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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. I always play a weaponmaster/kensai type of character my first time through a RPG if I have the choice. I stick to one weapon of choice only, usually a sword type weapon.


    I enjoy playing as a monk too, with his fists and staves.


    I can't seem to play evil, yet I don't like people telling me what to do, so I usually play a chaotic good character every time.

  2. This is so sweet. We finally drove the thread to a truly interesting subject.

    Yes, but every aspiring Ninja must have their ninja theme playing in the backround:


    Ninja, Ninja, RAP! Ninja, Ninja, RAP!

    GO GO GO

    Go Ninja, Go Ninja, GO; Go Ninja, Go ninja, GO!

    Go Ninja, Go Ninja. GO; Go Ninja, Go ninja, GO!



    Ah, Vanilla Ice and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, a winning combination. I love that movie. The Secret of the Ooze!

  3. Well Darth Maul actually LOOKS the most skilled. He's not really flashy at all in his attacks. They're short and to the point. Except when he's flipping around.


    Dooku uses some fencing style, but in the movies I didn't really see anything resembling fencing. He just seemed to fighting using twirly slashing movements. Hardly any parrying thrusts which I associate with fencing. Then again I don't know anything about fencing so I could be wrong.


    Mace is supposed to be a great saberist, but he just looked kinda awkward when running and blocking blaster shots.


    Yoda looked crazy. He probably becomes a pure conduit for the force so I can't really say.


    Anakin didn't look especially skilled. Sure he fought with two sabers but the movements were on a set path.


    Obi wan probably looked the best after Maul, probably because Ewan Mcgregor had more time to practice and he practiced with Ray Park.


    But all this doesn't really matter since storywise some are more powerful than others. Don't forget the destiny part.

  4. Never played the Thief series though I heard good things about it. I probably play all three games one of these days.


    Undying sounds scary too. I heard it was a fps horror game but I try to stay away from the scary stuff since I'm a sissy. Ever since I watched the original Japanese version of 'The Grudge', everything seems to freak me out more than it used to. Don't watch this movie alone and in the dark.


    Hitman 2 I've played. I have it in my library of games. The last Japanese mission is where you have to actually work your way through the castle and assassinate the guy right? Took me a lot of tries to get everything perfect, though there are multiple ways of offing the old guy. Great game.

  5. I'm just curious as to what my fellow posters are playing right now.


    I'm playing Beyond Good and Evil for the PC. It's a action/adventure/stealth hybrid game. Its remarkably fun and mixes the elements of the three genres pretty well. Not to mention it has a cool space battle, dog fight sequence and hovercraft races!


    I'm also playing Metal Gear Solid 2 for PC. I guess I don't need to tell anyone about what type of game it is. I had heard the controls were horrible for the PC and they are, and I think I'll need a PS2 controller and adaptor for the PC to play smoothly. But I'll hold out unless I can't stand it anymore. I may get used to it.


    That's it for me.


    I'll probably get my hands on Rome Total War next. That or Lego Star Wars. heh. Maybe both.

  6. I really enjoyed my first play through as a LS male Revan, getting to know Jolee and the gang.......but for some reason, the second-play as a female darksider felt much better!  I mean, it made all the cruelty inflicted on my party members that much worse in my eyes, having known and enjoyed their company in a previous file, er, life, but she was the mold to which I began my first game in KOTOR2.


    My second playthrough of KOTOR2 has my original LS male Revan, and I already feel like that ain't right!  :)


    Maybe you're just inherently evil? Derive pleasure in the suffering of others?

  7. There was a scene or two with those lame-o banking clan or techno-organic union goofs, so you never know :-


    Oh no. i can see it now.....





    The Revenge Of The Sith


    It is a dark time for the Republic ,projected Government

    profits for the fiscal year have proven to have been

    markedly overstated. As a result income tax

    will increase by 1.5% per head and the

    C3PO won't be able to afford a new golden shin for

    his right leg. It was pawned by ANAKIN SKYWALKER

    to pay for repairs to his bedroom after a tantrum

    he had last week over how nothing ever went his way.


    OBI WAN KENOBI, Jedi Master, and Anakins

    mentor, has been unable to afford a decent

    haircut in weeks; and has taken to sporting a

    natty beard in the hope of scrounging some

    credits while busking on the Coruscant Underground

    Meanwhile, MACE WINDU has embarked on a

    personal quest to seek the truth behind SENATOR PALPATINES

    increased dutytax on the Big Banthapoodoo Burger.


    Unbeknownst to the JEDI, Senator Palpatine

    has been creaming the profits to buy himself a pimped up

    Personal Skiff with Bantha leather seats and wookie fur

    steering wheel, and bearing the window sticker,

    'Honk if you like it Darksyde'.


    The Saga continues as YODA arrives on Tattooine

    accompanied by JAR JAR BINKS, intent on pimping the

    Gungan out to JABBA THE HUT


    Oh yeah, and theres some war going on.


    Funny, HAHAHAHAHA :lol::ermm:

  8. I'm tempted to buy an XboX just for Jade Empire, but the temptation isn't that great.


    I have a feeling that it will come out for PC eventually and I can wait a very long time. I'm the patient type.

  9. Do we have the option to bring dead people back to be immortalized?


    Does immortality also bring imperviousness? I wouldn't want to be still alive if a train accidently hits me.


    I nominate Genghis Khan....just to see what would happen you know.

  10. Gary Oldman? I think this guy is great in all his roles. I think he played a good Sirius Black.


    Orlando Bloom, well not that great an actor yet, but he has time to improve. I didn't mind him as Legolas. He seemed to fit for the role.


    As for the girls liking him, well wouldn't you be smitten if a guy could bring down a huge Oliphant all by himself with just a couple of arrows? Think of what he could do in bed! Not that I think about that stuff...


    Gimli rocks!

  11. I once actually did the 40 days 40 nights thing mentioned before. Except I wasn't in a desert. I was up in the mountains in a small buddhist temple. I was up there for about a month, secluded, eating rice and veggies, hiking around the area and climbing to every peak. Just me and my thoughts and my physical self. And in those moments sitting atop a boulder watching the sunset after long days hike I met 'God'. Was it the Catholic/Christian God? Nope. Was it Buddha? Nope. It was the peace I felt within myself and my surroundings.


    True, I was probably moved emotionally from the grand vistas and my seclusion from the daily stress of everyday life, but I think I realized that life was about simplicity and peace within yourself. Well at least for me. I think everyone should stop running outwards towards the things we see and think will make us happy and look within ourselves a few times.


    'God' is within you.



    this story reminded me of one of those anecdotes you read about Buddhism, I wish i could remember who the guy was, but as his tale goes (I am relating as I remember it, so its not word for word, but we shall call him 'Bob').


    Bob did pretty much the same, he went to visit some buddhist monks, Bob himself was a christian, but he respected the religion, and felt there was possibly much he could learn from them. He spent much of his time meditating, being alone, thinking, doing, experiencing life from the perspective the monks guided him towards seeing things.


    one day Bob was sat, having been alone woith his thoughts, or meditating as you will. how long I do not know, and he had something of an epiphany.. when he returned to the Master who had been guiding him, he told him of his experience.. the Master asked what he had felt.. Bob said (and I'm paraphrasing here) 'I felt all life around me, I felt peace and harmony, and I felt God surrounding me and within me I knew that all was well.'


    the Master nodded and smiled replying 'Good, you must continue, meditate longer on this and eventually given enough time, God will go away. and then there will just be Bob.'


    Haha :) I think what the Monk says is true on some level.

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