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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. I'm probably beating a dead horse but anyways. I think that the main focus of a potential K3 should be about tieing up the loose ends and giving players a satisfying conclusion to the story arcs of Revan, Exile and the significant party members. I would love to see something new in the SW universe, new characters, new worlds, new gameplay and a new storyline. Its all good. However, I think these things should be saved for the next grand story of another hero/villain. Knights of the Old Republic for me, is about the story of Revan and to a lesser extent, the Exile. I am aware that many people feel that Revan's story is done and that we don't need to know anymore. For me though, K2 left open a lot of questions about Revan. Enough for me to want to know more about his motivations and history. I am also aware that a lot of people want a new character to play and that playing again as Revan wouldn't be true role-playing since you're just playing someone else's character. I think that playing as Revan again would be a interesting experience in role-playing. In the current Revan resides two characters, The pre-amnesia Revan and the characters that the players have created. I don't believe that just because Revan regained a significant portion of his memories that he reverts back to his original character that players didn't create. It will be more like a clash of personalities. I think it would be fun for developers as well as players to explore how the player created Revan reacts and comes to terms with his memories. Whether he accept them, reject them, wallow in despair, try to right wrongs, question his motivations at the time and his following actions. Does he accept his choices, or does he regret them. As Revan does whatever he is trying to accomplish in the Sith worlds, certain events or encounters might trigger some memory that leads to Revan contemplating about his past and coming to a decision that will affect the current course in the game and his character alignment and motivation. Wait....this sounds like Starwars: Torment... :"> Revan as just a Cameo in his black mask and suit would just trivialize the main character in this SW time period I think. Your thoughts on my thoughts?
  2. I'm in a 'I want to watch movies that I vaguely remember watching as a kid before my parents forbid me to watch anymore and sent me away' phase. So far I've watched Earth Girls are Easy with Jeff Goldblum, Geena Davis, Jim Carrey and Damon Wayans, Death Race 2000, David Carradine and Sly Stallone, American Werewolf in London, The Wraith, a movie where Charlie Sheen comes back in this Phantom Car to get revenge on people who killed him, Spacehunter with Michael Ironside who is a evil robot dictator who sucks the lifeforce from young nubile women, Krull which I think is a coolest movie ever and Conan the Destroyer. What old movies should I watch next...
  3. I'm thinking about how I need to stop being an auditor before I smash my head against the wall in a bloody suicide. Just a little more and I'll have enough saved up for going back to school.
  4. Right, you have to satisfy your cravings. But not too many times! How about joing a gym thats open 24 hours? I found that having a place to workout no matter no late or dark it is outside was really convenient. I currently work out at a local 24 hour fitness club so I can go there even if I get back home late. Plus if your legs hurt from speed-walking and light jogging, there are cardio machines at gyms like stationary bikes and ellipticals that will make you work up a sweat and put less pressure on your knees. I found the elliptical machine highly effective for losing weight since you're moving your arms, legs and torso. You should work at a speed where you can feel a burn in your muscles and try to maintain that for at least 30 minutes. But of course don't over do it at first. Also you get access to all the machine weights and free weights which are essential for increasing your strength and metabolism. There are a lot of books out there that outline workout with weights so read up and set a weight training program and focus on that. Its easy just to stumble from machine to machine aimlessly not doing anything if you don't have a program. Good Luck Hades
  5. I agree that players should be able to pick the gender and appearance of Revan and Exile if playing as a new PC. I think the problem is how will players imbue those avatars Revan and Exile with the personalities and motivations each player has created in their heads. Will players be able to choose dialogue options and actions for Revan, Exile and the new PC if they meet and converse? Will the game have three main sections for Revan, Exile and the new PC? Wouldn't this alienate new players? Of course there is no guarantee the game will be like this, but its fun to speculate.
