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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. Revan's style is a stance difficult to master.


    When I was learning Korean style sword fighting, one of my teachers showed me that style.


    It has several advantages over the traditional two handed grip with the sword held in front of you. In the traditional stance there are two main attacks, the first is the over head slash/diagonal overhead slash where you bring your sword up and down at your opponent's head or shoulder. This in itself is difficult since if your opponent is holding his sword out in front of him you risk impaling yourself, so most of the time you begin with a fast and sharp hit against your opponent's sword then quickly do the vertical slash. The other main attack is knocking the opponent's sword aside then quickly lunging with a stab. Also a very risky move.


    Its difficult to do a horizontal slash or upwards diagonal slash from the traditional position because because you have to bring your arms out to your side which leaves huge openings for your opponent.


    The style Revan used however is different. Picture the stance in your head. From that position, it is difficult for the opponent to knock your sword away from you. Since it is close to your body. It is difficult for the opponent to predict your next move. Imagine your opponent steps in with a quick overhead vertical or diagonal slash. From Revan's position he can either stab quickly multiple times at the throat of the opponent(People who have played Mitsuguri on Soul Caliber 2 and 3 can picture it) or he can bring his lightsaber down then upwards into a upwards vertical/diagonal slash which is difficult to avoid. Even if your opponent is super-fast with the overhead slash, you are in a better position to block.


    Lets say your opponent attacks with a stab, since Revan's position leaves some room for the opponent to move in. He can quickly sidestep and deliver a devastating downwards vertical slash from the flank, or better yet sidestep and deliver a upwards slash cutting of the opponent's hand. Revan's position, by not having the lightsaber in front of him, taunts and tempts the opponent to move in and attack.


    If the opponent move in with a horizontal slash or diagonal upwards slash, Revan can simply block by bringing his lightsaber down and up in his own vertical upwards slash. Vertical upward slashes block both horizontal attacks and vertical upwards slashes and given the right amount of force and twists of your wrists, can knock your opponents blade away giving you a chance to attack.


    Revan's stance offers smooth transitions into stabs, vertical downward and upward slashes. It also seemingly leaves maneavering room for your opponent in front of you, enticing them to move forward and attack.

    The drawback is that you must be incredibly fast and precise with your movements. Its a stance that leaves no real room for errors. More so with a lightsaber.

  2. Interesting Ideas all.


    My personal take is that the Masked Sith Guy won't be any of the characters from KoTOR 1 that have multiple fates depending on how you played the game.


    Thats why I don't think The MSG is Bastila or Dustil...(Why Dustil?)


    It would be too much work for the developers to implement the conflicting storylines and we all know making games have budgets and deadlines.


    The MSG is most likely a new character with his own personal story. It would be more interesting that way. He is most likely related to Atris in someway.


    You know how promo wallpapers have characters that people speculate a lot on?Then after we play the game and take another look at it we go, "Ahh thats who they are!"


    For example Baldur's Gate 2 expansion pack wallpaper had the main villain on it. Yet, before the game was released everyone was speculating on who she was. Maybe Imoen?


    I think the wallpapers tell us more than we know, we just have't played the game so we can't be sure.

  3. I agree with not every enemy getting scaled.


    It was getting pretty ridiculous in Throne of Bhaal, where every henchmen you went up against had awesome weaponry.


    The level cap for the original BG2 was 17 or 18, and Bioware went overboard with the expansion pack when they set the limit to 40. (I still love Bioware though. I get wet dreams everytime I think of them......wait, what?!)


    The problem with achieving too high a level is that even if the enemies scale with you, the game becomes too easy. Not to mention it'll get cheesy with every dark apprentice you come across wielding Force Storm and Kill.


    In ToB with my party at level 35-40 almost every battle was easy, too easy, even the last one.


    What we need are smarter enemies, though I don't know how viable that'll be in a RPG. In ToB David Gaider later released a small add-on called Ascension which considerably made the game more challenging without resorting to cheesy tactics.


    Since KoTOR utilizes a 3D engine, enemies should use the terrain to their advantage, or like BlackBishop suggested, small contingents of troops might be led by a captain giving them orders.

    Or how about dark side lightsaber users moving in sword formations? They would recieve bonuses to attack, defense and force powers while in the formation, but a crafty character might be able to detect a weak link and appropriately exploit it leaving the enemy in disarray and confusion.

