a few scenes with Anakin fighting with this darkness in his dreams might have been cool.

  3. I just like playing games through whatever medium presents itself.


    My financial situation usually discourages me from buying everything I want though.

  4. Are the characters in the movie portrayed by Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson and Katie Holmes important characters in the Batman comics? I've never heard of them in the few comics and mostly cartoons I've seen.


    Or were they just created for the movie?

  5. Maybe the workers formed a Labor Union or something and Sidious had to come up with health and dental plans as well as other employee benefits to appease them. :devil:


    Then he had to put in place an elaborate scheme, to make the disbandment of such employee organizations perfectly legal. It must have been a grueling process of endless committee meetings, legal interpretations, discourses on financial and economical repercussions and other manipulative lobbying intentionally caused by Sidious and Vader to finally bring the Senate to approve that such unions were a direct threat to the peace and stability of the galaxy. Sidious denounced them as traitors and ordered their immediate demise.


    Sidious then enacted Order 72 and had all the clone troopers kill off union leaders and their advocates while he sent Vader to kill any stragglers that might have escaped.


    Then they had to train a new work force!


    In the shadows, Sidious grins with an evil satisfaction and murmurs, "Soon I will have a new work force, a younger more powerful work force."

  6. It was their first time building such a weapon. They probably made design, engineering and architectural errors. Considering Vader killed anyone who made a mistake, no wonder it took so long to build it.

  7. My thoughts Kalfear,


    1) I think Chewbacca just had great respect for Yoda rather than the entire Jedi Order. Yoda says he has good relations with the Wookies so no doubt he had helped them out some way in the past. Maybe even had life-debts with the important members of Wookie society?


    2) I think there's a book detailing Grievous' story. No doubt other members will be better informed. I'm looking at you Nurbs.


    3)Yeah, I agree that Anakin fell too fast too far. Maybe the novelization details it better, but in the movie it feels way too fast.


    4) There were probably Jedi survivors who escaped slaughter, either by escaping from the clone troopers through luck or skill, or jedi who were on secret, espionage type missions alone in the field. I think it would have been better to see Vader fall gradually from ep 1 and 2 then have the 3 dedicated to Vader hunting down Jedi. That would have been cool.


    5) You forget there were 2 Death Stars. The first one is the one we see at the end of ep 3. It is destroyed at the Battle of Yavin in Ep 4, by none other than Luke Skywalker. The Empire then secretly begins to build a new bigger Death Star that improves upon the original design(though its not that much, I mean fighters can freakin fly into the main generator...) and that is around 3/4 complete during ep 6.


    To Paladin,


    Was Bail Organa declared traitor in the movie? Although Sidious probably knew who his proponents and opponents were, he still had to have the approval of most of the Senate in the early days of the Empire while he consolidated his power further. The outright slaughter of senators would most likely cause massive revolt across the galaxy and without some kind of superweapon to control the galaxy, even a Sith Lord had to follow the basic rules of politics and power.


    He didn't disband the Senate in Ep3. Instead he said something to the effect of, "The republic will be reorganized into the first galactic empire, ruled over by this august body and lead by an emperor elected for life!" He wanted to give the illusion of power to the senators, make them think they were in still in charge.


    Then ep4 rolls around and the Death Star is completed and then BOOM! senate disbanded. Don't like it? Ok! We'll blow your planet up! You remember that scene don't you? Tarkin announces the emperor has done away with the last remnant of the Republic. Another officer timidly asks if that various worlds would stand for that and Tarkin replies, "Fear will keep them in line."

  8. I remember watching the animated version of Watership Down, and at the end where Hazel passes on made me very sad.


    It was a happy kind of sad though.


    I can't stand rabbits in real life, but damn if I don't love those rabbits in Watership Down. They're like heroes!


    Damnit, I want to watch the animated movie now. Years have passed since I last saw it.

  9. You would think the Jedi would have received some warning through the Force about the sudden intentions of the Clones.


    Hmm, unless the troopers being clones somehow prevents the Force from affecting them like natural life forms. Or maybe Sidious instructed them to be cloned without midichlorians?

  10. Does this mean that the Jedi vs Sith comics will be ignored? Those comics tell the story of the Battle at Ruusan where hundreds of Jedi faced off against the Brotherhood of the Sith. At the end, the Sith facing defeat, create a type of Force bomb that annihilate and trap both their spirits and the spirits of the Jedi they were battling.


    Only Bane survives among the Sith and goes on to create the law of 2 thing.

    And... don't forget the lightwhips and golden flying pirate ships.


    Yes, I wish these struck from the Jedi archives.

  11. Does this mean that the Jedi vs Sith comics will be ignored? Those comics tell the story of the Battle at Ruusan where hundreds of Jedi faced off against the Brotherhood of the Sith. At the end, the Sith facing defeat, create a type of Force bomb that annihilate and trap both their spirits and the spirits of the Jedi they were battling.


