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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. That is basically how I run my life but then again I do have whims that shifts one behavioral extreme to another, which can seem hypocritical to those observing. Bleh...


    In any case from all accounts Heaven sounds like a dull place. Hell sounds like a place to avoid. I think I prefer to be in the middle here on Earth after I die. Find a good place to haunt. :thumbsup:



    The Obsidian Entertainment Building? :shifty:


    I can imagine the stories now.


    Obsidian employees start hearing voices late in the night during crunch time. A ghostly wail that implores them to make more character customization options at character creation with detailed parameters in height and width options.



  2. I think I already posted this but this is my own personal take on life after death.


    I am not sure whether there is some omnipotent celestial being that governs the totality of our existence and will be the final judge of all our actions.


    If the path to salvation is only through the acceptance of Jesus, does that mean that all my ancestors who didn't even have any knowledge of Jesus are now undergoing torment or in some kind of purgatory? I am not sure how Christians explain this. Anyone care to enlighten me?


    Anyways, I think we take our experiences with us when we die. Our soul or spirit drifts up to somewhere, and we're given some time to reflect on our actions and see the consequences of them. Our lives flashing before our eyes so to speak. I think there will be enlightened beings up there to help us on our way, answering our questions and offering insight.


    I think we're given a choice. Either stay there for awhile, resting, talking to other souls and thinking, perhaps reaching a state of enlightenment or being born again on Earth...or any other planet. In essence going back to experience more. Of course we don't really know what kind of life we'll have, but that's part of the journey.


    Our goal...is to reach a state of enlightenment and be at peace with ourselves.


    Of course I don't know what that might be or what it might feel like.


    I don't think that there is some SUPREME BEING that will say to me upon death, "Ok, you didn't follow my teaching or accept Jesus during your 80+(if I'm lucky) years of life in Earth. An eternity of torment for you."


    And if there is, man I'm screwed. :thumbsup:

  3. What draws you towards playing a game? What keeps you away?


    For me its the story elements more than anything else. More and more, I look forward to a certain games that will offer an interesting story and characters, and the ability to affect the outcome of said story, regardless of what genre it is.


    RPGs of course fill this craving nicely, but I've enjoyed games like Half-life, God of War, Starcraft, Prince of Persia Sands of Time and the MGS series, which offer interesting stories and characters.


    Sometimes the sheer joy of gameplay will override everything else. Ninja Gaiden didn't have the strongest story, but the awesome gameplay more than kept me addicted. Likewise the Jedi Knight Series kept me addicted for awhile through the thrill of lightsaber combat and force powers. Force Pushing stormtroopers off cliffs never grows old.


    I found that I can't really keep playing games without that motivation to see what happens next. This is why I can't master any fighting, racing or sports games. This might seem silly, but I played through everyone of Tekken 5's story battles just to see how each character's story ended. Then I never played it again unless some friends were over.


    Things that keep me away from certain games are, (besides the obvious horrible bugs and bad gameplay)


    Random Battles

    Games that require you to grind - Most MMOs I guess. I want games to be fun not work.


    Thats about it.


    Penny for your thoughts?

  4. I'm hoping someone will clone Jesus. That would be awesome.

    Actually I read a comic where 2nd coming Jesus was cloned to fight vampires, with his ninja skills and divine powers. Battle Jesus wasn't too happy when he found out he was cloned.


    Haha, that sounds awesome. =]

  5. Oh my science!


    But seriously, I don't think it would matter. The Christian and Catholic organizations are widespread and too influential to be shaken by a documentary that doesn't really provide conclusive evidence.


    Besides, its all about money, power and influence over the masses right? I doubt any organization will relinquish that in a hurry.

  6. If the game's good enough, I'll make time. This is sometimes actually good for my schoolwork, as I'll freak out about not having enough time and then finish the assignment when I might have just blown it off at any other time.


    Ahh yes, last minute panic is always the great motivator. :aiee:

  7. Of course. Plus back in my day, the cool games we had were from the Atari and ColecoVision. These days the games kick ass on great systems and there is no time to play them.


    I perfectly understand you pal...


    I bought BG1,2 and IWD1 in 2001 and completed them 4 years later because of uni

    I bought NWN and its expansions upon their release and only played them and finished them last summer

    I have bought both kotor games and twenty other ones approximately and I have barely touched them...


    I just wonder when I will have the time to play NWN2, JE or dragon age...


    poor me... :'(


    I think you work too hard. :thumbsup:

  8. Mega-bump.


    I'm thinking of picking up this title. For those who've played both the original and Black, is the additional content in the latter worth the extra effort it'd take me to try to get a copy of that?


    Ninja Gaiden Black is without a doubt one of the finest games I've ever played. :devil:

  9. I hardly go to EB and Gamestop anymore.


    I can find really good deals and marked down prices at CompUSA or Best Buy. They have a wider selection of PC games too. The CompUSA near my location always has Manager's Specials where I can snag good games for cheap.

  10. No, the original arcade version. TMNT2 for the NES was a (more graphically toned-down) version of it.


    2 to 4 players, man. 2 TO 4 PLAYERS.


    That game was awesome! :)


    I remember on my 12th birthday my father just let me and 3 friends pump in ungodly amounts(25 bucks?) of money into that game at the arcade.


    We did finally beat it though. Damn Shredder and his Turtle De-Mutantfier!!!


    I almost cried when I got the game for the NES later. It was graphically toned down, but the spirit remained the same.

  11. Everytime I read something like this, I question whether religion or any other faith based system does anything except create intolerance and hatred.


    We obviously have a long way to go. I only hope we don't obliterate ourselves first.

    Religion = evil


    Whats the main cause of wars, death, destruction and the suffering it brings right now? Religion.


    If there was such a thing as god/s and I was their god, I would have deserted my flock a long time ago for bastardizing my message of peace and kindness.


    Convert or die. This is the way of love and peace.


    I disagree. I think the main cause for war, death, and destruction comes from the fact that humans can't leave each other alone. They have to interfere in everything, even when they have no business or right to interfere in the first place. Religion is just a convenient tool to justify that interference. If we humans didn't have religion we would just use something else to justify such brutality.


    Differences in political ideology FTW.

  12. Everytime I read something like this, I question whether religion or any other faith based system does anything except create intolerance and hatred.


    We obviously have a long way to go. I only hope we don't obliterate ourselves first.

  13. I hope I can get involved in some nasty corporate politics with the Weyland-Yutani Corp.


    I hope each encounter with an alien(s) will be terrifyingly special. I just watched Aliens the other day and Ripley just devastating loads and loads of Aliens just seemed silly at the end, though very entertaining.


    I hope I have the option of playing as a rogue synthetic.


    Can we have a diplomacy option with the Alien Queen? Bring her more (live) bodies for embryo implantation, she provides us with deadly acid weapons or a guardian pet. Hehe. Of course we both have the option of betraying each other.

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