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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. Well, Nikki is just starting to be able to use her powers when she's not Jessica and she's starting to get more interesting so I doubt it will be her. Hiro is too popular to kill. Peter is too important. Usually when they're like "WE'RE GOING TO KILL SOMEONE OMG" its someone no one really cares about. My guess its A) The Haitian, B)Ando(I think thats his name, Hiro's buddy), or C)The FBI chick. Since they say series regular and not one of the main characters, and all of them I believe have been there since the beginning. They could probably get away with killing Nathan, but I think he could be really cool with some more development. Also, does anyone else think the crazy legendary feudal japanese warrior with the sword that focuses his power is Hiro gone back in time?
  2. He started off with an energy sword, then a large chunk of shrapnel. He finished him off with a laser pistol while using Hot Rod as an autobot shield. Prime got owned. Anyway, the uncensored quote comes from here: http://nationspunched.com/people/191
  3. One of my favorite quotes is in my sig.
  4. Don't be dissing Cars. It beat the hell out of The Incredibles. Pitstop! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pope, I might have to excommunicate you for that comment... The Incredibles was Pixar's best film. Cars wasn't bad, just comparing it to all Pixar's other films made it look bad. But when the worst film a company makes is good, just not awesome, that speaks lots for the company.
  5. Currently conquering the world with France in Medieval 2: Total War. But I think I'm done with that now. Time to go back to FF:XII and Smackdown vs Raw.
  6. Right.. that would be 7-12?
  7. Edison hate future.
  8. Minibosses yeah! And that other guy's probably good, too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I almost went to that Penny Arcade convention one year because MC Chris and the Minibosses were there. Couldn't get off work though.
  9. My MP3 directory on my computer is currently 12.7 gigs. I haven't converted most of my CDs to MP3 yet, I'm guessing that once I do, I'll have around 40-50 gigs.
  10. If the game comes out and resembles any of Bethesda's past games, I will pass. If it comes out and is 3rd person, sticks to SPECIAL (the basic rules, messing with the skill list is allowed, but the basic system must be intact), and has what appears to be a decent dialogue tree, I'll give it a try. If it look like Oblivion with guns, I might pirate it. Might not feel its worth the bandwidth.
  11. I just bought Wagner's Der Ring Des Nibelung, and the Minibosses cd.
  12. I haven't seen a single thing from Bethesda that shows that they are making a good game. Fallout or not. So far in my experience they haven't made a single decent game. The best they've done so far is Oblivion, and that was fun for about 20 minutes. Not good for an RPG.
  13. I thought Kate Bosworth was miscast. She looked ok as Lois, but didn't really sell me on it. I personally think if they wanted to go with a young Lois, Rachel McAdams would be a more convincing Lois.
  14. I'll just post all the ones currently on that I watch Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Eureka, Rome, Heroes, Smallville.
  15. If he can do an irish accent, he'd be awesome.
  16. Yeah, I think the HDTV is the priority for me too. Nothing less than 40 inch. And at the rate prices are going down you'll probably be able to get a decent 40-50 inch HDTV for under a grand by next christmas.
  17. I got a whole whack of games around Christmas so I'm juggling them. FFXII Smackdown vs Raw 2007 Kingdom Hearts 2 Xenosaga III Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. Currently focusing on Smackdown vs Raw and FFXII. I think they overly complicated the controls in SvR2007, and the create a wrestler isn't as easy to use as the older games and doesn't seem as versatile. The game wants to save way too often and the load times are atrocious. I mean why does it need to load for 10 seconds when switching from the main menu to the "create" menu? Then load again for 10-20 seconds when you choose one of the "create" options? Its still a lot of fun though. Almost makes me want to start watching wrestling again. FFXII is super fun. The License system is neat too, and I like how they managed to fix one of the big problems with JRPGs, how animals like to carry bags of money with them. Now you just collect "loot" like horns and feathers and such off your animal opponents and sell them for money. Better than the Xenosaga way of just not getting anything from animals. and not having enough money throughout the game.
  18. They were the reborn BIS when they first started, being made up of mostly ex BIS people. So back then it was ok to refer to them as the new BIS. And its not like that was a bad thing. Thats what got them their first projects and thats why people like you and me originally came to these forums. You are right, now though. They've matured and become their own thing and left BIS in their past. Though it will be fondly remembered.
  19. Colin Farrel is too pretty. He could totally do the character, he just looks nothing the part. Though it would be entertaining to see him do this:
  20. I've been curious about that movie for awhile and need something to tide me over until 300 comes out in March. Please elaborate if you could. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The story is about a little girl who's mother marries a violent Spanish army captain who is hunting geurilla fighters in Franco's Spain. Her mother is pregnant and they travel to the mountains so the baby can be born near the father. There the girl meets the Faun who tells her she is the reincarnation of a fantasy world princess and must complete 3 tasks before the full moon to open the portal to her kingdom and escape the horrible mortal world. Its a pretty dark movie, the acting is excellent, and the makeup effects are some of the best in any movie. If it was a north american film I could see it picking up several oscars.
  21. The only actor anyone had heard of that me and my friends thought would be decent as Cassidy was Tim Roth.
  22. Superherohype talked to MSJ after the announcement and he said that the whole ten yards guy was just one of a few directors they were looking at. Also, in the Daredevil commentary MSJ talks about how the studio screwed up his movie, and once you see the directors cut, you see he was speaking truth. The Directors cut is so much better its silly. Also, SHH recently talked to him and he says the script is pulled nearly directly from the comic. As for a Transmet series... I would love that. Its my 2nd favorite series after Lucifer. I see the SciFi network doing that if anyone does.
  23. A Song of Ice and Fire http://www.chud.com/index.php?type=thud&id=8544 Yes, they are planning a 7 season Song of Ice and Fire series. This coming only like a month after their announcement of a 5 season Preacher series. HBO = Teh Awesome.
  24. My girlfriend used it on her Mac and loved it. Then she got a PC and hated it. I tried it and went right back to WinAMP. I'm old school. I've used WinAMP since I was 14 and I doubt I'll change any time soon.
  25. Just saw Pan's Labyrinth. Great movie.
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