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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. You guys have it all wrong.


    Darth Feminist will win out in the end by secretly taking over the Sith Media and launching a huge but covert campaign proclaiming the superiority of the, 'better sex'. Soon all Sith TV will be flooded with images of bumbling idioitic male Sith lords who have a hard time getting into their costumes and attaching a lightsaber to their belts.


    She'll then shout for Sith social reform using vague statistics and skewed research results that show that Sith Expansionism Policies would be better implemented under a compromising, rational mind of a woman.


    Soon it will be deemed politically incorrect and down right rude to say anything bad about women. Any faults perceived by the mass sith populace will be easily blamed on the Male Sith Lords, since the Sith Media portrays them as irresponsible, moronic jerks with just plain no sense.


    Soon the Sith Feminist will have the force emanating from the masses as her pool of potential power and nothing will be able to stand in her way!






    I'm not like this real life. :p

  2. I agree with Ivan on the KOTOR endings I loved everything before them, but the endings themselves especially the light side ending, left me feeling very empty.


    Sounds like I am really missing a puppy by not having played Planetscape.


    My own ending choices were, the Super Metriod ending, pure classic gold. The ending of the Human arc of Warcraft III (The Prince returning to the city) the whole scene was utterly fulfilling. The last few scenes of SK's Legacy of Kain orignal was also something i enjoyed richly.


    You are missing a huge puppy not playing Torment. Ivan is completely right when he said the guy who had that ending going had balls of titanium.


    Get a copy somewhere and play this game. The graphics are totally great too. I still love them to this day.


    The NPCs are all extremely fleshed out and sometimes I found myself not playing the game but just talking to them.

  3. Lo Pan.... in honor of a real perpetuator of asskicking.  :cool:


    Nah, I'll probably go with a random first name that sounds good with Deschain in homage to Steven King's Dark Tower books. Making Roland of Gilead in KOTOR was an interesting exercise in role-playing. Dual-wielding ranged specialist, tough as nails, with no loyalty but to his quest.


    Lo Pan. What if two of the NPCs have green eyes?

  4. The power to blow up the world would be handy indeed.


    But you could be much more evil with just the ability to totally obliterate a world than actually doing it.


    Then under threat of imminent destruction you could become GOD of that planet and make everyone bow to your every sadistic whim.


    Then you can revel in the anguished screams of the tormented as they are forced do things too gruesome to describe.


    Remember to always give them a faint glimmer of hope so the people don't think it would be better to die. Make salvation seem just within grasp when its actually not.


    I'm not like this in real life... really!

  5. I loved the ending to Kotor 1. I played as the redeemed noble Revan saving Bastila from the Darkside through love. hehe


    When they had that close up closing shot with the starfighters zooming overhead and classic Star Wars music I clapped and said, "What an awesome experience."


    I guess I'm in the minority here?


    Other endings I enjoyed.


    Final Fantasy 6

    Ninja Gaiden 2

    Baldur's Gate 2

    Final Fantasy 8...I'm a sucker for happy loving endings.

    Planescape Torment

    Fallout 1, 2


    There are probably more but I'm drugged up right now.

  6. Well ny normal name would be Vaxch Aldas

    and my Sith name : Darth Phaethon

    (Phaethon was the Greek god of the sun)


    Actually, that's not a bad idea, the idea of titles that is. If you're a Jedi and you've attained the rank of Jedi Knight (and later Jedi Master), you could have Jedi Knight (or Jedi Master) splashed below your name (or Jedi Initiate/Padawan otherwise). And if you're a Sith you could have Darth (such and such) under your name (with the option of inputting a Sith type name once you've achieved Sith, um... Knight(?) ... status). And for the ultimate Dark Sider, they get to be crowned "The Dark Lord of the Sith". Or that other title from some forgettable EU stuff, "Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side". (think it came from some kind of comic or somesuch, can't remember - Khadan(sp?), the Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side).


    That would be cool. Getting to choose your Darkside name as something sinister sounding, like Sidious, Tyrannus, Maul, Bane, Vader.


    How about the spirit of past Sith Lords coming to you and proclaiming you as the Dark Lord of the Sith. Then you have the option of accepting or force lightning their spirits while saying, "I bow to no one!" or something.

