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About JadedWolf

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    Story driven roleplaying games, fantasy and sci-fi fiction, strategy games, history, computer technology


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  1. Yeah, 5070 reviews aren't that great, across the board. Not that it will keep Jensen Huang awake at night. Consumer graphic cards are an afterthought for Nvidia these days, anyways. Here's hoping tomorrow's launch will throw a big enough pebble in the water to stir things up.
  2. Nvidia having problems again with toasty connectors. If I were one of the 10 people with a 5090, this would definitely worry me. I hear some people are already saying you should underclock your card. Imagine paying that sort of money for a GPU, and then having to underclock it for fear of the connection combusting...
  3. Thaos is a great villain. He is menacing and mysterious, and he has a personal connection to the player character. It's the sort of nemesis that Deadfire is missing a bit. I guess Deadfire went for a bit less traditional storytelling, but I don't really remember any antagonist from Deadfire that quite has the same impact as Thaos. Not even Nemnok. Sorry, little fellow.
  4. Too bad. I was really looking forward to this game. Guess I will buy if for the PS4 instead. Gives me an excuse to actually use the thing.
  5. After having already soulbound the Magistrate's Cudgel to Rekke and having succesfully upgraded it all the way, including the last upgrade, I found that upon unbinding the Cudgel and then binding it to a new character, I could not get the last upgrade to trigger again (the one where you rest at the Oathbinder's Sanctum). Steps to make this happen: * Soulbind the Magistrate's Cudgel to Rekke (or presumably any other character) * Complete all upgrades * Unbind the Cudgel * Bind it to another character and complete all upgrades until the last * Rest at the altar at the lowest level of Oathbinder's Sanctum * Find that the last upgrade doesn't trigger Link to save game, with characters present at the altar at Oathbinder's Sanctum's last floor: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zyavtkauq039bjq/OathbindersZip.zip?dl=0
  6. Edit: Nevermind, jumped the gun. That being said, I'm sadly convinced that this is not some sort of hoax. It's a shame, because no one really comes out of this squeaky clean. It's a shame seeing your heroes fall. To be sure, I originally linked to CA's Twitter account, where CA at least acknowledges the interview, and claims it's only 30% of what happened. That still doesn't 100% rule out someone taking over his account on the forum, but honestly I don't find that idea to be very convincing at all. Though I would be very happy if it were true. Relevant link: https://twitter.com/huminds/status/993272944573939712
  7. If anyone still has a code to give away, I would be ever so grateful. Actually, I'm a bit of a dolt as I now noticed that as a backer myself, I got my own coupon. Doh!
  8. Britain has been officially removed from Euro Truck simulator
  9. Well its that strange notion that after WWII and what Hitler did no one is allowed to be nationalist - because Hitler. Strange that noone have problem with socialists because Stalin Maybe because Stalin was not socialist And Wilders is not Nazi Wilders is not a Nazi, but like the rest of his ilk what he most certainly is, is a lying populist charlatan, offering no solutions but only lies about how he is going to "fix" everything - when in fact he hasn't got a clue. And in the meanwhile, he's willing to lie about anything else as long as it means he can draw attention to his one single issue. Case in point, one of Wilders' promises during election time was that he would stop the rising of the pension age (from 65 tot 67) that the then government had planned. Then after the elections, he has his party vote FOR the rising of the pension age because he could make a deal with other parties about immigration. Edit: it's actually not exactly as I remembered it, this link explains it better: http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2010/06/wilders_drops_commitment_to_65 TL:DR version, he propped up a government that needed his backing in able to exist in return for tougher immigration, while accepting that they would introduce laws that would increase the retirement age. Sorry, am at work so mistakes slip through. In fact, I think most of you right wingers who like him so much should take a look at his party program sometimes. Wilders' started out right wing (for Dutch standards) but these days in most things the party program is so left wing they mostly resemble the Socialist Party. With the difference of course that it's all based on "giving welfare back the Dutch, because foreigners". Not that he really cares about any of these things, because he's quite ready to promise anything as long as it gets him votes. But it's okay, the sort of people who vote for him are like sheep, that forget all about the broken promises again next election, and then again it will be the mantra "If we vote Wilders in power, he'll fix everything, because don't you know, he's the feckin' messiah". So yeah, when it comes to Hitler, that's what he has in common.
  10. I almost feel sorry for the British, both the Remain and the Brexit camps are loathsome and contemptible, and they are both thoroughly British. Whether you vote for Brexit or not, you guys really need to clean up your political landscape.
  11. Just to add to this: consider that in my small country, I can travel a few hundred kilometers to the north, east or south, and end up in places within my own country where the local dialects are like languages of their own, which I wouldn't even be able to understand. And these people with their own dialects feel closer to each other than to people elsewhere in the country. I mean, we have Friesland, which has a language of its own, and then we have Limburg where the citizens of one town can speak a completely different form of their dialect than the next. Limburg is also the youngest of our provinces (edit: with exception of Flevoland, which is a completely new polder). Its capital, Maastricht actually joined in the rebellion that would later divide the short lived Kingdom of the Netherlands into north and south. The only thing that kept the city in Dutch hands was the presence of a Dutch garrison under its commander Dibbets. It is said that the inhabitants of Maastricht were still pissing on the commander's grave long afterwards. Some Dutch in the north still refer to Limburg (and to a lesser extent Noord-Brabant) as "reserve Belgium". And this is just my tiny little country...
  12. Once again so nice to see someone in the EU on this forum say something sincere and kind about how they feel about the EU "But we do also take care of each other when needed " I have been on these forums for 4 years and I have a semi-photographic memory and thats the first time anyone has ever said anything personal and real about each other. Seriously, 4 years and not one person who lives in the EU out of all the members ever just said something like " I may have issues with the central government but I care about my fellow EU members " Even people like Elerond who is positive would say " yes I like the EU but structural changes must happen " Normally I would say something because its not normal but I left it as my second home is the UK, after SA , and this was one of those rare times where I felt I am not going to try to convince people how lucky they are \ So I left it ..... But thanks for being honest Yeah, I am afraid you are taking it the wrong way. What I mean is that a lot of European states have a model that allows freedom while people still take care of each other, and this is something I like about Europe in general. But this taking care of each other is mostly only for people of our own nationality. We simply don't have the same connection with other Europeans as we have with people of our own nationality. And why should we? I mean, I have to be honest here, if I compare myself to the average French person for example... Well, it makes me glad to be Dutch. Apologies to any French person reading this.
  13. Considering the closest language to how they spoke in those days is current day Icelandic, my tongue is quite happy that the above never happened.
  14. And some of us fall in between both, and would prefer to have the best of both worlds while avoiding the evils. To be honest, that's the thing I generally like about Europe. We allow each other freedom, but we do also take care of each other when needed.
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