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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. Women have it tough.


    From one direction they hear they have to BE equal and independent even better than men in everything. EVERYTHING.


    Then from another direction come the cries of 'You're not skinny enough! You're not pretty enough! You must follow this diet and lose 20 pounds so you feel good about yourself and men and society find you attractive!'


    Then from yet another direction, 'You should get married and have kids and take care of the home! In the end thats all that matters!' It'll get harder getting married when you're older. You have to do it NOW!!!!!!!!!'


    This would be enough to drive me batty.

  2. I'm into fitness. My diet is mostly asian food the majority of which is rice and vegetables and roots cooked someway or another with the occasional meat dish thrown in, so I don't really worry if I'm eating healthy or not.


    I usually try to get to the gym at least 3 times a week, more if I'm able. I don't want to be all muscular so I do about an hour of cardio and lift moderate weights/work on my back and abs for about an hour.


    Then I stretch a lot when I get home. Never underestimate a good stretch session is what I say. :)

  3. After reading some of the affection that some members here have for this game, I'm gonna play it.


    I've done some looking around and come up with Gothic 2 and Gothic 2 Gold, which contains the expansion pack along with the original Gothic 2 game. The problem is that some players seem to have problems with something called Starforce. It seems to be some sort of copy protection program that creates havoc with some computers.


    I would like to play the game with the expansion but I'd consider playing without if it means avoiding potential problems. So how great is the expansion pack? Does it warrant the risk?


    Also can anyone provide me with a online retailer that sells Gothic 1 for a good price?



  4. Now you see, toward the climatic battling at the end, there's more action than dialogue. Now, unfortunately, your KOTOR III Character is going to be killed off and how he is killed off depends on your alignment and the alignments of Revan and the Exile. Once your character is dead, your main character will become the customized Exile who is at about Level 70 and eventually the Exile will be killed off. This too depends on the Exile's alignment and Revan's alignment and then finally you go Revan and as either a DSM, LSM, DSF or LSF you'll crush the Ancient Sith Empire and either finish up ruling the galaxy or brining the Old Republic back to peace and prosperity. This is why I hope you can customize Revan and the Exile because this is how I'd handle it. Besides, if you can't customize Revan and the Exile's appearences, etc then this game cannot be made. Unless hey decide to kill off both Revan and the Exile.


    Level 70? :o

  5. I feel for all those who have bad sinusitus. It rears its ugly head in my nose from time to time.


    Besides taking antibiotics when its REALLY bad, I usually go for brisk walks with a cotton mask over my nose and mouth. This usually gets my circulation going and my nose clears up at least for a while.


    Another thing that works for me is sitting in a bathtub in hot water. The water level should be at your belly button and you should start to sweat as you're sitting there reading or meditating or whatever. This gets the circulation going too and alleviates some of the pressure for me.


    Instead of water and salt up your nose, I recommend purchasing some saline solution and squirting that up your nose. With salt, you might put too much in causing more irritation.

  6. Hmm...I tend to think that some people look at religion as another opportunity to elevate themselves in society or in any organization. Or rather those people use religious organizations as an external impetus rather than a internal one.


    Sure they might not admit it to themselves or even realize it, but wherever people gather connections are made, deals are struck and hierarchies are formed. People can flaunt their power, exercise their influence or brag about whatever new doodad they have...all the while congratulating themselves on their moral superiority in their religious beliefs.


    Of course, I also think that the majority of people in religious organizations are there because of their faith and the will to do good(at least in their eyes). The problem is that people with more earthly objectives end up with all the power and influence through politics, rumors, the forming of factions and whatnot.


    But wait...this wasn't what the thread is about.


    Yes, well on faith, I think people should believe in themselves more rather than what a certain religion tells you to believe. But only if it were that simple huh?

  7. That's why everyone should have a wood practice sword with the approximate weight and balance of a real one.


    You can use it like a sword, but it deals crushing damage. It even hurts when stabbing someone with it.


    I actually thought someone had broken in one time when I was jolted out of my sleep by a crashing sound. I reached for my ebony practice sword(so the intruder would have a harder time seeing what was trying to hit him) and carefully crept out of my room.


    I saw a man wearing only his tighty whities pissing all over my mother's plants. WTF? was my natural reaction as I sneaked up behind him. As I got closer though I recognized him as one of my father's friends. Turns out my father had brought home with him after a night out of drinking. He couldn't find the bathroom being in his intoxicated state and well...you have to go when you have to go.


    We had a good laugh about it the next morning.

  8. I only have two wooden practice swords. One is made out of ebony or blackwood and is quite heavy. The other is a light and cheap one you can find at any store.


    I received the ebony one when I was living at a Buddhist temple for a year. The head monk taught me some basics which was my duty to practice everyday. I went from unhealthy asthmatic to limber teenager within a few months swinging that sword around.


    Ahh..that was a good year.

  9. I'm going to wait around and see. Being cheap and patient, I'll probably get all three somewhere down the line when there are certain exclusive games I REALLY want to play for each console. The price would have to drop too.


    This will probably take place near the end of the next generation consoles' lives.

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