  4. While I do hope that Obsidian is making an original character rather than rely on the comics, this theory is interesting.


    I don't think however that King Ommin is Darth Sion. King Ommin was more like Palpatine in his endeavors, secretive, manipulative and shadowy.


    Sion feels more like an active character. He is held together by pure darkside hatred. I think that he would relentlessly hunt down his enemies taking them down using all his anger and hate. We do know that our character from KoTOR 2 will have several encounters with him. He is probably given the task of hunting you down, or has his own agenda for seeing you permanently dead.


    Besides the King Ommin storyline is basically over and I doubt the Devs at Obsidian would resurrect him for KoTOR 2


    However if there is a relationship with the comics and Sion, I think a character that appears briefly anf then dies just as quickly will be a better candidate for Sion.


    His name is Warb Null, an armored darkside user that was like the hand of King Ommin. He was in charge of assaulting Jedi Master Arca and his apprentices Ulic, Cay and Tott Doneeta when they were trying to remove the remains of Freedon Nadd and Queen Amanoa. He suceeded in taking the sarcophgi from Arca.


    He then was beheaded by Ulic Qel-Droma in their second encounter.


    This is a character with absolutely no back story, armored from head to toe so that his appearance is a mystery and also sustained major physical abuse at the hands of a Jedi.


    Any takers?


    Attached is a pic of him


  5. :) I can't think of anything off the top of my head.


    I would like more battle animations especially a different set of animations when a single character is facing off against multiple opponents.


    There should be more dodging and defensive manuevers when one of your characters is in a lightsaber duel with three dark jedi. Right now its basically just your character interacting with the enemy targeted while the other baddies just stand there making their attack animations.


    This would be especially cool for the guardian class, since they work most closely with the lightsaber.


    I guess for this to work, the programmers would have to allow your character to target a group of enemies rather than a single opponent.


    Imagine your Jedi Guardian feinting in one direction then simultaneously dodging and kicking a high horizontal lightsaber slash from a second enemy then quickly striking the third enemy when he/she moves in to hit you in the seemingly defenseless opening you left while feinting.


    I've been reading too many Chinese martial arts novels.


    Hmm I suppose problems might arise when you want to use flurry or Power attack or Critical strike


    I guess it could work like this :


    You choose flurry as a combat action : You quickly make a series of lightning fast attacks at all your opponents driving them back


    You choose power attack as a combat action : You concentrate on defeating one enemy with powerful strikes while heavily hitting away the blows from others.


    You choose critical strike as a combat option : You dodge and dance in a masterful rapier style of attack, using thrusting attacks to hit the vital organs of the enemy.


    Yah...it would take way too much time to implement I suppose, especially when the animations would have to differ from single, dual and dual-bladed lightsabers


    One can wish though.


    I imagine all those attacks in my head while I play anyway. :)

  6. Good idea.


    I'm not really familiar with D20 Star Wars, but being able to choose how the force uniquely reacts to your character would be fun.


    Consulars would could extra force points


    Sentinals....err.....they could get bonuses to force powers that reveal or affect the state of the enmey


    Guardians would get bonuses to force powers that enchance physical characteristics.

  7. I'm didn't like the whole cortosis thing.

    I can understand it from a game play perspective but it still seems a little forced.


    Isn't cortosis supposed to be extremely rare and therefore incredibly expensive? Every sword that you pick up has a cortosis weave.


    Cortosis armor...they did that in Jedi Knight 2 didn't they?


    I don't think cortosis makes you impervious to lightsaber damage. It just repels the energy from the lightsaber more effectively, but I remember that it can eventually be cut through with a lightsaber(I think from a EU SW novel where Luke and Mara Jade have to cut through some rocks with cortosis deposits)

  8. Male, of course. Probably because I'm male meself.


    Revan...just doesn't have a female ring to it.


    Almost all past conquerers, war leaders and tyrants were, as someone else mentioned, male. The vast majority of women who did come into supreme power, like the empresses of the various Chinese Dynasties did so through catching the eye of the supreme guy then systematically and secretly killing off all the competition.


    I think the latter is much more scarier though.

  9. WooHoo! KoTOR 3!


    I was a little dissapointed Bioware didn't make a Baldur's Gate 3 and instead released an expansion for BG2.


    I hope this doesn't happen with KoTOR. Maybe it won't since its more console oriented? Consoles don't really have expansion packs right?


