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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. Ninja Gaiden 2 was better IMHO. But the first was awesome.


    Same way I prefer Super C over Contra, the the first game was awesome too.


    No Lifeforce? :blink:


    Blastermaster was good


    Double Dragon II The Revenge.




    There was this top-down shooting game from SNK that had you as a commando taking on a terrorist nation or something. I remember that game fondly. It was called Guerilla something maybe.


    I thought the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a great game. Its also the only game in my old collection that I was never able to beat. All my four turtles died in the technodrome.

  2. I like playing fighting games on my PS2.


    Tekken 5 (skip 4)

    Soul Calibur 3 (2 is also good)

    Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution


    Of course I also like playing:


    Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Warrior Within and Two Thrones


    God of War is a must.


    Burnout Takedown and Revenge are also good if you like racing.


    For tactical RPGs, give Gladius a try. Its pretty good.


    R-type Final and Gradius 5 are also cool games.


    Don't forget the Metal Gear Solid, I would get Substance and Subsistence




    When did I accumulate so many PS2 games...though all are used.

  3. I played the demo and thought the game was fun enough, so I purchased a copy when it came out.


    It was pretty bad. Most things people have mentioned already, but there was one thing that drove me crazy.


    There didn't seem to be a 'just standing still animation.' Everytime you stopped to talk to a NPC or commoner or what not, the character animation would just stand there midstride...which looked absolutely ridiculous and really drove bothered me.


    Ah well.

  4. Working for a Big4 accounting firm.


    Its a good firm to work for, though it does tend to work you hard, but you learn a lot and are open to a lot of information on various big name companies.


    I'm just apathetic towards the work. Don't know why. The world of Finance and Accounting just doesn't intrigue me. There goes my chances of ever rolling in the dough~ heh


    I'm going to start school next year and start studying Biology and hopefully work my way up to med-school. I always wanted to become a pediatrician since I'm really good with kids and was very sick when I was young. I'm only 25 so I figure its not too late.


    I got side-tracked somehow.


    Anyways best of luck in your jobs fellow posters.

  5. got an xbox 360 'bout a month ago... but we ain't hooked it up as we just ain't seen a reason to do so.  as is our custom, Gromnir waited for some grateful person to purchase us a console... as we ain't never actually bought one ourself... but there has been no need to even hook it up as yet.  only game we mighta' considered buying for 360 so far is oblivion, and somebody else gave us a copy of that for the pc.


    gots our tivo and our hd receiver and our sound sytem and our dvd player/burner all hooked up to the tv right now... and we not feels like adding 'nother bit o' hardware to the mess o' wires that we already gots monopolizing a corner of our family room would be worth the effort 'less there comes along a game we really wanna play.


    HA! Good Fun!


    Tell us the your secret for making people grateful to you so they want to buy you stuff!

  6. Rocky


    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


    Big Trouble in Little China




    Empire Strikes Back


    Return of the King Extended Version


    True Lies


    Once Upon a Time in China 2


    Groundhog's Day


    Mad Max


    There are so much more though

  7. Hardly get stressed. I'm just too plain apathetic and lazy to go around getting stressed all the time.


    When I do feel the tendrils of stress curling around me, I just physically work myself to exhaustion, mostly through exercise, sweat buckets, take a hot shower, eat a nice dinner and sleep 10-14 hours. I'm ok after that.

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