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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. Do you think it's wrong for me to hope that if I ever have a baby it will have a really cool mutation? Bearing in mind that a baby would be a surprise for me anyway at the moment.


    I guess that would depend on the mutation.


    Supercool healing factor...no medical expenses ever!


    Flame on Power! = Increased premiums on every insurance payment you make. YAY!

  2. After an explosion, I think everyone would be too shocked and disoriented to react right away, especially to someone running away from the scene, which would probably look like the most rational response.


    I probably would have said yes to this question a few years ago, but I've had unique experience involving a monk and a very sharp sword that pretty much showed I was a chicken****, so no, I probably wouldn't run after the suspected culprit if I thought I would die.


    I would throw hard objects at the bombers fleeing head though.


    However, if someone I care for was threatened by the fleeing bomber, then I would probably give chase. I have a pretty strong sense of duty to those I care about.

  3. The Beserk anime end before the actual story ends, to see the true end you need to pick up the books.


    It's not over yet. There's still some major encounters that still need to be resolved.


    Are there any more anime versions of it in the works? I'm too lazy to try the comics.

    Sorry, don't really know. The Anime ends with the great betrayal which you can probably see as the end of the first half.


    The story up to that point is pretty good. I actually like it more than the later parts.

  4. Did anyone mention Berserk by Kenturo Miura yet? By far my favorite manga.


    The artwork, story, character development and action are just amazing.


    I believe Dark Horse publishes it in the States. I read the korean translated versions, and the english translations are done fairly well.


    They have an animated series too. Not as great as the manga itself but it's close.


    I enjoy japanese mangas because they have so much variety to them compared to the super-hero centric western comics. Everything from historical mangas, basketball, judo, gambling, pirates, sci-fi, martial arts and much more are all there just begging to be read.


    One of my favorite manga artists is Takehiko Inoue probably most famous for the manga SLAMDUNK. It's a hilarious basketball manga.


    He's currently drawing and writing the manga, Vagabond. It's a retelling of Miyamoto Musashi's younger wandering years. It's been awesome so far.


    Another favorite of mine is titled, The Fighting. It's a boxing themed manga that spans over 70 volumes and the story still has a way to go! I'm not sure if they have this in the US though. It's been made into a animated series as well though I've neve seen it.

  5. CPA, and yes it is boring as hell. Well not exactly boring, but I get the sense there are more meaningful things to do in life.


    I'm looking into going back to school to study Biology. I'm only 25 so I have time to change careers...right? :luck:

  6. Jet Li's older movies are definetely cool. I think I've seen all of them multiple times. They are a lot more entertaining than any Hollywood flicks he's been in.

    He's really talented and deserves respect.


    Tony Jaa is unreal. You can feel the power in Muay Thai in Ong Bak. I winced everytime he smashed his elbows and knees into his onscreen opponents. The guys getting hit must have hurt even though it was a movie.


    I've always liked Bruce Lee's onscreen style of fighting. There are no flashy spinning stuff. It's just pure direct power with each strike he makes. There is no doubt that he was very skilled and trained his body vigorously.


    I think boxers have a disadvantage against any skilled martial artist with real fighting experience. Probably because other fighters will go for the legs and knees while boxers aren't familiar with attacking and defending the lower part of the body. But then again I've seen some boxers crouch really really low and smash their opponents to oblivion.


    I personally like Donnie Yen. He has unreal speed and power. One of my favorite martial arts movie scenes is in Once Upon a Time In China 2 or 3...I think. Jet Li plays the Chinese Hero Hwang Bi Hong and Donnie Yen plays the part of a loyalist Chinese army official.


    When they first meet in the movie Donnie Yen's character tests Bi Hong's martial abilities by engaging in a staff fight. This quickly escalates into both men wielding TWO long staves simultaneously against each other. So onscreen we see four staves whirling around at insane speeds. You have to see it to appreciate it.

  7. Looking forward toPrince of Persia 3. I liked 2. I didn't find generic rage Prince that annoying. Looking forward to meeting the Maharajah's daughter again. She was a much more interesting character than the Empress of Time.


    Also looking forward to the Witcher. Seems like a good RPG to sink my teeth into.


    Soul Calibur 3 looks good.


    Since I bought a used PS2 recently I'm looking forward to buying/renting God of War and MGS3 Subsistence when it comes out.