    As for hand me down Bioware games, Obsidian is composed of people behind some the greatest RPGs ever. Give them a little faith!

  10. Looking forward to pretty much everything on that list.


    I guess finding out the various fates of the NPCs from Kotor 1 will be interesting as well. (If you went lightside that is)


    I would also like decapitations and arms and torsos and legs flying everywhere when bad guys are killed by lightsabers. Even Lucas allowed that in the AoTC when Windu cut Jango's blaster in half then spun and took of Jango's head.


    Lets not forget Maul's fate too


    But I guess that's wishful thinking on my part

  11. When I heard the minds behind Planescape : Torment were behind KoTOR II, I breathed a sigh of relief.


    Planescape : Torment, Such fond memories

    (I don't think PS:T graphics are dated. The grahpics are still great in their own way.)


    I didn't really have any problems with KoTOR I. I loved every minute of it! I actually clapped at the end of the LS ending. It was just that good for me.


    I don't think KoTOR II will let me down. I'll probably find myself clapping again!

  12. Energy Cells : Perhaps you can adjust the power of the lightsaber. More powerful energy cells lead to a blade giving off more energy thus doing more damage to enemies.


    Emitter : Maybe this will change the frequency of the lightsaber blade. For example, a certain emitter will well...emit bursts of ion that disrupts personal shields. Another emitter might attract other lightsaber blades to it, increasing your defense in battle. Yet another kind of emitter might send disruptive energies into your opponents lightsaber causing it to malfunction.


    Lens : Probably the thickness of the blade. A more concentrated blade will result in lower blaster bolt deflection but acheive more damage as the same amount of energy in concentrated in a smaller amount of space. A Wider beam increases the saber's blaster bolt deflection but is less effective hurting enemies.


    Personally I would like to be able to adjust the length of my lightsaber. Imagining igniting your 6 foot long lightsaber! Think of all the cool NPc conversations!


    NPC : So.....are you compensating for anything with that huge thing?

    PC : 1. NO! Of course not!

    2. I like to be effective in battle, if you know what I mean *wink*

    3. Why? Would you like to find out?

    4. My long uhhh.. weapon grants me greater affinity to the Force.



    ok....So those weren't great replies <_<

  13. My favorite Jedi is Kyle Katarn.


    He's great with his blue lightsaber, utilizes both light and dark force powers, keeps his emotions in check but occasionally gets pissed off, is generally a nice guy with a ****y attitude, goes his own path he doesn't care what others think he does what he thinks is right, has a hot girlfriend(Who is that actress playing Jan in Dark Forces 2?)


    Hmm.. what else, he's kicked around a lot of Dark Jedi although I admit none of them were truly Sith Lords, though I wager Kyle would give any Sith Lord a run for his money.


    And of Course he makes fun of Luke Skywalker.


    Luke : I sense a disturbance in the force

    Kyle : *rolling his eyes* You ALWAYS sense a disturbance in the force.


    Oh...I vote freelance!

  14. Cool idea!


    If remants of the Krath are in still working on Onderon they probably will be the ones causing unrest there. Since you visit the Dxun moon as well(Isn't that were the Tomb of Freedon Nadd is?) maybe there'll be some residual dark side energy emanating from there.


    I don't think the Krath themselves would be powerful enough to become Sith Lords though. They didn't have access to all the Sith teachings and I doubt Exar Kun or Ulic Qel-Droma eagerly revealed Sith secrets to that power hungry group.

  15. I've been thinking about Catalyst's original post, about the Sith who approached the Mandalore clans.


    I remember vaguely from the comics that tell the story of the Sith War led by Exar Kun(Dark Lord of the Sith) and Ulic Qel-Droma(the apprentice). Exar set out to corrupt the Jedi and Ulic was more in charge of the military aspects. (I think, don't really remember) What I do remember is Ulic was attacked, blindsided actually by the Mandalorian Clans while he was stationed on some planet(The Empress Teta system I think). The Mandalorions were very similar to the ones in Kotor, driven into battle and war for the glory, for the magnificent conflict of battle itself. They really had no direction, their only objective was to fight and win.


    Ulic proceeded to make a deal with Mandalore. They would face each other in single combat and the victor would gain control of the other's army. Ulic won and I think gave direction to the Mandalore clans. Conquer the vast Republic! Annihilate their elite protectors and warriors, the Jedi Knights. A worthy battle in the eyes of hungry Mandalore.


