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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. Hello fellow forumites.


    I'm planning on doing a upgrade to my current computer which is becoming woefully incapable of playing some of the newer games out there.


    I cobbled together my current computer around 4 years ago and haven't made any significant upgrades since. Right now I'm running a Pentium 4 2.4ghz on a AGP 4X/8X motherboard with one gig of ram and a 80Gig HD. The video card I am have is a Sapphire x800 GTO. I originally had a ATI Radeon 9600pro, but upgraded last year to the x800 GTO so I could play Half Life 2 a little more smoothly.


    A little extra cash has come my way so I was thinking of upgrading my computer into something more resembling a modern system.


    My plan is to upgrade this computer so I can play some of the newer games with better frame rates and more graphical enhancements (NWN2, Oblivion, Half Life Ep2, Dark Messiah...I picked this up for 10 bucks at Target, etc) while still having a system that is stable with older games (Infinity engine games, Fallouts, etc). I'm planning to buy a complete Vista/DX10 computer at the end of this year or sometime next year. So I'll have two computers, one for older games and one for newer games to come.


    I did a quick scan of some parts over at Newegg and here is what I have come up with so far.


    CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16819116196

    I chose a single core because I've heard of some games having with the newer dual cores. Also the price is right.


    MB: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16813135047

    Don't know much about motherboards in general but this seemed ok for the price


    RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16820161030

    I got this from Feng's Post


    GPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16814150209

    This seemed like a reasonable card for the price


    HD: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16822148142

    I definitely need more HD space.


    Total cost right now is around $600 and I'd like to keep it around there. So how do things look? If you guys can point to better hardware or components that work better with each other, I'd be grateful.


    Thanks a lot. :sorcerer:

  2. I didn't like either. I thought both were pretty bland. Of course I saw both on a plane during international flights and wasn't really concentrating on the movies so that might have something to do with it.

  3. I don't feel compelled to climb mountains. However, if there is a big craggy rock I almost always compulsively crawl my way up.


    As for the people who tackle Everest, I have no idea why they do it, but there must be some kind of allure for them to risk their lives.

  4. Hollywood should just rename itself to SequelTown.

    I loved the first Die Hard, 2nd was awful, 3rd was "ok." I suppose I'll watch this new one when it comes out on cable, but I'm not paying $10 to go see it.


    Yah, same here. Except for me it'll be Netflix....maybe.


    Another Beverly Hills Cop... :down:


    Another Rambo? :o


    I'm just hoping the new Indiana Jones doesn't completely suck.


    And yes, Freddy Vs. Jason IS the greatest comedy ever!!!

  5. I woke up and ate some food then, went outside and cleaned the pool filters for a little bit and pretty much laid out in the sun while reading catch 22 for about 2 hours. Ate some more food and had a nice beverage and im just watching some ametur fight show right now which kind of sucks but people get kneed in the face so its all good. So pretty decent so far. Needs to get warmer so swimming is a viable option of something to do since i only go to school 2 days a week. :sweat:


    Can I have your life?


    Just another tedious day at work for me. I'll get off in a few hours get some exercise and try to finish GoW2.

  6. I had to share a bus with a boatload of 3rd graders this morning. They little rascals had gotten on ahead of me and had taken all the seats so I had to stand all the way to Downtown SF.


    It wasn't that bad actually. There were three kids sitting in front of me enthusiastically discussing the 'awesomeness' of the PSP, saying, "DUDE! THE PSP HAS THE MOST SICKEST RACING GAMES!" Yes, they were talking that loud. I could tell the usual riders of the bus were none to pleased at the prospect of standing in a bus with a bunch of rowdy kids. Some of the later riders couldn't even get on the bus, so packed it was. I heard rumblings of, "Why didn't the teachers take them on the BART instead?" That made me wonder too as the BART would be faster, have more room and is safer for the kids than a lurching bus. They were just lazy I guess.


    Oh well. It was pretty fun actually. I haven't stood on a bus in a long time and trying to keep my balance against the lurches and swerves of the bus provided me with physical distraction.


    Got to work, answered some questions, did some work, got bored and now I'm writing on the Obs boards.


    Can't wait to go home, eat some food and go exercise. Then I'll play some sweet God of War 2.

  7. Considering how early it still is since the PS3 came out, I was wondering if it was selling well? Judging by what I saw it seems that it's not. I just got back from Costco and there quite a few PS3 systems stacked up for sale. No one seemed particularly interested in purchasing one. The price tag was $799.99 I think, for the system, an extra controller and game. There might have been a few extras but I didn't care enough to look.


    Of course, this is just once instance, but considering I can't find a Wii anywhere in local retailers (not even extra wii-motes or nunchuks) is the PS3 doing well?


    I'm sure the system will pick some steam as more games come out, even though I heard Sony is losing a lot of exclusives (Devil May Cry)/, but right now seems to be floundering a bit.


    What do you think?

  8. I was a big fan of TMNT back when in the day. I especially liked the original comics by Eastman and Laird. The artwork was cool and the stories were dark and gritty (at least to my 5th grader mind back then).


    I'll probably see this movie, but when it comes out on DVD.

  9. I saw it with my girlfriend who was more than happy to see half naked muscle bound men run around on screen for her viewing pleasure. I still had to cover her eyes for the many decapitations and dismemberments.


    It was a good action movie. The spoken lines weren't exactly the best but I enjoyed the fight scenes. Shield bashing, spear impaling, sword swiping goodness. :thumbsup:

  10. The nunchakus/bladed flail thing (can't remember the name) would have to have been my favourite weapons though. Loved the speed of them and they looked cool too. :D

    The Vigoorian Flail. You can run really long combos with that and generate loads of essence. In Black, I loved using Lunar (the staff) against any enemies with quick movement. It had such a huge area and was so fast that it made up for the relatively low damage.


    That was the one! Nice long combos and you could hit people all around you with some of them. I'd run into the middle of the groups of ghost fish and just start swinging and about 90% of the time I wouldn't get hit by a single one of them. :sorcerer:


    Also the most effective weapon against the Berserkers (Only on Very Hard and up in Ninja Gaiden Black)

  11. And to tie up any loose ends, Romans 1:20, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."


    What is the Bible referring to here? Is it the natural world that surrounds us? What kind of divine nature has been clearly seen?

  12. Music : Anything that catches my ear really, I don't have a preference. But I do enjoy thoughtful lyrics that go well with the particular rhythm or beat the music has.


    Book: Romance of the Three Kingdoms


    Movie: Hmm...impossible to answer. Maybe if I had to choose...Rocky


    TV: I really loved Paleoworld on the Discovery Channel I think it was. I still have a fascination with dinosaurs. Other than that I don't watch that much TV anymore.


    Cable TV: Don't have.


    Comic Book/Manga: Slamdunk or Berserk


    PC game: Planescape: Torment


    Console Game: Ninja Gaiden Black


    Drink: Water but will have Root beer on occasion.


    Food: All Food


    Dessert: All dessert


    Physical Activity: :thumbsup:


    Pastime: Sleeping past noon on a Saturday, exercising for a few good hours in the afternoon, treating myself to some sushi and playing a good RPG during the evening.

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