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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. Its probably the nostalgia in me talking but they don't make cartoons like they used to.


    I grew up watching Thundercats, Voltron, GI JOE, Transformers, Silverhawk and then later Batman, X-men, Spiderman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Disney cartoons. They were all packed with action and adventure.


    When I moved back to the US couple of months back, I was curious as to what was showing on Saturday mornings. Most of them were Japanese based card/collectible cartoons. Then there were the new cartoons like Luca Mucha(?) about kid wrestlers, and Shaolin Showdown, about kid Shaolin monks...who looked nothing like monks. They all managed to be loud and annoying beyond belief.


    There was this cool new Batman cartoon that seemed to be about Batman's early career and that was cool. The new TMNT cartonn was watchable but strayed too far from its roots in my opinion.


    There seemed to be a lot of japanese manga based cartoons as well. The one I saw was 'One Piece' which is actually a pretty fun manga, but the english voice overs made all the characters seem incredibly stupid.


    Strayed too much from its roots? It stayed closer to its roots than the old show did. I agree with you about cartoons nowadays though. Sometimes they get one right, like with Masters of the Universe, TMNT, Justice League, and even some of the sillier ones like the Fairly Odd Parents, but they're relying waaaaaay too much on dubbed japanese cartoons. Some are ok, but lately they don't seem to be airing anything good.


    I just saw a few episodes of the new TMNT, so I could be wrong. The ones I saw had the turtles and Splinter fighting a robotic Shredder with that brain creature in his torso. Krang was his name from the old cartoons. What's up with that? They were battling on a spaceship in an effort to save the galaxy from Shredder/Brain. Whether the brain took over shredder's body or the brain was Shredder, I'm not too sure.


    I think this is pretty far from TMNT's roots. Though I admit the later episodes of the older cartoons grew sillier by the airing. Shredder turned into a whining incompetent comedic relief character, not the evil deadly ninja master he's supposed to be.

  2. Its probably the nostalgia in me talking but they don't make cartoons like they used to.


    I grew up watching Thundercats, Voltron, GI JOE, Transformers, Silverhawk and then later Batman, X-men, Spiderman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Disney cartoons. They were all packed with action and adventure.


    When I moved back to the US couple of months back, I was curious as to what was showing on Saturday mornings. Most of them were Japanese based card/collectible cartoons. Then there were the new cartoons like Luca Mucha(?) about kid wrestlers, and Shaolin Showdown, about kid Shaolin monks...who looked nothing like monks. They all managed to be loud and annoying beyond belief.


    There was this cool new Batman cartoon that seemed to be about Batman's early career and that was cool. The new TMNT cartonn was watchable but strayed too far from its roots in my opinion.


    There seemed to be a lot of japanese manga based cartoons as well. The one I saw was 'One Piece' which is actually a pretty fun manga, but the english voice overs made all the characters seem incredibly stupid.

  3. Wasn't the movie a series of shows that aired about three thundercats who survived the destruction of the Thundercat homeworld?


    I even remember two of their names, Bengali the white tiger and Lynx the blind well, lynx. Can't remember the female name though. They get captured and the other thundercats go out to rescue them. All the major villians make an appearance.


    Those were pretty great episodes.

  4. Panthro was the best he wielded hot and cold nin-chuks and got to drive the Thundertank, you can't ****en beat the Thundertank, that is unless we're talking Soundwave the coolest of the Decepticons. I mean he was a totally sweet beatbox and then Ravage and Lazorbeak the cassettes that used to pop out and total screw with the autobots.


    Man all of the sudden I'm starting to feel small and insignificant to the collective greatness of both the Transformers and the Thundercats.


    Panthro also rocked because he had cool guitar background music! That guitar piece was awesome.


    *Goes to search for Thundercats theme music*

  5. What's with the Japanesse names:


    Hot Rod=Hot Rodimus :(

    Rodimus=Rodimus Convoy :blink:

    And how many continuities are there,btw :blink:


    That's what I want to know? Are they parallel universe kinda things? Or each series is from a different time-space?


    Transformers brings back good memories though. Especially of me singing the theme song into a blowing fan so my vocie would sound robotic. I thought I was pretty cool back then. :">

  6. Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance was released for PC/XboX and PS2. It had VR missions and some missions that you could play as Snake.


    The PC version is a horrible port of the XboX version. They didn't even bother changing the manual so you'll see 'press the L2 R2 buttons to change weapons and items', buttons which the PC doesn't have.


    Konami didn't even spend the time to optimize the keyboard controls so I had to spend a considerable amount of time remapping the keys so I could play.


    I went through it all anyways because I wanted to see what the fuss was all about. I picked it up cheap too. heh

  7. I remember reading an article somewhere a long time ago concerning the romances in BG2. Bioware had more initial designs for female romances but were cut for time constraint reasons as well as their target audience consisted of more guys than gals.


