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Posts posted by Azure79

  1. Right now I'm reading The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.


    I started reading the Three Musketeers then 20 Years Later, both which I liked. I'll back to Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan after this book, though I'm told the later books focus more on the Victome de Bragelonne.


    I really like Chinese Martial Arts Fantasy especially ones by Louis Cha...I think that's the name he is known by in English.


    I also like short stories by Philip K. ****.


    I've read the Complete Sherlock Holmes many times.


    Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of my favorite all time books.


    Hmm what else....Isaac Asimov I like. The Robot series and Foundation.


    The Ender Series was great. Bean was a great character.


    The Dragonlance books were classic too. The chronicles and legends were great fantasy reads. I think those were the first fantasy books I read. I lurved Tasslehoff.


    Watership Down is also one of my favorites. I saw the animated movie in fourth grade and was fascinated. I remember getting the book from the library the next day and reading it all night.


    I'll have to try some of the Sci-fi and fantasy books mentioned here.

  2. How did Nikko get his face in that game anyways? A contest?


    Be thankful it wasn't my face people. HAHAHAHA

    C'mon how bad could it be? :D


    haha, I meant that all the girl gamers out there would have swooned all over me, causing chaos throughout the nation.


    I would have broken the game since the girls wouldn't want to leave the Cantina.


    I'm going to be lynched now aren't I? :-

  3. Does it really matter? Revan is whoever you want him/her to be and that will have absolutely no effect on the games of others.


    It will have an effect on the sequels that draw upon the story of the previous games, but no doubt you will be given a choice as to how the stories played out. As long as this is implemented well I have no complaints whether some people think of Revan as a man or woman.


    Let's all be nice! :D


    Personally I think women are very nice, but they have their natural tendencies as do men. Men and women should try to complement each other not one up each other.

  4. I was really excited about Fable when I first heard the rumors surrounding it. Lots of people were no doubt.


    It seems to have fallen quite far from what it was aiming for however and I don't have a real desire to play it.

  5. Although I too like feeling powerful and important in a game, I also like Hades idea.


    I mean you can only be the Chosen One/Son of a God/Divine Being so many times before it starts feeling cliche.


    I'd be curious as how'd to implement such a gaming system where you'd feel like an average joe in a situation way over your head, your only thought being how to get out.


    I suppose the way difference between a hero type character and a average joe character would be that the hero goes looking for his/her destiny while the average joe just focuses on avoiding trouble and staying alive. Any ideas how devs might be able to make this interesting?

  6. Yeah, I also lost my originals of PST and recently purchased a dual pack that comes with Soulbringer through one of the Amazon Vendors.


    Except I can't get the game installed. Its the 2 disk version and I suppose it installs the game with the 1st disk because it never asks for the second during install. Then when I try to start the game up I get an assertion error.


    Sorry to go off the subject but any pointers?

  7. I feel for you FoD. I was living in Korea until recently, and while Korea doesn't ban games, regular distribution channels primarily exist for the games that the Korean gaming populace likes.


    However I could still get my hands on some good games like Torment and the Fallout series through small game shops that 'import' the games in small amounts to sell to the more diehard fans of certain genres.


    In Seoul there is this huge electronics plaza called Yongsan(also where the US military base is) where there are lots of small game vendors. By doing some searching and digging, I was able to Torment and Fallout 1 & 2. Actually they weren't all that hard to find.


    So try going to your small game vendors, its pretty cool the stuff you find them selling somtimes.

  8. I too am visualizing this battle with my Echani battle precognition. :)


    Kumquat's main strategy seems to be keeping his distance and delivering fast sharp low kicks to keep the chimp at bay. However I believe the Chimps reflexes to be faster and what may seem like a fast kick to humans might seem like a thick branch swaying in the wind to a chimp.


    Therefore after grasping the timing of Kumquat's kicks the chimp lets out a scream of fury(darkside power) and bounds and claws his way up kumquat's leg reaching his family jewels. The chimp briefly considers going for them but decides to press its surprise advantage and go for the face and neck. The chimp claws his way the torso leaving streaks of bloody marks on kumquat.


    Obviously kumquat is quite distressed at this turn of events, his masterful kicks become futile as the Chimp converges on his face. Thinking quickly Kumquat sheilds his vulnerable face and neck from the chimps assault, locking his elbows and arms together in front of his chest effectively covering his neck and face, going into a Mike Tyson like defense.


    The chimp frustrated by this surprisingly simple yet formidable defense begins screaming and tearing chunks of flesh from the forearms of kumquat.


    Naturally Kumquat screams, more in seeing his own blood splashing everywhere instead of any real pain, that will come later. Screaming in his own fury, kumquat runs to the nearest tree and with a massive effort straightens his arms with the vicious chimp still hanging on them, spins a complete circuit, and smashes the chimp into the truck of the tree with a terrific impact!


    The Chimp surprised by the tenacity of this human screams and drops to the ground, a few ribs having been cracked and his spinal column in pain. It hurts to breathe now and each movement sends a shudder of pain along the Chimps back.


    Kumquat is in no better shape. His forearms are a bloody mess and he doubts that they will serve him a second time. He knows if the Chimp gets near his face again it will be the end.


    The opponents eye each other warily, their former animosity now tempered with a grudging respect.



    And I need to go to sleep.


    Feel free to write your own endings!

  9. Both I guess. I used to be a rabid FPS gamer. Then I started playing Baldur's Gate one day and realized that games could be a lot more than shooting stuff, although that's still fun. I've played a lot of RPGs since from the Japanese ones to the Western ones. I even found a copy of this compilation of the Ultima series I think when I was living in Korea and spent a few months playing those.