  7. I hope that we get to that moment of horrorific realization of the truth and be able to say, "So what."


    Darth Vader:  Luke, I am your father.

    Luke:  So?

    Darth Vader:  Come join me.

    Luke:  Why should I join you?  You never came to my birthday parties.

    Darth Vader:  Well, I... Um, I was busy.

    Luke: Yeah, so busy conquering the galaxy that you cannot come to your only son's birthday party?

    Darth Vader:  Well, I... *growls and cuts off Luke's hand*

    Luke:  OW!  What did you do that for?

    Darth Vader:  It seemed a good idea at the time.

    Luke:  Just for that I am going to jump.

    Darth Vader:  So?




    That would be incredibly funny if you had a



    "Snort in indifference"


    type of option


    Then watching the other NPC getting all flustered.

  8. The "influence" factor that Chris Avellone commented on is a game feature moreso than a story element.  I'm not sure how your analogy to reading a novel fits.


    Well, it moseso fits how I do my own writing. When I create characters for a sotry I write up their complete background, list skills and talents each one can use, the set up a scenerio which they act and react to. I basically role play the character and how much "influence" that character has to the other characters within the story framework will often shape the story. Sort of free form writing which I do and sounds very similar to the Influence system that Chris described, but chennelled in a different way. :devil:


    You know, if you create your PC with the same dedication you create your characters for your writing you'll probably have a blast playing the game. Rule compatibility and all aside.


    It is immensely more enjoyable to have the character thought out in your head or paper and then play a game rather than just jumping in.


    I used to write pages and pages of background story for my PC in Baldurs Gate and kept my own journal in BG2. The game was greatly enhanced from my perspective as a result.


    I know you will enjoy the game Hades!

  9. /Begin Designer Rambling.


    You may encounter characters from K1 in K2. In most cases, you'll soon find they have very definite reasons why they are not level 20+ if you ask them - whether because of war wounds, behavior core damage and battle scars, memory wipes, and other unpleasantness that has crippled their attributes, skills, and in some cases, their knowledge of certain events.


    Part of this is for story reasons, and the other reason is that we can't have level 20 characters join your party for balance reasons. It's a pretty common RPG convention, but there are explanations for why T3 is no longer a walking nuclear warhead with 20+ ultra powerful droid items to choose from.


    /End Designer Rambling.



    As long there is a good game mechanic reason for it as per the rules of Star Wars d20 I say go for it. If not, its just lame. Period.



    I'm sure you will enjoy the game nevertheless. :D

  10. HD: kotor1,doom3,halflife2,farcry,hl1,cs,cs:s,vampire:bloodlines,nbalive2005


    xbox: kotor1,madden2005,espnnba2k5,fable,ninja gaiden,shenmue2


    ps2: mgs3,gta:sa,gta3,gta:vice city,gran turismo3


    replaying hl2 right now, best game ive ever played. wish kotor had these graphics. the facial animations alone are amazing


    Can I come over and play some of your games? I promise I'll be nice. I'll bring food and any alchoholic beverages you want! :D

  11. Grr...another game I want to play MG, Snake Eater.


    I'm gonna have to buy a console one of these days. Knowing me I'll probably buy all of them.



    Dude you have too there's no way someone can go without playing it, it totally rocked. (w00t)


    No! Don't tempt me more!


    Which reminds of Ninja Grey Fox. He was awesome. Give me MORE!!


    I actually hurt myself trying to emulate some of his moves when he's fighting the Metal Gear.


    Hey, I never said I was smart.

  12. i think whats harder is going from turn based to real time, try playing halfway through ninja gaiden then quitting for a couple months of kotor then come back! im absolutely horrible at it now, i'll never finish that damn game.


    I bet you try to hit spacebar too. No wait....Ninja Gaiden is XBOX only!


    I want to play Ninja Gaiden so bad! I remember first beating Ninja Gaiden 1,2,3 on the NES. I was like, "Wow! This is like a movie! Look at those cool graphics!"


    Who remembers Jump and Slash from NG 1?


    Sigh...will I fall to the BOXside? There seem to be too many good games that pass me by.

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