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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. Got my hands on a Xbox for free!


    I am now playing Ninja Gaiden Black. This is without a doubt one of the best games I have ever played.


    Not as hard as I thought it would be, but I'm on normal. This should keep me busy until NWN2 comes out. Hope I can beat Master Ninja Mode by then.

  2. I've been watching some movies of the game and gameplay seems a lot more different than previous titles.


    I've played FF 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 years ago and I enjoyed it then, but trying to play FF10, I just grew tired of the random battles and menu-turn based system. It was frustrating to walk a few steps battle, walk a few steps battle, again and again and again.


    FF12 seems to done away with that having all the monsters visible on the travel screen. Plus letting the CPU control NPC party members through the Gambit system seems a lot like assigning scripts in the BG games, a system I've always liked. I like the overall art design too.


    I think I'll give this one a try when it comes out.


    How about you?

  3. Its not as bad as I though it would be.


    The player just seemed to be rushing head in when obviously that tactic doesn't work.


    I remember equipping bow and arrow in BG1 and moving very cautiously taking down wolves and gibberlings one at a time when my character was low level. Same tactic might apply here like a previous poster mentioned.

  4. It's entirely your prerogative, but I decided he was a basket case when he opted to run a represssive police state, kill millions of his citizens by economic mismanagement and ideological fervour ...and have that haircut. :lol:



    I decided he was a basketcase when he started singing that "I'm so Ronrey" song.


    I love that movie. I sing it sometimes too, accent and all...you know when I'm lonely

  5. NK will never have China behind them if they attack anyone, simple enough. North Korea, or the North Korean situation, is nowhere near advantageous enough for China to do so, economically or politically. China might be 'neutral' or make life more difficult for the US camp to negotiate, but in a situation of real hostility China will pull out and either stay quiet or help get rid of the NK threat.


    I disagree on this point. I think if NK attacks, it will be with the knowledge that it has Chinese support. Despite China slowly intergrating itself into the world economy and various reforms it is still very much not a democracy and is still controlled by the Communist Party.


    I think preserving their form of government is a important agenda for them. I doubt China will just sit back and watch as the US, SK and probably Japan, launch military counter-attacks against NK and ultimately re-unify the peninsula. I don't think China would be pleased with a nation heavily influenced by US policy to be sitting on their border. They might consider it a threat to their system.


    Of course I could be wrong. Maybe China will decide its potential economic and political losses far outweigh any benefits gained from supporting NK.


    And without foreign help, South Korea doesn't even need anybody else to defeat the North Korean army. Actually, that's one ofthe reasons I want American troops out of there - Americans (regular ones) don't want to be there, Koreans don't ant them there, Nobody needs them there, and in the case of a war American reticence to let anybody else command their units around in any way will simply create communication and national pride friction. Conventional warfare is not at all a real danger for anybody. It's 1/ blackmailing from NK and the continuation of this situation; 2/ from that it could lead to an eventual breakdown of the NK and thus, nukes; 3/ guerilla warfare and missile hits, etc, from NK to esp. SK and Japan.  That's what is dangerous.



    I pretty much agree though I believe the South Korean opinion is divided on the matter. Most younger people of my generation want US troops gone while many people of my father's and grandfather's generation who have experienced the war and the following years of poverty and hardship think that the presence of US troops provide a strong deterrence for any more invasions from the North. Though the opinion seems to be shifting towards removing US troops recently.

  6. Hey Di~, thanks for your concern.


    As for the US attacking NK, I meant as a means of a pre-emptive strike in direct answer to a supposed nuclear threat. I guess that wasn't clear from my wording.


    Yes, I would fully expect the United States to launch a counter-attack if NK invaded the South. The scenarios I described were some ideas going back and forth when we were discussing some plausible stances that the North might take if they did attack and occupy Seoul, from a Int'l PolySci course I was taking in Korea. If NK had China at their back, I seriously think that the US or any other government would at least think very carefully before launching retaliatory attack.


    But of course, who starts wars with a cool and clear head?


    I used to think Kim Jung Il was deranged and crazy too. I mean with the entire population brainswashed into thinking he's some sort of saviour figure, who wouldn't become a little delusional. Now, I think he just has huge balls. :huh:

  7. I highly doubt North Korea has the military capability to attack US mainland with a nuclear weapon, much less with more convential arms.


    Launching a full-scale nuclear assault on the USA isn't their main objective anyway.


    Last I read, South Korea far outstrips them in terms of military technology and armament. It is not in North Korea's best interest to start a war of attrition. Their main strategy would be,if war actually erupts, to surprise attack Seoul with a massive barrage of missiles, and then deploy their considerable ground forces to capture and occupy the city and probably capture government officials as well. North Korea knows it won't be able to hold Seoul for long so they'll declare a cease-fire with China's support. I think the logic is, will the US risk a full-scale war on the Peninsula most likely involving China to re-take half the peninsula? What if China and North Korea promise economic cooperation and slow integration into the free-market economy if NK can maintain their political autonomy? What if NK agrees to slowly open their markets to the US and agrees to use the Peninsula as a trading hub between China, Japan and Korea, also open to US corporations.


    Despite many people claiming that Kim Jong Il is a unreasonable, crazy despot, I think he is smart gambling man. He has taken a substantial risk this time, especially when Sino-US relations are closer, economically speaking, than ever. Of course China will be peeved at NK, because the US will be blaming them partly for not keeping tabs on Kim Jong Il. China has the inherent problem of maintaining a growing economy that can sustain the huge population. Strained relations with the US will jeopardize this.


    I see Kim's actions as a big gamble to get the US to agree to direct talks without South Korean influence or input. The way the talks are set-up right now, NK has to jump through hoops (Japan, China, Russia, South Korea) to get to the big guy, the USA. Kim wants direct access, direct talks and direct agreements with the US in the form of lifted sanctions and economic support. Obviously the threat of possessing a nuclear arsenal will provide him with leverage.


    The US won't be able to just bomb NK or invade the country either. Not with a powerful China crouching in the background. Despite the official criticism displayed by China at the nuclear tests, I highly doubt this will make them sit by and watch as the US performs military actions just a few miles from their borders.


    I'm curious as to see how this will turn out. I hope the situation does not escalate as my entire family is in Korea.


    I actually have to go home to Korea from SF at the end of November. At least I'll get cheap airfare no?

  8. There must be some alternatives to getting to school if this doesn't work out. You're sister's husband seems pretty petty if he's unhappy about his wife driving her brother to school, especially if it doesn't cut into their time and you're paying them.


    Dropping out of school because of a lack of transportation seems a little premature.

  9. Wow, game looks like it'll be fun.


    A few things threw me off. When the PC speaks, his movements are like some rapper with his arms flailing around.


    And do we HAVE to join one of the three factions? What if I don't really like any of the factions and just want to become a power in my own right? I think that would be fun 4th option.


    But otherwise, looking forward to this game and NWN2 and The Witcher.


    I think I'll get mine at Gogamer. Their service is pretty good.

  10. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16814102609


    I just bought this for my old machine. Replaced a Radeon 9600pro with it and so far I'm pretty happy.


    I unlocked it to 16 pipelines and there is a slight performance boost. I didn't bother overclocking because I don't really play graphic intensive games.


    I could play HL2 episode 1 at 1280x1024 with low AA and experienced little noticeable slowdown though it plays much smoother at lower resolutions...of course.

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