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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. During the early rumor days of Ep.3, I was expecting the Vader transformation earlier on in the movie and looked forward to seeing a masked dark hulking Vader hunt down Jedi and have some cool duels with the more powerful ones like Mace Windu, Plo Koon and Adi Gallia.


    Speaking of Adi Gallia, we didn't see her die in the movie right? I always wanted to see her backhanded lightsaber fighting style. Wonder what happens to her.


    More random thoughts after digesting the film for 2 days.


    What was up with the last part of the lightsaber duel on Mustafar? Obiwan announces he's on the high ground and suddenly he wins? Anakin is so powerful that he can't use the Force to run up a slightly ascending gravelly slope instead of trying to stupidly jump over a already prepared and waiting Obiwan?


    I guess I can accept this by knowing Obiwan obviously baited Anakin's UBER ego, but it still seems incredibly stupid of Anakin, who easily dispatches Dooku. He must have had some sort of Force premonition/instinct/warning not to do that...oh well.


    If Maul can be stupidly cut in half I guess Anakin can too.


    I was expecting Obiwan to be overwhelmed by Anakin's ferocity but eventually use guile to gain the upper hand. I guess he did in a way


    I still want to see the movie again. :)

  2. I just saw Ep 3 with a friend and it was pretty good. It made me feel all nostalgic inside and I wanted to go home and watch the OT again.


    Possible Spoilers Below


    I'll probably end up just rambling so bear with me.


    I was dissapointed that some main scenes that should have been in the movie were not there. Perhaps not all the scenes Nur mentioned, but Yoda landing on Dantooine and the appearance of Qui Gon would have made the film better at the end. I was hoping for Qui Gon to imply that Anakin WAS the chosen one despite his actions. An argument between a despairing Obiwan and a calm Qui Gon right at the end would have been nice.


    I liked the lightsaber combat a lot. You could tell the actors, especially Hayden Christensen and Ewan Mcgregor, put a lot of effort into practicing. The movements were reminiscent of some Chinese swordplay were the sword is kept close to the body in defense.


    I was a little dissapointed in Anakin's fall to the darkside as a lot of people seem to be. However, considering the fact that he had just helped a Dark Lord of the Sith kill a Jedi Master as well as his desperation to keep Padme alive, he must have considered it the only path he could take. As mstormrage mentioned, Anakin's ego, his previous indulgence in the dark side, his disdain for endless debate and deliberation and his quest for power all led him down the dark path.


    Anakin was a control freak. He also loved those dear to him, sometimes to the extreme. He couldn't bear the loss, even the thought of the loss of anyone close to him. He most likely had high expectations of himself, with everyone telling him he's the Chosen One in addition to all his abilties. No doubt he felt if someone he cared for died, it was his failure. It was his failure to protect them. This was his greatest fear, and the main reason for his fall. His desire to rule the galaxy was just an extension to control everything about him.


    Plus he was young and not yet wise, controlled by his passions and ego


    But I'm sure I'm just saying stuff everyone already knows :thumbsup:


    This misguided love Anakin/Vader holds is how he is redeemed at the end of RotJ.


    I was wondering during the movie if Anakin's birth was the product of a Sith Plot? Sidious does say that Darth Plageus was so powerful that he could manipulate midichlorians to create life. This sounds like the birth of Anakin to me. Whether this is jut another lie by Sidious to entice Anakin with the possibilty of saving Padme, or a veiled truth I'm not sure. If as another poster said, that Sidious was the one projecting the images into Anakin's dreams he could have also manipulated other events to bring about Anakin's birth and subsequent fall, all right under the Jedis' noses under the guise of the Chosen One prophecy. The Sith would no doubt take great pleasure in the Jedi being betrayed and murdered by the very one they thought would bring balance. If so I guess the jokes on them because Anakin does end up fulfilling the prophecy. The Force works in mysterious ways.


