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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. I used to be a martial art freak back in Highschool and College. I can honestly say I spent more time in the dojo punching, kicking and sparring than I did go to school.


    I'm kinda flabby now, with work and actually studying, so the only exercise I'm doing is hitting the gym trying to get back in moderate to good shape again.

  2. I'm playing Oblivion. Got it for Christmas along with the downloadable contect pack.


    So far I've installed the BT mod, Obscuro's mod and various landscape mods. I have yet to start an actual game.


    Are there any mods out there that have offer pre-generated faces? I can't get mine to look more decent than a fat drunkard. :(

  3. Also, the best toys out right now:


    Transformers Classics Wave 1

    Transformers Classics Wave 2


    (Ignore the "legends" in wave 2. They're just leftover minicons from the Cybertron line they repainted into G1 homages and released under the classics line to bulk up the line.


    The Wave 2 looks pretty cool.


    I've already bought all of Wave 1 :lol:


    I just want Grimlock. He was my favorite transformer when I was a kid. I still laugh hysterically at his antics in the Transformers movie. :D

  4. Just curious Wistrik, what is it like having a photographic memory?


    I've always been pretty curious about that. Do you have to study for tests at all? Is it more like a blessing or a curse?


    I mean do you remember ever good thing that happened to you in picture perfect detail and do you continuously live through those horribly bad moments as well?

  5. Legos were always my favorite. I used to have big box full of parts too. I want the Millenium Falcon and X wing Lego models!


    I loved Hot Wheels when I was a kid. I had all these track parts from various sets and I used to take them apart. Then using some scotch tape, various books, chairs, and whatever I can get my hands on, I would build my own tracks and launch my cars through them.


    It was awesome.



  6. Berserk... I still haven't seen what happens after Griffith becomes a demon. Assuming something does happen... probably should do a search but I doubt I would be able to get them here, cheaply.

    :- What's FLCL?


    Berserk still manages to engage. Gatz gets a bigger sword and some demonic armor. A huge empire invades the lands, Griffith and pals return to the earth. Pretty good stuff, but not as great as when Gatz and Griffith were mercenaries. I thought that was the most enjoyable part of the series.


    Did anyone mention Slamdunk! and Vagabond? Both are manga by the same author, Takehiko Inoue . Slamdunk is a hilarious basketball manga with its dramatic moments. Its about an underdog highschool basketball team that is made up of some incredibly zany characters. One of my favorites of all time.


    Vagabond is the story of Miyamoto Musashi and is very good as well. It also tells the stories of the various swordsman Musashi fought during his lifetime and also depicts the changes within Musashi as he grows and matures.


    I've read Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It was during my highschool years in Korea where I read that and all 14 of Chinese Wuxia novelist Jin Yong's works. Thats one of the benefits of living in Korea. All the great works by Korean, Japanese and Chinese authors are readily accessible.


    There are some awesome Korean mangas that I wish I could share with guys, except I'm not sure they come out in English. :(

  7. Surgery horror stories... hrm...


    I have never had a broken bone until recently (two months ago).  I've had my clavicle somehow tear ligaments and muscles as it popped out of place.  A few years after that I blew out my MCL in a high school wrestling match.  Both were pretty painful, but not bad.


    Oddly the worst surgery I've had was december 22nd last year.  I broke my toe playing soccer and didn't know it, I'd been walking around on it for 2 months, it also caused my toenail to become ingrown.  I had no idea the toe was broken, the only reason I went to the doctor was I thought the toenail was becoming infected.  The doc then tells me that my toe is broken and the toenail needs to come out.  That sucked big time, he had to reset my toe and pull the nail in one go.  He said it wouldn't be much pain... he was a liar and a witch.


    Damn...that must have hurt. :)

  8. A few years back I had a procedure done on my nose to remove some excess tissue located inside the nose canal. It was continuously causing blockage and getting infected so I finally had it removed.


    The morning of the operation they put me in a chair covered my face with some green medical cloth and got to work. The most painful part was the local anesthesia, which was basically the doctor sticking a needle up my nose and into the surrounding area. It hurt. A lot.


    Then came the unnerving part. I couldn't see what was going on but it felt like the doctor was taking a hammer and chisel and chipping away at something in my nose. *Slam* *Slam*. I immediately felt some wetness dripping down my nose which the operation staff quickly wiped off. However they couldn't stop the blood dripping into my mouth from the inside of my nose, so I was drinking my own blood so to speak during the operation. It wasn't a lot though.


    Then the hammering stopped, and I felt my head being pulled back and forth ever so slightly as the doctor proceeded to tear chucks of flesh out of my nose. Or that is what it felt like. I distinctly heard the sound of flesh being cut and teared away piece by piece. One piece unfortunately decided to catch a ride in the flow of blood flowing into my mouth and before I knew what was happening I had swallowed a piece of my own flesh.


    I sat there contemplating if that made me an official cannibal and the doctor finished the procedure by stuffing large pieces of gauze up my nose. I felt a little dizzy and woozy and slept for the rest of the day.


    The next day I went back to the office to have the gauze removed. I was surprised how much stuff was in there. The gauze, now covered in blood, mucus and certain other disgusting yet morbidly fascinating things I didn't know my body could produce, was pulled out. There must have been a good 4 or 5 inches of gauze out of each nostril. Let me tell you after months of suffering through infection and inflammation and only breathing through my mouth, that feeling of cool air flowing freely into my nose was euphoric.


