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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. You see, Qui Gon is something like level 15 watchman, while maul is like level 18 mauarader.  Qui Gon was able to get maul down to 10 vp before he bite the dust.  Obi-Wan, who's also probably has watchman level (so sneak attack), was able to jump up and win the initiative roll, hence catching maul flat-footed.  Since maul is flat-footed, obi-wan was able to land a sneak attack, taking maul below 0 vp and killing him.


    And since Qui Gon is dead, Obi-Wan got to keep all the sweet experience point for himself.  And due to the huge level difference, it will be tons of xp  ;)"


    Now I understand! :D

  2. K1 and K2 are great games but the battles within the games didn't really have an epic feel to them. Compared to some of the main battles in the BG series and IWD series, my favorites being all the improved boss battles from ToB, the battle against Sarevok, and the boss battles in IWD, the battles in the KOTOR series are lacking.


    I think there are several reasons for this the most prominent being that the games are too easy. Everything is over before you can really savor the battle, whether you're using Storm to obliterate everything before you, smashing your opponents against the walls using wave or just cutting everything down with blinding Force speed.


    Another big reason is the lack of enemy AI. Enemies just charge you, even the dark jedi. In the infinity engine games at least the mages cast spells that disrupted or immobilized your party while the fighters charged. Dragons would blow you away if your fighters did too much damage. Sure there were proven tactics that worked everytime against such enemy advances but at least you had to think as to who would engage who, who would cast counter-spells, who would buff the party and who would quaff some invisibilty potions to do some backstabbing.


    Which brings me to my next point, the party is too small IMHO. 3 per party I think decreases the options made available to you, plus puts limits on how the design team can craft encounters with the enemy. If the party was larger I think the designers could throw more enemies strategically at you and you would have the options on how to respond to that. For example If your party was 5 or 6, then the designers could have enemies flank from opposite sides while another group attacks from the back. The enemies would each have different tactics as well. one group would lay down blaster fire, while another charged with swords. You could respond by sending a jedi towards the rear to protect from blaster fire, send two jedi to both flanks to deflect blaster bolts while positioning your blaster users behind them for protection, while your PC would charge the the advancing melee enemies. I'm sure the designers could come up with better stuff. There are probably some limits with the game engine to make this possible though.


    Another reason, the terrain is too flat. All the battles that take place in the game take place on relatively flat surfaces. Being that the game takes place in a 3D environment, it would have been awesome to see blaster fighters shooting from atop roofs, with jedi having the ability to jump to the rooftops to engage the enemy. How about enemies using jet packs like the Fetts. Mandalore could've used one to attack meet the enemies in the air, or jedi having the ability to force jump to cut them down. Does anyone remember that area in IWD where you're force to cross a bridge while archers and mages are attacking from across. Seeing something like this in Kotor would have been great. With enemies attacking from above and below as well as from the sides.


    The Boss Battles. In Kotor series most major boss battles are one on one. Revan/Malak, Exile/Sion, Exile/Traya, Exile and party/Nihilus. With the game being too easy, I think many players were dissapointed in just how quickly those battles ended. I think it would be more epic if your entire party was engaged in some way to the fight. Whether its holding down strategic points against henchmen coming to support their leader, or engaging the top lieutenants that attack alongside the main boss, or maybe sabotoging some energy source the boss feeds from, or trying to dismantle the traps in the surrounding area that could be fatal. Everyone would have some specific role to play that complements their abilities. Of course the main boss would also direct his followers to distrupt your plans while attacking you. You would also have to coordinate your party so that everything falls into place.


    Damn, have to catch some shut eye. :lol:


    Feel free to comment, flame, add, you know the usual. :lol:

  3. Wow, a father at 19. I can't really say I'm envious as I'm a lazy bastard with no sense of responsibility whatsoever, unless its studiously playing all the games I can get my hands on.


    But, congratulations!

  4. I just like the lightsabers.


    And the comics.


    And some of the books


    And the movies.


    And the games...except for those that suck....hard


    I used to have the original Millenium Falcon toy and the original action figures. I even had the set toys like Hoth and Tatooine.


    Then my mom gave them to some random kids when we moved. CURSES!


    I still cry when I think of that.

  5. Maul was cool. I was so sad to see him go, 'part ways' so to speak.


    He got too overconfident in the end, though I wonder why he didn't just hold his lightsaber horizontally in front of him when Obiwan jumped up from the chasm then did absolutely nothing while Obiwan took his time jumping and flipping and landing then igniting his lightsaber and performing a horizontal slash.


    Obviously his connection with the Force wasn't as strong as we thought if he couldn't feel the tiniest trace of foreboding.

  6. I would to buy all the consoles solely to play some of the exclusive games.


    XBOX - Ninja Gaiden, Halo2


    PS2 - Final Fantasy games, Shadow Hearts(Because ShadowPaladin keeps raving about it and I'm easily persuaded) Tekken 5, God of War, Metal Gear Solid series


    Gamecube : Zelda and Mario game never get old. Metroid Prime 1 & 2


    But alas! I'm a cheap bastard and am usually able to get my gaming fix from any PC games.


    I'm thinking of Beyond Good and Evil for my next game. Heard some good things about it.

  7. I wish the you can have more than 3 members to a party in the next game if there is one. Then you can have members with conflicting alignments together while your roaming the galaxy and they could have fights, kinda like BG2.


    I'd like to be able to take 4-5 characters with me off the Ebon Hawk. There could be more epic battles with a larger party against more enemies.


