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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. The way they played against the ducks, anyone could have beat them.
  2. And now Canucks fans get to use the excuse "Well of course we lost, the team that beat us won the cup."
  3. If there's any gameplay footage it will be closeups of combat, not showing how the game plays at all.
  4. Yeah, this one definitely was. Neither of us were happy. It was an amicable split though.
  5. Today I started a new job and broke up with my girlfriend. Now ends one chapter of my life, and another begins.
  6. Oerwinde


    I'm just cheering for the team that has ice in their town during the winter.
  7. Been watching Stargate SG1. Marathoned the 3rd season the last couple days. Now I have to buy season 4 because I don't have any more. I remember watching a few eps on TV, but it was always kind of a "if nothing else is on, I'll watch" kinda thing. I now regret that. Its an excellent show, and I'm not looking forward to the time when RDA leaves the show.
  8. So apparently Thomas Jane dropped out of The Punisher 2. So I am no longer looking forward to that.
  9. I believe its a tiny magical construct. Basically like a half foot tall golem, with a tad more intelligence.
  10. I'd like to be a sorceror. Cool magical powers, without all that effort
  11. vodka and cream soda. WHoo! oj ,am am IO drin,k.
  12. Kings Quest 7? Lords of the Realm 3?
  13. Mudmen - Mason's Apron http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFjXu-oJ3ZA...ted&search=
  14. Not so much III. It was very popular and got generally good reviews. IV was bad though.
  15. Recently bought the new Black Sabbath: The Dio Years cd on impulse, enjoyed it immensely so I figured I'd buy the greatest hits collection of the earlier Sabbath with Ozzy. Holy crap, its not even close to as good as the Dio stuff. I'm not quite regretting the purchase, but I can't believe the jump in quality.
  16. I think DiCaprio though has matured enough that he can actually look mature on screen. Examples: The Departed, Blood Diamond. He doesn't really look all that kiddish there like he did in say, Titanic, or even Gangs of New York. When it comes to leads, I'm actually a fan of Heath Ledger. He's pretty versatile, both role-wise and look-wise. I mean watching The Bros. Grimm, you can hardly tell its him.
  17. saw Running Scared. It was surprisingly good. Paul Walker proves that he's not just what Keanu Reeves was like without acting lessons.
  18. Agreed. Also, I got an email announcing a price cut for NWN2, and the ad stated "The best PC RPG of all time returns!" and I was like "Sweet! Sequel to PS:T?!?!" But I guess we should just be happy its on the list. Most lists don't include it.
  19. http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/thegoldencompass.html Trailer for the upcoming adaption of The Golden Compass. It looks pretty epic, and the anti-religion message doesn't really come into play until book 2 of the series so its hard to tell if it screwed that up too badly. I don't like Daniel Craig's beard. Lord Asrial really evoked kind of suave calculating, but that beard just makes him look scruffy.
  20. Well, I can explain the limp, Ryan slashed his leg after taking his hand. Also, he's likely holding his arm because it was cut off and they didn't want to do more dodgy CG so they just covered it with his shirt.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCZbh_r2uRY From the 2nd Xena musical episode.
  22. That would explain it then. Other than the cost of the hardware, would that be cheaper than paying for the equivalent hosting?
  23. Oerwinde


    I see it more as an expanded hometown mentality. In most cases, you root for your home team. (unless you happen to be from somewhere else. For instance, if you're from New York, and living in Vancouver, its ok to root for NY over Van.) If your home team is out, you root for the team you identify with more. Most Canadians see hockey as our game, and therefore wish to root for a Canadian team. Which is largely symbolic as the teams are all made up of mostly Canadian and Nordic players, despite their hometown. Hamilton is where Balsillie lives, so some are expecting him to move them closer to home. Likely ticket sales would exceed sales in Nashville as well. Hell, they could move them to Winnipeg and even in their tiny arena they would still sell more tickets than in Nashville. Either way, he can't move the team until at least after next season, and he has to pay a penalty to the city if he moves before the contract is up.
  24. Incidentally this was what bothered me in the now famous scene with ED209 and Kenny, and "life in the big city". In the extended scene of the Director's Cut, ED209 spends about a minute pumping very high calibre ordnance into Kenny, and the body seems to keep its integrity far too well. There was some pretty decent explosive blood splatters though.
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