  6. I just want a romantic reunion between Revan and Bastila, or Revan and Carth...whoever you played as. Oh and please no lightwhips. :">
  7. My apologies for the repost. Feel free to lock Mods
  8. Oops, It goes to the Castlevania movie, you can see what I'm talking about on the left though. Sorry bout that.
  9. http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/4703 Found this while I was browsing. I'm imagining some sort of Jedi Action game, akin to the Jedi Knight series. A small part of me wished it alluded to K3 though. But still, if the actual gameplay is anything like the movie...I'm all excited.
  10. Azure79


    I wanted something dark and gritty to read for sometime. I watched Conan the Barbarian(after many years) a few days back. I suddenly remembered that there was a whole setting dedicating to Conan, created by Robert E. Howard. I think this might fit the bill. Can I get some input on how good the books are from you avid readers out there. Thanks!
  11. Though I'm not a extensive reader of all of Tolkien's work, I know that there are epic storylines that took place before the most widely read novels. Any chance of this game exploring those times? That would be cool.
  12. Peanut M&Ms! (w00t)
  13. I actually had Combat, and I prefered the Plane fighting more than the tank portion of the game. There was just something about hitting the triangular plane in the air and sending it spinning around out of control that was immensely satisfying.
  14. So what was everyone's first game? The first game that really got you hooked on games? My memory goes all the way back to Donkey Kong Jr. for Colecovision. The little gorilla trying to save his father from the evil clutches of Mario...I think. Jumping from platform to platform, then from moving platforms, avoiding spikes and flying alligator heads. Ahh, I can't believe I'm that old.
  15. Jade Empire is coming to PC! YAY! Finally get to play it~ http://jade.bioware.com/
  16. Ninja Gaiden 2 was better IMHO. But the first was awesome. Same way I prefer Super C over Contra, the the first game was awesome too. No Lifeforce? Blastermaster was good Double Dragon II The Revenge. Batman There was this top-down shooting game from SNK that had you as a commando taking on a terrorist nation or something. I remember that game fondly. It was called Guerilla something maybe. I thought the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a great game. Its also the only game in my old collection that I was never able to beat. All my four turtles died in the technodrome.
  17. I like playing fighting games on my PS2. Tekken 5 (skip 4) Soul Calibur 3 (2 is also good) Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution Of course I also like playing: Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Warrior Within and Two Thrones God of War is a must. Burnout Takedown and Revenge are also good if you like racing. For tactical RPGs, give Gladius a try. Its pretty good. R-type Final and Gradius 5 are also cool games. Don't forget the Metal Gear Solid, I would get Substance and Subsistence Katamari~! When did I accumulate so many PS2 games...though all are used.
  18. I played the demo and thought the game was fun enough, so I purchased a copy when it came out. It was pretty bad. Most things people have mentioned already, but there was one thing that drove me crazy. There didn't seem to be a 'just standing still animation.' Everytime you stopped to talk to a NPC or commoner or what not, the character animation would just stand there midstride...which looked absolutely ridiculous and really drove bothered me. Ah well.
  19. Working for a Big4 accounting firm. Its a good firm to work for, though it does tend to work you hard, but you learn a lot and are open to a lot of information on various big name companies. I'm just apathetic towards the work. Don't know why. The world of Finance and Accounting just doesn't intrigue me. There goes my chances of ever rolling in the dough~ heh I'm going to start school next year and start studying Biology and hopefully work my way up to med-school. I always wanted to become a pediatrician since I'm really good with kids and was very sick when I was young. I'm only 25 so I figure its not too late. I got side-tracked somehow. Anyways best of luck in your jobs fellow posters.
  20. Conan the Barbarian. I had this huge urge to see it last night. One of my favorite movies. I wonder why they don't make those sword and sorcery movies anymore. Well except for LoTR maybe.
  21. I just hope they don't give him that whiney voice again.
  22. Does anyone actually try to win these arguments?
  23. Tell us the your secret for making people grateful to you so they want to buy you stuff!
  24. Maybe he is on Vacation
  25. same here, I guess I'm lucky
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