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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. Nah, I doubt he'll get fat.


    His father is a bit of a control freak and the kid is shipped off to kung-fu, soccer, piano and somekind of language school all throughout the week. He's busier than I am.


    The only reason he's playing so much now is because it is Thanksgiving weekend, I'm sitting along next to him playing with him and explained to the parents that certain games increase brainwave activity through the quick manipulation of fingers and hand eye coordination. I also told them that games increase the creativity and imagination of kids.


    Of course I was talking out of my arse, but the dad seemed to buy it. He was probably just humoring me though.


    I doubt he'll be able to play any games during the week come tomorrow. Poor kid.

  2. I was in US for thanksgiving, and I was invited to a family of Georgian rednecks.


    The kid appears promising. Continue your corruption and we may look favourably on your recent dishonourable activities.


    Look, I was only kidding about looking at the lesbian pron! Besides pron isn't dishonourable is it?


    Anyways I might be getting kicked out too. :- The kid's parents seem to disappove of their son sitting in front of a computer all day for some strange reason I cannot fathom. 8) I convinced them to let him have some fun during the holidays since its too cold to play outside and there's no snow yet.

  3. I'm over at a close family friends house for Thanksgiving for a couple of days. They have a 8 year old son and he has a computer. Not a very good computer. 128 ram, an old pentium 4 CPU and an internal graphics card.


    Now, there's no one really my age at this home so I'm mostly bored out of my mind surfing the web since I don't have any games with me, when I remember the great world of emulation.


    So I look around and DL a SNES emulator with a few classic games. Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Link to the Past, Contra the Alien Wars, The Ninja Gaiden Trilogy, Donkey Kong...among others.


    I'm amusing myself, having a grand old time stomping turtles, blasting aliens and carving a path with Ryu's dragon sword, when the lil 8 year old kid sneaks up behind me and nearly deafens me with his enthusiastic shriek of, "COOL!!! CAN I PLAY NEXT? CAN I? CAN I? CAN I? CAN I? WHEN CAN I PLAY?"


    Not being one to deny the joys of gaming to anyone(plus his yelling was really annoying) I let him have a turn at Contra. He quickly died within 3 seconds. I showed him the basic controls and gave him a few tips like, 'keep pressing the shoot button' and 'jump'. He kept dying but I could already tell by the shine in his eye and the determination on his face that he would not be denied victory.


    I chuckled to myself, feeling pretty good about things and went downstairs to watch some TV. About an hour later I came up and checked on his progress. The little bugger had gotten the first of the top-down stages, but he couldn't seem to adjust to the new camera angles and was growing frustrated. I switched him over to Super Mario World and immediately he was hooked on that.


    All day long he played running around as Mario, Ryu, Kong and Link. I was there with him reliving some good memories and felt proud of myself for introducing him to the world of games. I wanted to give him my old SNES, controllers and games so he could play properly, but alas my mom had given them away long ago.


    I got to talking with while he was jumping, blasting and slicing away and he told me that he loved to read, especially those Choose You Own Adventure Books because as he told me, "You can choose what you want to happen!"


    I answered with, "You know, there are games where you can choose where you want to go and what you want to happen too."


    "Sweet!" he answered. "I wanna play that!"


    So now he's playing Chrono Trigger. In addition I've DLed Final Fantasy 6, The Secret of Mana and other 16bit RPGs. I'm actually having a good time playing with him.


    Yes, I've corrupted a child but in a good way. 8)

  4. Superman 3...I have vague memories of a woman turning into a robot at the end...or something. Isn't that with evil Superman too?


    Returns looks cool or at least the trailer does. It might have something to do with the original score playing in the background. I still love listening to the Fortress of Solitude track.

  5. Nihilus: Powerful but a slave to that power. He(It?) had no control over it which was his ultimate undoing.


    Sion: Sion was also powerful but he had no purpose to that power. No direction or motivation other than wanting to be the favorite pupil. I mean you could TALK him into destroying himself.


    Malak: Ruthless and malicious but also lacking a true understanding of the power he wielded. He didn't understand that true power comes within, not from limitless fleets and ultimate destruction.


    Kriea: I still don't understand her. Death of the force, wounds and echoes...there is no doubt that she was manipulative and shrouded in mystery, which makes it hard to get a true measure of her real power.


    Revan: The prodigal knight, the heart of the Force. A great leader and strategist. Revan was willing to make sacrifices to acheive the greater goal and was willing to sacriface him/herself to acheive...well whatever goals he/she had in mind. Good or Evil, Revan mastered him/herself and mastered those around him/her both through compassion and an iron fist. People died willingly for Revan and sweared loyalty till the end. Revan knew that true loyalty was not inspired by only fear but through a combination of action, leadership, honor, compassion, fear and loyalty to the men he/she commanded.


    I better stop before I go all lovey dovey on Revan.

