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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. I'm curious. Are all the worlds in D&D somehow connected?


    I've read some of the Dragonlance novels back when I was in middle school. I enjoyed them greatly, especially Tasslehoff and Fizban, the deranged fireball shooting wizard.


    When I played BG2 I was surprised to see the Solamnic Knights Quest in the Planar Sphere, which obviously referenced Krynn. Before that when I played Torment, I understood that Sigil was the gateway to many many planes of existence. There were the Material, Lower and Higher Planes I think?


    I remember the Material Plane encompassed such worlds as Krynn and the Forgotten Realms, which are really the only two I know of, and the Lower Planes were like the Hells where Tanarri and Baatezu were waging the Blood War, and the Higher Planes were the homes of the Celestial beings.


    So what about the Gods of the different worlds? Where do they exist? What planes do they exist on? Do they ever run into each other? I remember Takhisis existed in the Abyss...I think. Is that some part of the Lower Planes? Could she run into an evil God from another material Plane, like Cyric from the FR? Would they get along? Would they get it on? :shifty:


    What about the OverGods...so to speak? I know there is AO, in the FR and there is Chaos in Krynn, Would they ever run into each other on some Plane?

  2. Cool. I'll be keeping an eye on this one.


    I'm always up for a new cRPG. It seems like I'm depending more and more on European developers for my cRPG fix, since I'm planning to play Gothic 3 when the the game is debugged, looking forward to the Witcher and now I'm keeping my on this one.


    I just hope the translation is great.

  3. I've played all the games up to Chaos Theory and I say they are worth playing. They are pretty cheap now too.


    Gameplay wise, its very sneaky as you utilize the shadows, enviroment and various gadgets to remain undetected and scope out enemy movements. Although sometimes I wondered why state-of-the art computer labs and such never had decent lighting for the people who worked there.


    Storywise, its typical save the world from terrorist threats. Nothing too jaw-dropping. Don't expect a Metal Gear like story...which some people might like.


    Just my two cents.

  4. A big bloody battle with a small number of elite soldiers battling against hordes of invaders against all reason and hope?


    Sounds like my kind of movie.

  5. The games sounds great after reading the 1up preview.


    I especially like the exploration view and the combat view, which is a feature I've been waiting for after playing both the tradional isometric view games and first person or over the shoulder view games.


    Tandem attacks and animations and environmental usage with huge monsters...all sounds good to me.


    NPCs also taking a more rigid stance according to their alignment. Good.


    Have high hopes for this game.

  6. Woohoo~ Got the game a few days ago. I've had none of the technical problems some people seem to have. My system is on the low end of things, with a P4 2.4, 1G of RAM, and Radeon X800 VFX card.


    I'm running it at 1024 resolution, with high resolution textures and low water, shadow and lighting effects and runs great indoors and out. No crashes or lock-ups whatsoever.


    I was annoyed with the camera at first, but after I adjusted how fast it moved and zoomed, I'm pretty satisfied with it.


    I like the gameplay a lot so far. I'm not a PnP D&D player by any means and the most contact I've had with the D&D rules are the various IE games, so I have just a passing knowledge of the rules, but that hasn't hampered my enjoyment.


    As usual, I like going through the game as a honorable fighter/weaponmaster the first time around. I still wish they'd include a kensai sub-class. I miss the BG2 kensai class. :aiee: A weaponmaster just doesn't have the same feel to it.


    The one thing that bothers me is the party control. Is there an option to make it possible to select the character you wish to control just by clicking on their character avatar and not the portrait? I've gotten used to doing this in all the IE games, so its pretty annoying when I think I've issued orders only to have someone else execute them after the unpause.


    I also wish they'd added in better total party control. The addition of formations would have been nice, like the IE games. I miss having my party form up to engage in battles and travel around for those unexpected encounters. Right now everyone just runs in a line, following the leader. Not the greatest situation when trying to coordinate an attack. I also keep trying to drag a box to select multiple party members, which I can't do. haha


    But, other than that, I'm having a lot of fun. I actually restarted after seeing the monkey grip feat. HEHE. Dual wielding greataxe/greatsword fighter here I come! I can't wait to get off work and go play again.


    Thanks Obsidian! :dancing:

  7. Chinese Super Ninjas! (w00t)


    Yes, it's actually the title of the movie.


    It's an old Shaw Brothers kung-fu movies. I first watched it when I was ten when my parents were having a party. They decided to rent some movies for the kids that were coming so we didn't get all into their hair.


    They rented what seemed like a harmless kung-fu movie, but little did they know that a samurai would perform seppuku early on, people would be dismembered, a hot female ninja would get her top sliced open, (much to the fascination of the various 10-12 year old boys present), and one guy would actually step on what looked like his exposed intestines hanging down from between his legs, (The crafty Earth elemental ninjas attacked him from underground), scream in agony then get his chest slashed open by the evil Ninja leader.


    Needless to say, us kids thought it was the best movie evar!!!


    I'm still in that stage of digging through my memory for movies that I watched when I was little that I have fond memories of. This has been going on for a while.

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