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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. We'll see you in a few weeks, more likely days, since the game is highly addictive and fun.


    My advice, just don't play through it, you really have to listen to what people are saying to understand whats going on. Take your time and enjoy.


    Keep your eyes peeled during the loading screens too.

  2. I just finished watching the first DVD and wow, its pretty amazing.


    Though I think they went overboard with the force powers. I mean if Mace could do what he did on Dantooine why they heck did he get pushed back on Geonosis?



    In the cartoon he practically destroyed an entire droid army by himself half of it without his lightsaber. They weren't the wimpy trade federation droids either, they were the tough kind.


  3. I wouldn't mind a remake as long as its done at least a generation from now. Have a talented young director have a go at it see what he/she can do. I'd be in my fifties and it would be a interesting movie to watch with my grandkids...if I ever dupe a woman into marrying me, or if I get duped into marrying her, and we successfully procreate and our children are duped into marriage...you know.


    I say just leave the classic versions alone for now. Or rather don't bother them anymore.

  4. I say make a Jedi Knight movie about Kyle Katarn.


    That's an idea! :thumbsup:


    I concur.


    I really like that actress who played Jan Ors in Dark Forces 2. She was cute and had the sweetest voice, not to mention other more tangible assets..cough cough. ;)


    But don't bring in Desann, a humanoid dinosaur running around with a lightsaber and force powers isn't what SW needs.


    They could start the whole movie with the events on Ruusan and the prophecy of the knight who will come.

  5. While I like Raven software for the games they make, I don't think it would be wise to give them K3.


    Raven is known for getting pretty good games out in a short development cycle and I don't want K3 to be 'pretty good'. Plus I don't think Raven has done a RPG before.


    Obsidian or Bioware is fine with me. While a collaboration between both companies would be great, I think it will be just one dev.


    I just hope they don't rush it. I would rather they cancel the holidays and make a better K3 but that's just me.

  6. Anachronox is a cool game.


    The game is set in space and turned based, but it has really quirky humor and some outrageaous NPCs. The story is pretty good too.


    Its a 3D RPG with the 3rd person view point. Kinda like a old version of KotOR.


    Try it out if you can find it for PC.

  7. My God I love the FF6 ending. Its great! All those characters coming together in the end escaping from the crumbling tower, Locke and Celes...awwww!!

    I knew they were meant for each other.


    Then each of them march past on your screen and all the adventures you had with them go through your head. Man....I need to play that again. Was the re-release for the earlier FFs on the Ps1 or PS2? I think I might just buy them.


    The ending to Ninja Gaiden 2 was also cool. One of my favorite endings in a Video game. That whole cinematic approach to ninja gaiden was awesome.

  8. (Azure.. whenever you want just about any electronic purchase in Korea, just go to Yongsan... it's got as big a catalogue altogether as most big American places, and sometimes better... I know we make much better mp3 players and phones, for example. Anyway, I've seen FOs, Torment, BGs and more multiple times there.)


    Right. Now back to your regular China fun.


    It is funny how you see the more unknown titles like FO, BG and Torment(well unknown to Koreans anyway) in Yongsan. But a lot of titles don't make it there as well. Games like KotOR for example. I don't think Icewind Dale 2 made it either. I never saw the Hitman series there. Or GTA. We do however get the more obscure Japanese games.


    Anyways I'm living in California now.


    Back to Sino-US relations! I did a study back in college regarding Sino-US-Korean relations. Now I'm studying accounting and finance....how'd that happen? I'm still confused. :thumbsup:


    Though I do remember one of my professors telling me that Chinese people often joke that if the entire population lines up along the eastern coast and takes a wizz, the Korean peninsula and Japan would be submerged.


    I laughed. heh

  9. So Carth, Bastila, Canderous, T3-M4 & HK-47 returned, the first 3 of whom I could've done without, but still nice to see them.

    I'm hoping that some of the characters who return in Kotor 3 is HK, T3, and JOLEE!


    How the hell did they NOT put him in there? He, IMO, was the funniest character in (both) games!


    Sith: Fool! Do you know how many Sith are here?


    Jolee: Twelve..No wait! Thirteen!





    That WAS quite hilarious.

  10. The Golden Age of the Sith was when? Directly after the death of Marka Ragnos or during?


    I really don't know much except from what I've read in the comics. I don't know anything the political or power system except that there seemed to be a Dark Lord of the Sith(Marka Ragnos) that had ultimate power. Then there were the lesser Sith Lords beneath him.(Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh)


    At Ragnos' death, Kressh and Sadow battle for the title of Dark Lord but are interrupted by some unexpected guests.

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