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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. I actually enjoy reading in a game. Especially in RPGs where the devs have made an effort to flesh out the world. I liked reading the tomes in the IE games and I think I spent more time in Morrowind reading books than actually playing the game.


    That one block RPG sounds pretty cool. You have a week save or destroy....your city block. ;)

  2. I was looking through some of the gameplay videos over at gamevideos.com and I was surprised you could take on the

    legendary greek hero, Perseus,

    as a boss. What made me giddy was that

    Perseus had his trademark invisibility helm.

    I wonder if Kratos will have many encounters like that.


    It would make the game very interesting.

  3. I concur.


    While I'm not really any into ball based sports to get my exercise, you have to admit that professional players have a lot of stamina and strength.

  4. I have the PC versions of FF7 and FF8 back home with my parents.


    I liked FF7. Probably because it was my first experience with such a cinematic game. So I was excited when FF8 came out for PC. It was ok. None of them match up with FF6 though. At least from nostalgia's perspective.


    I doubt I can work my way through any of those now. I hate random battles and level grinding now. Stories are ok. Thematically they seem pretty much the same, but they do hold interest.


    I'm thinking of giving FF12 a try though as there are no more random battles.

  5. Just wondering - what happened to the people that went to Iraq as human shields?


    Funniest. People. Ever.


    My understanding is that most of them had their feelings hurt when they were forcibly deployed in suspiciously strategic sites.


    Haha! That is pretty awesome. :teehee:

  6. Wow, you really like guns.


    I have a distant relative that loves guns too. He invited me into his room one time and there were guns mounted and displayed everywhere. There were more guns under his bed. He even had a bow which he let me pull.


    Pretty cool stuff. :-

  7. I don't think it would be worth the hassle.


    Why go through so much trouble with such uncertain prospects? Unless this girl of yours is something special. Is She? :brows:


    It'll be our 3 year anniversary at the end of March. She's a fantastic cook and for our first anniversary she got Warren Ellis to send me the script to Fell #1 like 3-4 months before publication. Best Present Ever.


    You had me at "cook"



  8. Hmm... I thought about getting a 360 but deferred for a number of reasons.


    I don't have a HDTV. I don't think the console would be worthwhile without one.


    I have a suspicion that every game I really want to play will eventually come out on PC, my preferred gaming platform.


    Besides, there are no games I truly want to play on 360 yet.


    I am patient enough to wait for price drops and more games to be developed.



    I am certain I will purchase a Wii though. I want to play all the games that I missed on Gamecube including the Mario, Zelda and Metroid games, Eternal Darkness, Metal Gear Twin Snakes, Ikaruga and more.



    For PS3, there are no games that I really want to play except for Metal Gear Solid 4. But the game itself won't make me drop 600+ for a PS3. Maybe later when prices are down and there are games that really tap in the PS3's purported power.


    Besides there are more than enough games coming out and are out for the PC to satisfy me, but thats for the 'What games are you looking forward to thread'

  9. I've never played for that long a time. Usually my urge to eat will overpower my urge to play games and then my urge to sleep will overpower everything.


    Since I'm hungry every 2-3 hours and am constantly sleepy, I've never played video games for more than 3 hours straight.


    So the trick is be so lazy you don't even want to play games. :rolleyes:

  10. I'm reading a very interesting book on the creation of the Roman Empire.


    It is by a Japanese author named Shiono Nanami. The book is called, "Res Gestae Populi Romani" and its been translated into Korean, the version I am reading. I've always been interested in Chinese and Asian history, but realized one day I know next to nothing about the Roman history. Seemed like a good place to start.

  11. Games I own but haven't finished:


    Gothic 2 - Probably never will.

    Morrowind- Probably never will.

    Oblivion - Virtually Unplayable on my machine.

    Psychonauts - Will definitely complete.

    System Shock 2 - Will definitely complete.

    Space Rangers 2 - Haven't even installed. Planning to though.

    Beyond Divinity - Enjoyed and completed Divine Divinity but can't get into this one.

    Titan Quest - Halfway through the last difficulty level.


    Thats about it.


    I want a new computer.

  12. Durlag's Tower was awesome! :yes:

    BG1 - it's a lot of fun, just not as sophisticated. I personally liked the "wilderness" exploration aspect. I get tired of cities.


    That was indeed my favorite part as well.


    I was very dissapointed that BG2 did not have this aspect. Every map in BG1 had something to discover, from small things to plot driven events and it was always fun to run into them.

  13. I get creeped out when swimming in any natural body of water where I can't feel or see the bottom.

    I always think that something is about to creep up from the darkness below and grab my ankles.



    I have this exact same fear. I am a pretty good swimmer and have no fear of water. I once got stranded outside the safety area of the beach on a tube because I was trying to catch the biggest wave that I could and some boats had to come get me.


    But once I jumped into the waters from a rock and just went deep into the water. I opened by eyes and could see only a dark blue nothingness stretching out before and under and everywhere and I freaked out. It was like something was coming to get me only I couldn't see it. A general feeling of helplessness floating in cold darkness. I've never strayed out into deep water again. Except for the swimming pool

  14. I think BG1 is one of most memorable games ever.


    Of course, when I first heard of it, I had never experienced D&D outside of reading some Dragonlance novels. Come to think of it, BG1 was probably my first RPG experience.


    But the idea of creating my own character and roaming around the countryside battling monsters sounded too good. The music was great when I started it up and I remember getting my first quest to deliver some arrows.

    Then I ran into assassins, met Imoen and witnessed the death of Gorion.


    I just loved roaming the Sword Coast, meeting up with its denizens and generally being a do-gooder and smiting evil and helping people find their lost pets. I remember meeting up with Drizz't and having no idea who he was at the time. I was pretty impressed though as he took out several gnolls before I took out one. When I met Cadderly later in the game, I didn't trust him at all. Again I had no idea who he was. He seemed to be a little TOO friendly.



    What I liked was the battles. Especially when my party met up with another party of bounty hunters. After my disastrous meeting with another group, I really started to have Khalid or Imoen scouting out the area while my fighters slowly followed after everything was clear. I had Imoen use the boots of speed and backstab mages then run away and hide again while I set up Khalid to deliver a few choice arrows and disrupt spellcasting. Then my fighters would move in buffed with cleric and mage spells and decimate what was left.


    Ah, so many fond memories.

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