    I don't see how any of this is really sexist. Let's face it, guys play more games than gals. It's only natural that games will orient themselves more to the tastes of guys. I'm sure this will change as more and more gal gamers enter the market though. Why aren't there more emulsion therapy skin wrinkle care products for men! This is obviously sexist against men! Right?


    As for the characters, Aribeth and Bastila, well I didn't find any of them annoying. Anyone could probably make up any 'sexist' argument against the manhood of any of the male NPCs if they really wanted to.

  8. Vader looked a little thin. The emperor must be working him hard.


    It was pretty good actually. I liked the space dog fight sequences and this was far more entertaining than a lot of the movies shown on the big screen.

  9. Almost finished with Metal Gear Solid 2 for PC.


    I knew there were complaints about the story and the playable character, but I didn't really mind. Although the story is silly and the keyboard controls on the PC are even more silly.


    Don't know what I'll play next. Maybe the Splinter Cell games since I'm in the stealth mood.

  10. The original Dragonlance books, chronicles and legends are good reads. I've read some of the other books in the Dragonlance world and can't really say they're really good. The Legend of Huma is a nice read though. The War of Souls by Weis and Hickman are pretty good.


    If you like humor with your fantasy, The Myth series of books, by Robert Aspirin are good too, like witchzenka said. The earlier books are better then the later ones though all are just simple fun. Good to read when you want some light easy humor.


    Of course if you haven't read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, you should.

  11. In Korea students learn English from elementary school. English continues into highschool and college.


    At the beginning of middle school Korean students begin learning the traditional Chinese characters. Koreans have their own system of phonetic alphabet, very easy to learn, but we learn the Chinese characters anyway because around 60 percent of Korean words are Chinese in origin, although they are pronounced differently and written in our own alphabet.


    Starting highschool students must choose to learn a second foreign language, either french, german, japanese or chinese. There are probably more to choose from according to what highschool you attend.


    The result? Most Koreans are familiar with the English language but can't speak or write fluently. They can read with a certain amount of comprehension and their knowledge of english grammer surpasses that of most Americans since most english is taught through complex grammer formulas and reading comprehension rather than verbal communication and listening. They literally memorize grammer formulas like mathematical functions. Most young students currently attend extra english classes outside of school which focus on talking and listening so the number of children with a good understanding of English is slowly increasing.


    Koreans also have a pretty good feel for the traditional Chinese characters as well. There is a lot more interest in Chinese since China starting emerging as a major economic and political power. They can read the traditional characters pronouncing them using the Korean phonetic system. They can't speak Mandarin or Cantonese, but can communicate with Chinese using the written word.


    The second foreign language, no one really pays much attention to. So most students can just say, "I like you!" "I will have the meat." "My job is a doctor." Just the basics.


    If this sounds like a lot of work for you it is. When I moved to Korea during middle school I had a horrible time catching up on the Chinese characters. I couldn't even speak Korean well at the time. It was pretty much hell.


    The Korean education system, it's where you do so much work you never learn anything.

  12. Waiting in lines for hours and being packed into a theater with hundred of SW fanatics salivating over the latest movie isn't really my idea of a good time.


    Sure I like SW but I can wait until the theaters aren't so packed. That will allow me to enjoy the movie(hopefully) in some amount of peace. One thing I miss about living in KOrea is no one really cares that much about SW so I could find tickets on opening day and stroll in and watch the movie in peace with a few friends.

  13. I wouldn't be too happy if I was shrouded in destiny. I mean sure might save the galaxy and all that but knowing my true skills I'd probably get thrown down an engine shaft like that guy in Jolee's story.


    The ship would probably explode killing key power figures in the region that just happened to be on it at the time and thus affecting the political and economic landscape for centuries, but where's the fun in that if I'm not around to see it?


    So if you feel the force, but no one is sending you on random fetch-it missions and random bandits just don't want anything to do with you because you're not worth their time, just accept your simple life and be happy.

  14. Definetely Dark Forces 2. I played through again around two years back and it was still fun. The maps are fun and pretty big. The graphics I found were still pretty good..well to my eyes anyways.


    I liked the force powers implementation better as well. I always found the jump and speed powers in DF2 more fun. I imagined that's how force jump would work where you gather your strength and the force and shoot up really fast. I always thought it looked cool though sometimes I did crash Kyle's head against the ceiling.


    Speed was more fun too, where everyone else is in normal speed and Kyle is in Super-Ultra speed. It was fun running circles around stormtroopers and slicing them with the lightsaber.


    Plus DF2 also had Force throw so could throw objects at the enemy which is always fun. Almost as fun as pushing stormtroopers off cliffs in the later games.


    The lightsaber combat did get better with the later games though.

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