    Also I always though the dark side brought about the physical deformities the Sith seemingly suffered. The white pasty wrinkled skin, yellow eyes and the general debilitation of the body. It seems that this isn't the case. Obviously lightning brings about such defigurations. Dooku and Maul didn't have those deformities come to think of it. I loved the face-off(literally) between Mace and Sidious. I guess Mace was the best jedi combatant during that era. He did smack Sidious around good. Or was this just another planned move by Sidious to lure Anakin to the point of no return....Ahhh!


    One more thing before I go to sleep. Sidious mentions that the Sith will rule the galaxy once more. Did the Sith ever rule the galaxy? I think the Empire in the first for them. I mean they always seemed to collapse right before they set up any form of stable government. Correct me if I'm wrong.


    Anyways, I loved the movie!

  3. Makes me curious as to what Finger of Death considers a good game. I mean there are a few gems in the PS library, surely he has to admit that.


    Of course, not owning one myself, I can't really say, but games like Soul Calibur2, Burnout 3, God of War, Prince of Persia and Metal Gear Solid 3 are deserving of some praise. I've played some at a friend's place and they were jolly fun.


    Maybe not enough good games to warrant a purchase however?

  4. I like making masters of a particular weapon. A weaponmaster if you will. Either that or a monk character that is a master of the martial arts.


    I don't like making them a master of all trades, just deadly in hand to hand combat. There's just a pleasure I feel when my character can physically whack around almost anyone in the game. Of course it doesn't work sometimes in worlds populated by dragons and mages and liches, but that's why I like traveling with a party.

  5. There was one thrust attack in the movie, made by Darth Maul when he killed Qui Gon.


    Remember? Maul pushing Qui's lightsaber up then hit him on the nose with his lightsaber hilt then doing a half turn and thrusting his lightsaber backwards into Qui Gon.


    Maybe not a thrusting attack in the traditional sense but it worked.

  6. I wish I could but I'm stuck home studying for a test next week. I'm planning on watching it after, when my mind isn't trying to memorize stuff.


    I watched the Batman Begins 10minute trailer just now, and wow it seems like it'll be a lot of fun. The new Batman costume looks badass. Thank God there are no nipples.


    It seems like the first part of the movie will concentrate on the training Bruce Wayne received. I'm always been more interested in how Batman trained to make himself a deadly fighter, sneak, escape artist, forensics expert, etc. I think he is in Japan in the movie preview since there are ninjas and he trains with a katana.


    Maybe its Hokkaido the northern most island. I read that it gets cold up there and there are indigenous tribes still living there in seclusion.


    Just some random rambling.

  7. O'course, Metroid had always been a game that relied on player skill... Any concerns surrounding its jump from sidescrolling 2D into firstperson 3D were as minimal as whatever concerns may have been surrounding the same thing in regards to games like Metal Gear or Grand Theft Auto. The gameplay would remain the same, and the switch didn't tamper with it... Fallout, or any game that operates primarily on character skill being changed into a player reflex fest, or halfway combining player and character skill, affects some underlying gameplay elements of the game.


    Good points. I agree.

  8. I totally agree that the isometric view and the aiming of specific body parts(groin) is a great part of the Fallout atmosphere. Of course, there were similar concerns about Metroid making the 'jump' to 3d, but that seemed to have turned out ok.


    I haven't played the new Metroid games, but the response seems to be good. I still have fun playing Metroid on my GBA though.

  9. Cool thread.


    I'm not really emotional so I've never cried watching a movie. The only time I cried while viewing some form of entertainment, is when Big Dan and Little Ann die at the end of Where the Red Fern Grows.


    I had grown so attached to those two dogs while reading the book that tears just came to my eyes.


    As for movies, the Terminator 2 ending is indeed moving. When Rocky says, "I love you" at the end of Rocky 1, that was beautiful too. The best 'I love you' ever.


    How about when Darth Vader dies in the arms of Luke. Finally redeemed, finally forgiving himself in the love he sees in Luke's eyes. The imperial march slowly fading away... I love that scene.

  10. That's it, I moving back to the mountains in Korea. This is too scary. Since the world is going to end, might as well buy all the consoles and all the games ever and bring them with me.


    I'll need a portable generator too or somehow make a water mill.