  6. I agree about Ninja Gaiden and that first boss.  I basically took a ton of attempts to beat him.  When I finally did, I was so frustrated with my failures that I decided to cut my losses and quit playing.



    We aren't talking about the NES version of Ninja Gaiden are we?


    Probably the Xbox version. The first bosses of the NES versions are pushovers.


    I've seen gameplay movies of the first boss on NG xbox and it looks damn hard.

  7. I don't remember exactly HOW I beat Battletoads. I mean it was years ago.


    I did use the warps and the extra lives trick available on the 2nd stage. Whacking the birds continuously on the way down the vertical tunnel.


    The platforming elements of each stage were a matter of practice. I thought this came was the best game I ever played at the time so I had lots of practice. The stage I had the most trouble with was that water world with the sequences where you had to run/swim away from a huge gear rolling towards you. The last vertical spinning tower stage was easier.


    I remember the trick to beating the bosses was using a super attack to bash them into the air then positioning yourself so you could use another super attack as soon as they landed and to keep that process going as long as possible. They still manage to crush you from time to time though.

  8. Before any of there I still have to buy myself an Xbox and Gamecube. Maybe for Christmas...


    Xbox so I can play Ninja Gaiden Black, Jade Empire, Crimson Skies and Halo 2


    Gamecube so I can play MGS Twin Snakes, Eternal Darkness and all the Mario and Zelda games.




    As for Next Gen well I'm undecided. I'll probably just build myself a new awesome computer(mine is getting old). Then I'll see what games eventually come out for the various systems.


    Nothing has really interested me in the various consoles(I'm speaking strictly gamewise here) except for MGS4 for PS3 and Mass Effect for 360. So it's too early to tell.


    Might want to check the BC list for the 360 , see if those games are on there.




    Heh, all of them are. Guess I'll buy a 360 when the time comes then. Which is after the price has dropped.

  9. Game: Starcraft


    Service: BNet


    Pwned: I used to save the Terran for last in large games when I was Zerg. I flew in with a bunch of mutas (effectively suicide when terran "turtle" up) and a few queens. I use the mutas to attack the guys Command Center till it's red and then take it over with my queen.


    I then cover it with my remaining mutas and fly it out of his base.


    How dishearting is that? People almost always quit afterwards.


    You must play n00bs only :lol:


    Another funny thing to do when playing a noob is as a Protoss. Make a Dark Archon with the Mind Control ability and Arbiters with the recall ability.


    Use a drop ship to land the dark Archon at the enemy base, preferably Terran or Zerg. Immediately mind control one of the harvester units and immediately have the Arbiter recall both Dark Archon and the mind controlled unit back to your base.


    Use mind controlled unit to build terran or zerg forces and attack the opponent with those.


    It's especially funny when you attack the opponent's Terran base with two fleets of battlecruisers.


    This only works with noobs as you can probably tell.

  10. Before any of there I still have to buy myself an Xbox and Gamecube. Maybe for Christmas...


    Xbox so I can play Ninja Gaiden Black, Jade Empire, Crimson Skies and Halo 2


    Gamecube so I can play MGS Twin Snakes, Eternal Darkness and all the Mario and Zelda games.




    As for Next Gen well I'm undecided. I'll probably just build myself a new awesome computer(mine is getting old). Then I'll see what games eventually come out for the various systems.


    Nothing has really interested me in the various consoles(I'm speaking strictly gamewise here) except for MGS4 for PS3 and Mass Effect for 360. So it's too early to tell.

  11. I beat Battletoads!


    But I never beat Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES. I always got up to the Technodrome beat that then couldn't figure out where to go once I got in there. Those space rocket guys that just would not die were pretty annoying too.


    Hmm..I remember the end boss for Double Dragon 2 being pretty hard. I had to use that trick where you got extra lives to beat him. The end boss for DD3 was pretty hard too. Damn egyptian mummy princess. I think I only beat her once.


    What else...what else...oh yeah, Who Framed Roger Rabbit(NES). The end boss is hell. The only effective way to damage him was to charge up your punch meter to the fullest then whack him. Too bad it only took like a teensy bit of life off him. I never had the patience to see it through.


    Anyone rememeber Pro Wrestling for the NES? That game got really hard towards the end. Never beat it.


    Mike Tyson's Punch Out! Never was able to knockout Mike Tyson. I probably could have with practice but my parents wouldn't buy me a copy.


    Right now I'm playing Soul Calibur 2 on Extremely Hard difficulty setting and the cpu reads all my moves and blocks or guard impacts my every attack. It's really frustrating but it keeps you on your toes.

  12. They should remake the originals.


    I agree. Make new ones that fit with the prequels rather that changing the originals to fit the prequels. Then we could have a decent Obi-wan/Darth Vader fight in episode 4.


    I like that fight scene. It kind of makes sense that at that time both Vader and Obi-wan would use simpler more direct attacks rather than the fast and furious spin fest they had in Ep. 3.

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