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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. Suikoden 1 is a lot easier to come by though. I got mine sealed off ebay for 15 bucks. Suikoden 4 for 30, and 5 was the only one I bought on release day.
  2. Global aired it early again. Holy crap the **** is hitting the fan. That cliffhanger makes me hate them for not having new eps for 5 weeks.
  3. I searched for it on ebay and... Man, it must be rare or something. http://product.ebay.com/Suikoden-II_UPC_08...1453QQsoprZ1436 Its rare because Konami pulls the Suikodens off the market really fast. When I bought Suikoden 3 it had been out for almost 2 months, and I got one of the last 2 copies in Canada that future shop carried. Had to order it shipped from Ontario. It was already out of print. They did the same with the others. I bought my copy of II for 60 bucks CAD used. Worth every penny. Lucky to get it that cheap, at the time it was going for about 80 bucks US. Its rare because A)Konami shafts anyone who doesn't buy a Suikoden game in the first month of release, and B)Its so good no one wants to sell it
  4. Just skip it and look for Suikoden II. Best playstation RPG, and still giving new console RPGs a run for their money.
  5. Rise of Legends got old pretty fast due to how its mission structure was handled, basically being a couple storyline missions, then a whole whack of random skirmish maps that weren't very interesting. But the setting was awesome and I'd like to see some different genres of games set in that world.
  6. I knew this would come in handy... Seriously though, I think something similar to the EU would be cool, with a common currency and such.
  7. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) My 8th will be Draken's 5th one.
  8. Transmet is some of the most original Sci Fi I've seen. I love it when they go to the Religion Expo and he dresses like jesus.
  9. It'll be our 3 year anniversary at the end of March. She's a fantastic cook and for our first anniversary she got Warren Ellis to send me the script to Fell #1 like 3-4 months before publication. Best Present Ever.
  10. Jalapenos are what makes a tuna sandwich. Banana peppers are the pepper of choice for pizza.
  11. She's unwilling to marry for convenience, if I shell out 3 months pay for a ring and meant it she'd probably go for it. And no, I'm a citizen so I can come back to Canada any time. And I totally agree. Canada roxorz. Every time I go down there to visit I can't wait to get home. Nothing to do with her, since when she's up here I don't want her to leave. Its annoying because she doesn't even live all that far away, 5 hour drive by car, but I don't have a car, so its 8 hour ride by bus.
  12. I heard about some guy investing like $500 bucks of real money into his second life account, then through various real estate deals and such eventually ended up selling all his crap for like $150k of real money.
  13. I'm in a rather unique situation when it comes to co-workers. Vancouver is like the most multicultural city in North America, so its funny watching the non-native english speaking employees try to figure out what the non-native english speaking customers are trying to order. So we have a filipino trying to take the order of a chinese, east-indian, african, german, arab, and mexican, none of which have very good english. Leads to all sorts of hilarity, especially when we get especially dumb new employees. We had one girl who must have had some sort of cognitive problems because customers would ask for mayo and she would put olives on the sandwich, or asking for parmesan cheese would lead her to stuff all sorts of jalapenos on there. The regional manager came by one day and was like "Is this her first day?" and we were like "No, she's been here for about 3 weeks" She was fired the next day.
  14. I told her she should move up here since all she needs is 10k in her bank account when she applies (since she is eligible for the skilled workers visa) and she has a rich friend she could borrow off of then give it back when she's approved. Which would have been super easy until she got diagnosed with MS and now needs $16k per year worth of drugs.
  15. that was pretty hardcore. Like SCA fighting only exciting.
  16. She wants me to move down this fall, but from what I've been reading if I apply now, I might legally be allowed to in 2-3 years.
  17. My girlfriend wants me to move down to the US with her temporarily so we can see each other more than 1-2 weeks every 2-3 months, but I'm not quite sure how to do this as it seems like your options are 1)Have a family member who is a US citizen, or B)Have a job offer from US company. I don't have any experience in any sort of trade and the GF won't marry me just to make it easier to move down. I'd just call the inquiry line but its a freaking 1-900 number and costs $1.85 a minute.
  18. You're just a copycat of Walsingham. Anyway, Devastator is awesome, not as awesome as Starscream, but I couldn't find any decent sig-worthy images of Starscream. The quote in my sig is from someone's rant about how its become trendy to be nerdy and people will claim to be a huge nerd just because they liked Pirates of the Caribbean or something like that.
  19. I think its been said that if he dies before finishing it, his wife will finish it, as she's been his editor/proofreader/whatever since book one and knows how its all sposed to turn out and such.
  20. I got the latest Wheel of Time book for christmas so I'm rereading the series before I start that. Its amazing just how much I missed when I started reading the series over 10 years ago. Though I'm dreading getting up to the more recent books with their 800 pages of nothing. After I'm done that I have to read Naked Empire, the next one I haven't read in the Sword of Truth series, which people had told me wasn't as good as Wheel of Time and I now call them filthy filthy liars as it is far better. Richard is a far more interesting character than Rand, and theres not as much boring filler.
  21. Exactly. We have a lot of good customers. Most of our regulars are great, except for the crazy guy. Everybody hates the crazy guy because he's picky about the dumbest things. Like if the guy in front of him orders a 6 inch, so we cut a footlong in half, then try to use the other half for the crazy guy, he freaks out that its not fresh enough. Even if it had just come out of the over like 15 minutes ago. No one would care if he stopped coming, it wouldn't hurt our bottom line either since all he orders is 6" cold cuts, which are the cheapest on the menu. Now on the other hand, if the cool Indian guy who comes in twice a day to order 3 footlongs stopped coming, that would be bad.
  22. Eh? Nevermind, dont tell me. I'll see it tonight. This episode is all about Claire and Mr Bennet. With Ted and Matt along for the ride. No Peter and Isaac, which I found odd after how they left last week.
  23. What I don't get is how they end last weeks episode the way they did, then not even mention it this week. Good episode though.
  24. Street signs with nifty background landscapes.
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