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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. The biggest plot whole of the new Trek was why a mining ship was so heavily armed.
  2. Yeah, but that's a Fallout Standard. There is no way, even a short amount of time after the war, that folks would not have built better dwellings. The human race would have **** or gotten off the pot by then. Either humans would be in more or less thriving communities a few decades after the bombs fell, they'd be extinct, or they'd be worshipping at the feet of their glowing green ape overlords. Fallout is the wasteland. It doesn't matter if they set the damned thing a thousand years after the fact. ...And, frankly, by the time a thousand years have come and gone, they might as well call it the second post apocalypse. This has always been an area where folks were forced to accept the idea and play with it. I don't have a problem with the civilization level being realistic, I have a problem with it not being in line with the previous games. Shady Sands had nice whitewashed clay brick dwellings, and this was a little pissant town. Vault City you can't really compare because they had a Geck, but NCR was getting up there. I'm not asking for everyone to be in rebuilt utopias, but you would think that there would be some pockets of civilization that got past the "slap together a makeshift shelter" survival phase.
  3. One thing that really got me with Fallout 3 was that this was what? 2-300 years after the bombs? Why is there not a single piece of actual construction that wasn't just a bunch of scrap thrown together? I mean Shady Sands had some half decent clay brick abodes. Also why was the largest city composed of like 15 people. I mean Rivet City had the whole flight deck of that aircraft carrier to build on, but it wasn't touched. I hope in New Vegas we see some actual civilization starting.
  4. So Pirate vs Knight had about the outcome I expected. Pirate was useless in close quarters but annihilated the knight with his guns.
  5. Hey, yeah, I didn't even realize that... didn't they say there was like 150 endings, when it turned out there was like 4?
  6. does anyone else find that civony runs like crap? Half the time I can't log in because it doesn't do anything when I click login, sometimes the map is completely unresponsive, info boxes show the wrong info, etc.
  7. Apparently the producers said this season would have 2 deaths and one fakeout death. Daphne was death #1, and fakout death was Tracy. Finale will have death #2 which is supposed to be a season 1 regular. Based on Angela Petrelli's reaction, it will be either Nathan or Peter.
  8. Agreed. I called Spartan at the beginning for his armor, but I didn't think the shield would be THAT effective.
  9. Major Bludd was a shock as well, but I mean come on, CC wipes out Moscow, how awesome is that?
  10. Since Warren Ellis posted a youtube link, I guess I can link here as well. Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmahUDrswxY
  11. So unfortunately Kings was cancelled. They're going to air the last 8 episodes on saturday nights and Dateline is going to take its sunday spot. Its a shame, the show was really good.
  12. Oerwinde


    The 'nucks are looking good, maybe they'll make it past the 2nd round this year.
  13. You Don't Mess with the Zohan was magic. In a turn off your brain before it shorts out from all the stupidity kind of way. Making John Turturro a villain was genius.
  14. Spike is a bunch of drunken frat boys coming up with programming that would entertain other drunken frat boys. Or those like me with a 14 year old mentality.
  15. So Warren Ellis yet again does something awesome. Its basically like the Clone Wars series of not too long ago, with several mini 5 minute episodes that all eventually get combined into a tv movie. The movie airs on the 24th but for now they are showing the individual 5 minute clips on adultswim.com or Youtube for those outside the US. Its a good GI joe update, character designs are updated but classic, its got a good amount of violence representing that these guys are soldiers and terrorists. Cobra Commander is actually dangerous. Etc. I'm psyched, and if they did a full on weekly series like this is would definitely be in my recording list on my PVR.
  16. Sunshine was like Hollow Man for me. What was a pretty cool sci-fi flick for the first 2 thirds ends up as a slasher flick.
  17. Which is about as useful as saying "A grapefruit beat an orange in a zesty-fruit drink competition." Gladiators came from any number of backgrounds with a range of martial skills and abilities over a period of hundreds of years. How did they configure their 'typical' model gladiator, just out of interest? Mind you, an Apache armed with a Winchester rifle owns the average Gladiator wielding a cestus or trident, I suppose. Cheers MC Gladiator was wielding Cestus, Scissor, Sling, and some angled sword I don't remember what it was called. Gladiator was decked out in standard armored helmet and arm armor. Apache wielded knives, tomahawk, bow and arrow, and war club. The dramatization at the end is just to showcase all the weapons and have kind of a suspenseful way of revealing the winner. It doesn't represent any actual battle.
  18. One review described it as men's drunken arguments with a budget. They said it that in a negative way, but thats exactly what I figured it was and I love it.
  19. Well what deadliest warrior does is they demonstrate various weapons and techniques for each warrior, have doctors and such examine how that affects forensic dummies, sensors, and the armor of the warriors, then plug it all into a computer program that simulates 1000 battles, and whichever wins the most of those thousand is deemed the winner. Samurai beat Viking last night, and Apache beat Gladiator last week. Spartan vs Ninja is next week.
  20. Is anyone else watching this? I actually got pretty excited the first time I saw an ad. Its pretty interesting so far. Though what gets me is they have the perfect opportunity to finally settle the age old question of Pirate vs Ninja and they put Pirate against Medieval Knight, and Ninja against Spartan. Seeing that katana cut through two and a half pigs was pretty crazy. Edit: Does anyone else think we need an official TV thread?
  21. No
  22. http://oerwinde.mybrute.com/fight/19056427 Holy crap that was annoying.
  23. http://oerwinde.mybrute.com Pidesco killed my dog.
  24. Edit: nevermind...
  25. Not a film, its a new TV series.
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