    Also I don't know about the rest of you guys and gals but I always prefered the top down view in RPGs. Well at least during combat. While the first person view and the behind the shoulder third person view increase the immersion factor the top down view gives combat a more tactical approach and you can see everything happening concerning you and your enemies which I think makes things more exciting.


    Maybe a camera switch option is viable? You can walk around, explore, converse with NPCs in the 3rd person view then switch to a top down view when you enter combat, or just leave the camera as is.


    Anyways thats just me.


    I would like to see something more of a combination of the influence and level based interactions and also optional quests for your NPCs. I really enjoyed the NPC quests in K1. It gave some insight on the NPCs' histories and character. That's why I felt more attached to the K1 companions than K2.

  8. True Sith Lord, wearing black as usual, but voiced by one of these three men.


    Christopher Walken

    Alen Rickman

    Bill Nigh


    I don't think Christopher Walken would make a good Sith Lord voice. This is partly because everytime I hear Mr. Walken's voice my brain thinks of Will Ferrel playing the cowbell.


    "I've got a fever! And the only prescription is more cowbell!"


    Funniest SNL skit ever.


    Alan Rickman's voice doesn't seem to ooze with evil either.

  9. I've got a bad feeling the cartoons will be better than the movie.


    Mace is cool. He obviously knows force crush and Grievous learned the hard way. :-


    Can't wait to see the confrontation between Sidious and Mace. Sidious will get a run for his money I'm sure. Samuel L. Jackson wouldn't have it any other way.

  10. Baldur's Gate got me hooked on the cRPG scene.


    I didn't really play the old console RPGs like Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy. I liked action and adventure games more back when I was a kid.


    I haven't tried the older cRPGS like the Goldbox series either.


    Ah well. I don't think I'll have the time to go back and play through them all. I'll have to look to the future.

  11. Well, you see, I am somewhat like Parks in my own techniques...So, ultimately, that is yet another reason why I like him better than the others...


    Excuse me while I say the following about Annie:

    "I AM QUEEN OF THE WORLD!!" *Standing on bow of Star Destroyer with his little closet hoe behind him*


    Come on, do NOT get me started on how L A M E Annie is in martial arts, every time he tries to fight, it makes me want to put a blaster to my temple and pull the trigger...


    Ewan is much the same as Annie, they both use the same bull**** styles, and niether has any concept of what REAL martial arts mastery IS, WAS, OR EVER WILL BE...


    They are AMERICAN MA wanna-be's, and as such, are limited in what they are able to do...


    Granted, I'm US too, but unlike Annie and Obi, I have spent my entire life perfecting what I can do with swordsmanship...I don't just do the Asian arts, I also do Fencing as well, so I understand all-too-well what they had Pooku doing in EP2, but that last war with Yoda...Oh man, if they call THAT Fencing, give me a loaded blaster right now...


    Anyway, I'm not trying to say they need better and/or more experienced fighters working at Lucasfilm (not like they could hire us even if they asked, hehehe...We'd demand far more than monetary compensation, at least I would :devil:), what I am saying, however, is that they need to get a *REAL* Master in there to train these people in how to do things properly without making the whole thing come off as an over-grown circus show all the time.


    That whole situation with Jango and Obi...Please! That was the most faked fight in history...I mean, Obi just grabs onto a METAL CABLE, and slides down it with his bare hands, and his hands don't get ripped apart?? The last time I saw someone try that technique, his hand was burned off from the friction :p


    I know, EP3 isn't EP2, but I don't hold out a lot of hope, because to my knowledge, whatever "Master" they have training the actors to do things now, has either not changed from EP2, or they got someone different who really isn't any different at all.


    Asides from all of this, EP3 is going to entirely SQUELCH the EU continuity, that fact alone makes me ready to start throttling George over the fence, if you know what I mean :D


    Lighten up. Of course movie fights aren't going to mirror real life fights. The important thing in the movies is to make things flashy and cool to look at. That's why jumping spinning hook kicks hit with an uncanny precision and weapons are twirled around with reckless abandon.

  12. Maybe he'll give Junior a saberwhip. That would liven things up!


    Also I wouldn't mind a few cool state of the art face melting special effects. I mean you can't get enough of pompous Nazis getting their faces melted.


    Try not to touch the heart ripping out scene. It still scares me like hell. I think its perfect the way it is.

  13. The problem with Darth Maul is that the actor who played him, Ray Park, is an extremely talented martial artist.


    If you compare the duel between Maul, Obiwan and Quigon, to Tyrannus, Anakin and Obiwan, the former is much faster and intricate. This is largely due to Ray Park's participation in the fighting choreography methinks. Sure there are documentaries with the staff of SW saying how great the actors pull off the lightsaber fighting and they do, but Ray Park has been training all his life and it really shows in how he moves. Let's face it even though Ewan Mcgregor and Liam Neeson did a great job in duel of the fates, you could tell that Park was the center of the action and the other two actors were just working off him.


    I think this gave Maul the image of being more powerful than he actually is forcewise. Even though Anakin is just repeating a spin and back with the two sabers in a set pattern in his duel with Dooku, he is the Chosen One and Maul probably would probably fall to him. Obi-wan too, is an important character forcewise and would never fall to Maul...even though he seems to actually move slower in AoTC than in TPM.


    The duel between Anakin and Obiwan seems to be shaping up nicely however, and you can tell Hayden Christensen(sp?) and Ewan McGregor put a lot of effort into perfecting their movements. Good job.

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