Yeah, but that's a Fallout Standard. There is no way, even a short amount of time after the war, that folks would not have built better dwellings. The human race would have **** or gotten off the pot by then. Either humans would be in more or less thriving communities a few decades after the bombs fell, they'd be extinct, or they'd be worshipping at the feet of their glowing green ape overlords.
Fallout is the wasteland. It doesn't matter if they set the damned thing a thousand years after the fact. ...And, frankly, by the time a thousand years have come and gone, they might as well call it the second post apocalypse.
This has always been an area where folks were forced to accept the idea and play with it.
I don't have a problem with the civilization level being realistic, I have a problem with it not being in line with the previous games. Shady Sands had nice whitewashed clay brick dwellings, and this was a little pissant town. Vault City you can't really compare because they had a Geck, but NCR was getting up there. I'm not asking for everyone to be in rebuilt utopias, but you would think that there would be some pockets of civilization that got past the "slap together a makeshift shelter" survival phase.