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About CopingMarlinsFan

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    Battle Mongoose
  • Interests
    Baseball, multiple ologies, comics and hating the Mets

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  1. Finishing up the CFL season while also watching NFL. I am a weird, weird man
  2. Need to re-read and re-watch Silent Mobius. The differences are so radical that it was jarring when I first read the manga after the anime, even if I knew the anime didn't complete the manga run. I also will say, it's sad that Silent Mobius came out around the same time as Bubblegum Crisis and has the pacing and mood whiplash issues it has since there's some good ideas in it.
  3. I saw the Borderlands movie due to morbid curiosity. People comparing it to Barbarella, I can barely grasp how, what is very telling is that its bad even if you take it out as an abstraction. Which is something I can say for Dragonball Evolution, you take out the adaptation aspect of that film and it's serviceable it average martial arts film.
  4. I said it once and I'll say it again. As a Tori Amos fan. I'm shocked I didn't caught onto Kate Bush quicker since they are so similar. Also Why no wrestler of any stripe that I know uses Tori Amos as a walk out music baffles me. This Slayer cover proves that I would totally have used it if I didn't stop growing at 5'3"
  5. Perfect for the Dolphins to send their opponents into traction though if it comes back during the season. The only thing imo stopping them is the fact they probably will freeze during any road game in the playoffs
  6. I am shocked out of all moves that made me a wrasslin' fan. This anime and this finisher is what made me go "Yeah this is why this is prime entertainment and I will dedicate my life to writing fanfiction of it... sorta." Like I have many regrets in my life, but finding joy in the toe hold that spins ain't one of them. Nissei the manga is meh but I had no issue with the anime.
  7. Got something off my chest at my mom, it kinda helped but boomers are gonna boomer. Ls are not something they will take willingly.
  8. Wish I could pick up CFB 25 as someone who never went to college I am free to only go by colors and nickname. However I am a Marlins fan by that logic so I would probably play something like New Mexico or something given my hatred of my home state and love of underdogs. Though my estranged sister went to Ohio State so Illinois would've been an option on principal.
  9. This was the salve for my existential dread I didn't know existed
  10. I am in Chicago, we have Hebrew Israelites so I can totally relate in a way. Urban life can be beat if you are suburban and have to deal with the urbanites commuting. I had to deal with a coworker once who was fired for "Jumping on cars"
  11. I am enjoying a story I am writing: Wendy the Wendigo and Nurse of the North, a Canadian superhero medical drama.
  12. The more things change the more things stay the same it seems, this is so many movies now.
  13. I find it so telling of me that my first exposure to this song was a flash game.
  14. Found my great uncle's LARPing coat of arms. I have decided to give my family the best motto ever: Beat Us If You Can, Survive If We Let You. Curious on who gets the reference and yes I will happily tell the Boltons that
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