    Only Bane survives among the Sith and goes on to create the law of 2 thing.


    I though this was when the Sith turn all shadowy and secretive, their plans to take over the galaxy culminating with Palpatine and Vader.


    It seems the movie, if made, will show something different.


    I wouldn't mind though, I didn't particularly like the Jedi vs Sith comics all that much. I think it was the art style.

  12. I always knew Shaft I mean Mace was a badass.


    Seems like he was the perfect Sith dispatcher, able to channel the dark energies directed at him back at his assailants with no detrimental effects to himself. I LIKE vaapad.


    It also seems like Palpatine was gambling on Anakin's trust in him as well, rather than being the all seeing, all powerful, omniscient entity I thought he was. Although it was a well calculated gamble with the odds entirely in his favor.


    He should have been a mutual/hedge fund manager or something.

  13. Nah Kaftan, I liked that scene. You could sense Anakin's frustration. All this time he knows he's more powerful than Obiwan, saved his ass on numerous occasions, probably feels superior to Obiwan in almost every way.


    Than he ends up with 3 extremities cut off, helpless before Obiwan. He probably thinks Obiwan tricked him somehow, tricked Padme into turning against him and vents that anger.

  14. I disagree with the saber mechanics being made similar to those of the Jedi Knight Games.


    It should be totally revamped to portray Vader's heavier style of fighting. In the current Jedi Knight games everyone jumps and rolls and spins around like mad. It doesn't become the dark menacing figure of Vader.

    Read my post again! :ermm:)


    heh, sorry, I totally breezed past the meat of your post.


    Concussion blasts it is then! That and a more...engaging lightsaber combat.

  15. I disagree with the saber mechanics being made similar to those of the Jedi Knight Games.


    It should be totally revamped to portray Vader's heavier style of fighting. In the current Jedi Knight games everyone jumps and rolls and spins around like mad. It doesn't become the dark menacing figure of Vader.


    Not that I think this game will be made or anything.. :p

  16. What was up with the last part of the lightsaber duel on Mustafar? Obiwan announces he's on the high ground and suddenly he wins? Anakin is so powerful that he can't use the Force to run up a slightly ascending gravelly slope instead of trying to stupidly jump over a already prepared and waiting Obiwan?


    I guess I can accept this by knowing Obiwan obviously baited Anakin's UBER ego, but it still seems incredibly stupid of Anakin, who easily dispatches Dooku. He must have had some sort of Force premonition/instinct/warning not to do that...oh well.

    It didn't look like "baiting the ego" to me... on the contrary, Obi Wan was trying to stop Anakin from fighting further because he got in position where he'd get a free swing at the opponent, no matter of approach... pretty much the 'i win' button. :)


    True, it wasn't baiting per se, but it did provoke Anakin to make a hasty attack, since Obiwan arbitrarily announcing the duel was over and that would have grated Anakin's pride. Anakin always thought himself more powerful than Obiwan.


    The more I think about that scene the more I like it. With Anakin screaming, "I Hate you!" and Obiwan answering with, "I loved you. You were my brother!" Wow.

    Both actors did a good job there.


    On another note, has anyone read the novelization of the movie? I heard it goes into more detail about how Quigon learned the secrets of living through the Force as well as delve deeper into the Sith history Sidious mentions.


    Also was Liam Neeson in this film but cut or was he not offered an appearance at all? I think his appearance would have done a lot for the story at the end rather than Yoda just telling us about him. Due to the success of the extended versions of LotR, do you think Lucas might release a extended version of ep. 3?

  17. I wouldn't mind a game like this, though I think Lucasarts would turn it into a simple action hack and slash game like the Ep. 3 game, rather than a deep engrossing RPG that expands upon the movies.

  18. I'm not really familiar with Batman beyond what is relative common knowledge from various movies and comics over the years.


    However I am excited about this movie. I particularly enjoy superhero movies where the history and motivations of the characters are explained somewhat. I'm also more interested in how Batman trained and how he became the master fighter, criminologist, escape artist he is. It looks like the move will explore these aspects instead of throwing Batman headlong into another generic storyline fighting some insane slighted villian.


    I think Christian Bale is a good choice. He kinda talks funny(short tongue?) but I think he has the physical presence needed for the film. He seems to be a pretty good actor, though the only other movie I've seen him in is the one with the dragons, which may not be the greatest reference.


    I'm sure he'll at least be on par with the previous actors who protrayed Batman.

  19. I just thought of something.  In all the weeks and months leading up to the release of ROTS, I kept reading from alot of people involved with the project  about how we were going to see lots of Jedi with double-bladed sabers in this one.


    I didn't see a single staff lightsaber in the entire movie.


    I think the whole point of the Staff saber was to make Maul look more menacing and to give the impression that the Sith were more attuned to the martial aspects of the Force.


    I heard there was a side story between Maul and Sidious where, Sidious sends Maul to find the schematics of the staff saber first used by Exar Kun? Not sure though.

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