    Playing FFX too but I didn't really enjoy it. I found the whole thing tedious with the running around and monster encounters. It's strange because I enjoyed earlier FF games. My tastes have likely changed. I previously found going after all the secrets and hidden monsters and items fun, but now it seems like a meaningless chore. I guess I want my sidequests to be more story driven.

  8. My current favorites.


    Burnout 3 Takedown...just pure fun


    Soul Calibur 2...more fun


    MGS3 Snake Eater


    I bought a used PS2 recently, and those are the games I am playing now.


    I have FFX too, but I can't seem to like it. The whole thing seems tedious and it's annoying getting interrupted by monsters every 5 seconds. I'm just at the part before you go battle SIN and well the story just doesn't seem that intriguing. I used to love playing through FF games 5,6,7,8, are the ones I've played but X just didn't do it for me. Maybe my tastes have changed.


    All time favorites.


    BG series

    Planescape Torment

    Jedi Knight Series

    Half Life...looking forward to the expansion

    Prince of Persia series, both old and new except for the 3D one.

    Icewind Dale series

    Romance of the Three Kingdoms Series..playing 10 right now and damn they upped the difficulty a bit


    Kotor series

    Divine Divinity...I really tried to like Beyond Divinity but couldn't

    Beyond Good and Evil

    Metal Gear Solid Series

    Starcraft...when are they gonna do a sequel?

    Diablo series

    Contra series

    Ninja Gaiden Series, 1 and 2 were awesome, 3 was meh, haven't played the Xbox one


    Double Dragon 2

    Strider for Sega Genesis...that game totally blew me away.

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade Game

    Battletoads for NES. I loved this game.

    Super Mario 64


    There are probable more that I can't think of right now.

  9. How do you think they'll keep things interesting in the sequels?


    A major part of this movie was showing how and why Bruce Wayne became Batman. It was probably the most interesting part of the film. I loved how they showed a young naive Bruce Wayne with just his anger mastering himself and becoming Batman.


    With most of this set up where do you think the focus will shift to? I hope they can strike a good balance between Batman, the villians and views on justice and vengeance...without being too preachy.


    I pray it won't become a mindless action fest.

  10. The gayest interpretation of Batman was the nipple suit. I cringed when I saw it.


    I seriously did think Batman was gay in that one. Gotham is about to be frozen over in a few minutes and what do they do? Take the time to change into new outfits and find snow vehicles to ride on.

  11. I liked how Gordon put things at the end. He expressed his concerns about the criminals upping the ante and taking things to the next level.


    It just goes to show that nothing is without consequence, whatever your intentions might be, good or bad.

  12. Happy Meals are a travesty of the culinary arts...however the prospect of Wi-Fi intrigues me.


    I remember a long long time ago they had a particular toy for the Happy Meal. They were toys of the Muppet Babies with Kermit on a skateboard, Fozzie on some rocking horse, Gonzo and probably Miss Piggy on something I can't recall.


    I remember thinking Kermit on the skateboard as the coolest thing ever. I would tremble in anticipation everytime my parents took me to Mcdonalds and got me a Happy Meal, only to have my dreams crushed as I discovered another Fozzie.


    I never did get that Kermit toy. :thumbsup:

    I did. I may even have it around somewhere still, years later...


    Don't be alarmed if you see a tall asian guy lurking around your home. All I want is the toy. And a brownie.

  13. I don't think there will be a sequel, though I've read that part called Buttercup's Baby.


    Come on it was good! What happens to Fezzik!? I want to know more about Inigo's love!


    Damn Goldman. He's deliberately torturing me. I know it.


    Been thinking more about plots and stuff recently, and I thought wouldn't it be great if K3's story centred around a character, who had been deeply affected by the events that had unfolded in the previous 2 games and beyond. i.e. A mysterious character unwilling to confide in anyone.  But as events progress we learn through flashbacks that the character holds a great burden and is the epitome of pain and suffering, he/she as a child watched as everyone they loved and cared for were mercilessly slaughtered during the Mandalorian wars.  The player has to see to it that these emotions are used in the relevant way. Will the history of the character be used to eliminate such atrocities happening or will the call of revenge be too much to bare?


    You pretty much just described Squall :thumbsup:


    Squall, he was a moody one.

  15. Bloodsport is the probably the most entertaining Van Damme movie.


    Masters of the Universe is a classic! Dolph and Courtney Cox! You can't go wrong!  :D

    Don't forget Universal Soldier - you get the best of both worlds! :D


    Haha! Totally forgot that one.


    Universal Soldier was ok. I'd probably watch it if was on TV one lazy Sunday afternoon.

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