    As for Star Wars. Whats not to like? It was space battles and lightsabers, Codes of Honor and betrayal, redemption, love, vengeance. Everything that makes a good story. Did I mention lightsabers?


    I'm not sure why some people just don't find SW fun. heh. I'm probably the weird one. I refuse to grow up.


    Heck I even like reading Peter Pan and the Oz books to this day. I need help!

  10. I under stand completely, in the next 3 months there will be an offical response from the  development team on the next game. Not to get your hopes up or to provide you with false news , we were referred by one of your guests . Who wanted an answer to the ending sequence. There is not an offical comment at this time just some new from behind the screen. I normally dont post on these forums just because of the fact that gamers always want more and I personally can't give you more with out consequences.


    Who are you!? :cool:


    Like many others I was dissapointed not because TSL was a bad game, in fact I really couldn't put it down. It sucked me in just like K1.


    But after so much time spent the ending just hurts. But anyone can see the potential that TSL could be. That's what's dissapointing to the gamers out there.

  11. Hmm, difficult to decide.


    I'd have to see K3 in action first. I know chimps can be brutal, anyone see the muscles on Chimps? They're ginormous! Limber and strong, supple and flexible.


    Er...anyways, I say some people take K3 out for a few drinks then continually poke him with a stick when he's nice and drunk. Keep badgering him and laugh in his face and all that. Then video tape it when he finally explodes into the fighting fury he has buried deep down within him.


    Who knows maybe the Chimp will forfeit when faced with that image of K3 violently assaulting parking meters and SUVs on the street.


    I know you have it in you Kumquat!

  12. I wonder if they'll show how Palpatine became a Sith Lord in the first place. I've always wanted to know that.


    and No, please don't direct me to Supershadow. :(


    I think Ian McDiarmid's acting was pretty good. But like I've said before I'm easily pleased/persuaded/cajoled and especially distracted.

  13. Yeah, seriously thanks. Can't believe I forgot to watch it.


    Edit: OMG that was awesome! Sidious is freakin scary! Can't wait to see this movie.


    Now I'm watching it over and over. Sidious leaping at the Jedi with that primal scream is scarier than any horror movie I've seen.


    And the Yoda and Sidious battle...I suspect both will be horribly injured in some way.

  14. Hmm, this got me thinking, Do they still sell copies of Descent Freespace?


    I've always wanted to try that one.


    Oh oh! make a space fighter RPG where you roleplay a sentient starfighter! You can level up and hold interesting conversations with the NPCs that unsuccessfully try to steal you.


    On second thought nevermind.

  15. Oh, I'm sure they would. But they could've mentioned Revan without getting him/her involved in a new plot. He moved with Bastila to a house with a white fence on a planet somewhere, had 2.3 children and lived happily ever after. Or she went nuts, married a horse and went to live in a tree on a mountain somewhere. There, the story is still resolved (though I'd naturally expect the writers to come up with some better than the stuff I just made up in about 10 seconds).


    Wow, that is almost as deep as my version of Hanharr's future. What I'm wondering is what happened to the other .7 of a kid... I can see it now:


    "Bastila honey pie, Alfred just tried to use the Star Forge again!"


    "Again! What have I told you about letting the children tamper with the arcaic forces of the Dark Side?"


    "Don't worry, we got a nice runner-up prize: An all expense payed trip on a new cruiser to visit your cousin with the Horse in the mountains!"




    You guys really make me smile. Alfred...hehehe

  16. Like another poster said it would ruin some people's ideas of Revan and Exile and while it may not be such a big thing to some players, it is to others.


    I think you should have the option to recreate Revan and Exile, at character creation. Maybe the devs could update the heads that are available in K1 and K2 with more pixels and such.


    Of course I want to play Revan as the PC in K3, but that's just me, and a few other people. :o


    Thats inevitable anyway.


    Have you really thought about what that means in gameplay terms? It either means it will have no real function. Or you have to record four lots of voice/different dialogue for each character which comes to eight different dialogues (DS/male/female LS/male/female).


    That would just be ridiculous for a stand alone game.I dont want to play from 20+ and I really dont want to see another meory wipe , espeically because the whole thing is now so obvious that even the most obtuse player couldnt miss it.


    The gameplay implications you've stated are true and I've said in earlier posts that creating a sequel to two such open-ended games would be difficult since the writers would have to quadruple their work for male/female, dark and light. Not to mention the combinations that arise when you also take the Exile into account as well.


    I'm no game designer or story writer but I can see that it would be difficult to implement to please all players.


    I would like it though if Revan and the Exile were PCs. Maybe you could have conversations between the two, choosing what each says to the other. I bet that would lead to some interesting options.


    I highly doubt that K3 will revolve around another find your destiny/who you are type of story. Instead I think it will focus on the grand adventure of Revan and the Exile as they try to coordinate their defenses against the true sith threat. Its all there, Carth leading the republic,

    Candyman leading the Mandalorians

    , and the new force adepts taught by the Exile. Then we have personal stories of Revan the Exile and all the NPCs ready to be resolved. Its the classic Star Wars experience ready to be made and I think K3 has the potential to become possibly one of the greatest games ever with that Star Warsy feel and everything.


    I can just imagine near the end of the game, the republic fleet under heavy attack and Carth in despair when thousands of Mandalorian Basilisk Droids suddenly drop out of hyperspace, the Candyman saying something insulting to Carth. Then Candyman shouts, "For Revan!" as he begins to decimate the surprised Sith fleet.


    Then the game shifts back to Revan and Exile as they begin their own personal battle against the main antagonist.


    Very RotJ, I know, but I like it.


    Anyways that's just me. So LA take your time, choose wisely and try to stay true to the SW spirit.

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