  11. I really want to see this movie.


    It'll be the first movie I'll see in theaters since I moved back to the US. Its kinda fitting in a way.


    Too bad I have test a few days after the movie opens. I guess I'll have to wait till after the test. I'll see a late night show after the test, and hope the crowds aren't too tight. (Fat chance)

  12. The true sith empire waits on the edge of the galaxy, ready for the war to come.


    Revan may have been drawn by the call of home. Which could be the old Sith empire. He is there to fight.


    Perhaps Revan will be the main character. It's quite a good fit. You find out that these new planets where the real sith live is where Revan came from. You either continue the fight, or you destroy the leaders and take the empire for yourself. Of course they would need a way to make Revan weaker. Perhaps the Sith have agents that are solely devouted to a form of the force which can blind the force completely to a force user but not their masters. Your first goal is to destroy these agents or find their source and remove them. Or find out how their masters are shielded.


    This would also work for the exile.


    Or maybe not.


    I think this is a pretty good idea if the PC was Revan. It would fit in nicely with the KOTOR tradition of planet hopping and meddling in their affairs. Plus we'd get to see some unknown region worlds, so the designers could pretty much come up with anything they wanted.


    Plus it would be a nice setup for the creation of original and powerful Sith Masters on each of the planets that you visit.

  13. Yay! another K3 thread!


    If we play as Revan(something I want but don't see happening), maybe it'll work if we have Revan playing as a non jedi character in the Sith populated worlds beyond the outer rim. Obviously he wouldn't want to announce his presence by spamming lightning and wave while cutting up baddies with his lightsaber. His levels and powers as a jedi will be intact but just inaccessible for a time until he reaches a certain level in his non-jedi class and the story moves forward to the point where he is forced to reveal himself/herself.


    Instead of starting off as a generic soldier/scoundrel/scout, there could be new classes like bounty hunter/spy/smuggler that Revan could start as, all with their unique feats and skills.


    I also like the idea of Revan as a pervasive presence throughout the game. A shadowy figure who guides and manipulates the new PC. That's a cool idea.

  14. I think, that KOTOR III should at least contain some reference to Darth Plagueis, Darth Sidious'master. It makes sense, being that Sidious makes a reference to this ancient Sith Lord, who learned how to create life. If so, then Sidious could be the connection between the KOTOR series and the Prequel trilogy. The Exile could even become Lord Sidious. Or maybe Revan becomes Sidious, explaining Sidious'seemingly obsessiveness over Darth Vader's suit. Anyway, just a thought, and you can feel free to critique it, as this is not my definite prediction, just a possibility not explored yet.


    Umm, sorry but I don't see this ever happening. :)

  15. The first movie was great. I watched it with two friends at an three movie allnighter. We had heard nothing of the movie, which might have been because we were in Korea and so figured it was just another generic action movie. We were pleasantly surprised and it wasn't long before we were acting like idiots in the lobby during the intermisssion.


    I watched the second two movies with some hope, but was pretty dissapointed. I still don't fully understand what the old guy was saying at the end of Reloaded but I pretty much didn't care by then.

  16. I was looking at the list of games that are showing at E3 and can't wait to see a few games.


    Prince of Persia 3. A lot of people were dissapointed in PoP2, but I thought it was a great game. The characters were a little shallow, I admit that. According to what I've read, the alternate ending to PoP2 seems to be 'canon' so I'm interested to see how the three main characters will interact. I hope to see more character development in the Prince other than, "RAWWWR, I'm angry!"


    Soul Calibur 3. Who doesn't like this game?


    Romance of the Three Kingdoms X. I've liked this series since way back when. The majority of people who truly love this game are most likely familiar with the warriors and strategists and their exploits during this time of Chinese history, but the game itself is really fun.


    Starcraft: Ghost. I've always enjoyed the Starcraft universe and am interested into how this game will fit into the storyline. Plus I've always wanted to call down a nuclear strike.


    I'm also curious about FF7: Advent Children. I played FF7 with great glee on the PC and so it'll be cool to see the characters return for some more adventures.

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