    Of course the Mandalorian clans were driven back when Ulic and Exar were defeated(Even Mandalore was killed) but they could have re-supplied, trained and reformed under a new Mandalore except this time they had some direction from the start. Battle the Republic!


    Since Ulic Qel-Droma was officially a Sith Lord at the time he battled Mandalore, maybe this is what Canderous was talking about. The previous Sith War only happened 40 years ago.


    Or maybe I'm reading way to far into everything <_<

  16. Hi first time poster.


    Like most of you all I can't wait to find out what happens in KOTOR 2. Instead of doing something productive with my life I find myself perusing forums such as these for little tid-bits of information. :)


    There seems to be a lot of speculation on how Revan and Malak were twisted to the dark side. I thought that this was made pretty clear during KOTOR 1. The Rakata were masters of combining technology with the wonders of the Force and as a result many of their creations were semi-sentient including the Star Forge and the computer that controlled the Temple of the Ancients on the Unknown world.


    The Star Forge itself fed off the negative energies within all life-forms(the dark side of the force) and magnified and twisted the malevolent subconcious to feed and satiate its own hunger. This is why the Infinite Empire created by the Rakata was destroyed and I assume why the Rakata lost their affinity to the Force.


    I believe Revan and Malak were much like Exar Kun when they were young. Brash, headstrong, overconfident, intelligent and extremely strong in both the martial and mental aspects of the Force. Especially Revan and Exar were similar in that both were extremely curious of what the darkside held and both were confident that they could control and manipulate the dark side to their own goals.

    (We all know Malak had doubts and annoyingly talked all too much in the cutscence on Dantooine)


    Of course Revan and Exar were not EVIL at the time of their youth. They just had their own ideas of what was right and wrong in their own perspectives and had the innate talents and confidence to act upon them.


    I think Revan during his participation in the Mandalorion wars or before that first came upon the Star Maps in Korriban, recognized the similar architecture in the tombs of Dantooine, and thus started his quest for the Star Forge. He probably went there with the same intentions Exar had when he first visited Korriban, to learn more of the Sith and the Darkside. I think this is when the possible shadowy Sith Lords(as mentioned on this thread) learned of Revan, saw his potential and started to observe him as a potential Sith Lord. Unlike Exar who was approached and seduced by ancient Sith Spirits(was it Naga Sadow? its been a long time since I read the comics).


    Anyways, Revan and Malak, either during the Mandalorion Wars or shortly before, discover the rest of the Star Maps. When they finally triumph over the Mandalorions they head out to the Star Forge with the parts of the Republic Fleet because they have no idea what might be waiting for them. What better defense then the Republic Fleet? They run into the disruption field and crash on the unknown planet(Remember that Republic Capital Ship behind where the Ebon Hawk lands? I'm guessing that was Revan's command vessel)


    They proceed to dupe the Elder Rakata and the Rakata led by the One and get to the Star Forge. The Star Forge feeds on the darker sides of Revan and Malak thus twisting them into the Malevolent beings they are at the start of the Sith War. Revan decides to he'd rather conquer the Galaxy than save it and decides to claim the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith. He knows it will inspire memories of the last Sith War and the terror everyone faced then.


    Thats what I think happened anyways :p


    So I think the Sith Lords in TSL were watching Revan, but they themselves didn't really have an idea what the Star Forge was either. Then when Revan and then Malak began to unlock the secrets of the Star Forge, both of them became too powerful too quickly and too strong in the dark side of the Force for the sith lords in TSL to act. Also with the dark side energies of the Star Forge replenishing Revan and Malak and the infinite fleet being produced, how could they hope to openly face Revan and Malak?


    They had to work slowly and secretly to usurp Revan and Malak. I'm sure their egos would never let them serve under either Revan or Malak. Maybe they had something to do with setting the trap Revan walked into. Maybe they had some hand in the Jedi Council's restructuring of Revan's mind. We know that a powerful Sith Master can even dupe the Jedi Council(Palpy for starters). After the events in Kotor one and the subsequent five years after the Sith Lords' plans finally came into fruition. Maybe we'll find out what did really happen in KOTOR 2.


    Sorry for the long post!


    Hope no one goes, 'WTF? I'm not reading all that!'

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