    I thought I was good to go but the doctor wasn't done. He took some long tweezers and carefully inserted it into my nose. I felt the tweezers brush up against something. The tweezers then gripped this thing tightly and started to pull. It felt like the doctor was pulling out my brain. I could feel this large mass slowly making its way towards my open nostril. What came out was the booger from hell. It was about 2 inches long, slimey, a sickly green and smelled like rotting meat. I was fascinated and couldn't take my eyes off it. The doctor then pulled out a similar one from my other nostril. It was like a family of slugs had taken residence up in my nose.


    This continued for about a week. Everyday produced something new. The inside of my nose eventually healed up and one day I felt this ticklish sensation deep inside. I gently blew my nose into some tissues and this enormous green and brown scab came out. I proudly showed it to my mother who promptly screamed and threw it away.


    My nose has been clean and clear ever since. :)

  9. so your seeming nuttyness is your way o' sending us all to a deep, dark place... and you enjoys doing so?


    fair 'nuff.


    HA! Good Fun!


    btw, (and this ain't directed at vol,) there is many jobs that require constant education to keeps pace with industry... we doubt game developer learning curve is tougher than doctor or lawyer or even accountant learning curve.


    Working for a Big 4 right now and you do need to keep pace with regulatory matters and technical accounting bulletins among other things. Plus they make you study. :brows:

    As you might suspect, it's not very fun. Here's hoping my plans work out and I'm doing something more to my interests by the end of this year.


    But back on topic, I've played Arcanum and Bloodlines and just gave up on ToEE after a few hours. I must say that Arcanum and Bloodlines were great fun to play. I didn't run into any significant bugs in Arcanum but I did get that bug in Bloodlines that prevents you from progressing, but that was remedied with a quick fix. Other than that, the game ran pretty well.


    So I don't think their games were too buggy from my experience. Maybe I lucked out. But just from reading the article, they didn't seem to have the capacity to maintain a team of people to churn out quality titles. It seems like they underestimated the pure man hours needed to create a quality game of their vision and when push came to shove, had no choice but to give the game over to the publishers.


    Plus, whats with having all that entertainment stuff? I understand the need for a creative outlet, especially for those in the business of creating games, but it seems like they just racked up a lot of needless expenses. No wait...thats the accountant in me talking. Back down boy! Back to the depths you!


    So in short, lots of passion and vision, but less business sense.


    I do miss them though. Any developers that set out to create CRPGS is good in my book. Its my favorite type of game now.

  10. I hadn't played anything in many months (or very little) and now:




    NWN2 (yes, I still haven't finished my first campaign)

    TES: Oblivion

    Half-Life 2


    Just how  I'm going to have time for all these... :'(


    Are you replaying the older games? I get the itch to replay BG and PST every year or so.


    I did play PS:T recently enough after a three year hiatus. I loved it. I remember when I played through PS:T as a fighter the first time. I mean high strength and constitution, dexterity. Low Wisdom, Intelligence and Charisma. It was like a totally different game when I played it the second time as with high Wis/Int/Cha.

  11. I'm playing Titan Quest, the Diablo-like game. Its pretty good and the greek mythological setting is refreshing after NWN2's fantasy setting. I loved playing Diablo 2 a few years back, and this game is providing me with similar enjoyment. Except there seems to be no town portal skill. Its tiresome walking back and forth from battle to town lugging loot.


    Hides from Sand's wrath for liking a Diablo-clone


    My girlfriend also bought me Oblivion for Christmas, so I guess thats next if my aging computer can handle it.


    I should probably get Knights of the Nine too then.

  12. I wasn't insulted in the least, if any of that matters. I just laughed and said to myself, "Meta is probably right". Someone over at Hasbro marketing knows that there are grown men that will covet these things


    I hardly have any urge to buy most things because I'm cheap, but something about these damn toys...

  13. i feal your pain.

    the first two transformers i ever got were mirage and bumblebee, so i had to go and buy them.


    also have a blurr somewhere around, the original blurr somewhere around, the optimus prime from one of the series  RC is laying in my desk, and that other female transformer whos name i forget.



    but i want grimlock


    Yes, the new Grimlock looks totally badass. He was always my favorite character. Probably due to my fascination with dinosaurs at that age too. I always wondered why the dinobots couldn't combine into a super huge Dinosaur. That would have been teh awesome! :aiee:

  14. While shopping for a gift for my three year old nephew this holiday season, I came across some Transformer figures of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron, Starscream and Astrotrain. They immediately caught my eye due to the fact that they were the 20th anniversary edition and were similar in appearance to the old cartoons...exception for Megatron. He was a phaser or something. But his Robot mode was pretty similar.


    Well, I immediately had the urge to buy them and now I have them set up on my coffee table waging a battle that will decide the fate of Earth. I still can't get over how cool they are and I transform them from vehicle to robot form at least twice a day when I'm home while giggling madly to myself.


    Now, I've never had the urge to buy toys like this before but I couldn't help myself this time! I subsequently went into the Hasbro site and now I want to buy the 20th anniversary edition of Rodimus...you know, just to even the odds.


    And now I'm browsing Wikipedia in order to rekindle my memory of Transfomers...during working hours.


    I'm starting to scare myself. Is this the lure of geekdom/nerdom that I've buried within me? Or is just a temporary flash of nostalgia?

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