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Everything posted by Labadal

  1. I prefer Classic Original Sin over Enhanced Original Sin, to be honest.
  2. I've played and finished Apotheon four times. I don't know what it is about it, but it was just that kind of game that clicked with me. 100% on both PS4 and PC. (PS+ game on PS4, liked it enough to show support for the devs by buying the PC version.)
  3. Just randomly send the keys to people in PM, or give me all of them.
  4. Ever since Divinity: Original Sin 2 launched, it is the only game that I have played.
  5. I have this game pre-ordered.
  6. I'm having a blast in Divinity: Original Sin 2. There are some stuff that I liked more in the original game. Not a big deal. I'm loving the game.
  7. I never tried Inside, but I didn't care much for Limbo.
  8. I can still take all of the keys. One can always offer. Divinity, Divinity, Divinity, Divinity...
  9. I looked up hypomania, but I have more questions than answers after googling it. I'll go with the generous theory.
  10. I've probably already asked this a million times, Shady. Why do you buy all these bundles? I shall not beg for any games this month. Divinity: Original Sin 2 will be the only thing to play in September. I shall not beg for any games this month. Divinity: Original Sin 2 will be the only thing to play in September. I shall not beg for any games this month. Divinity: Original Sin 2 will be the only thing to play in September. I shall not beg for any games this month. Divinity: Original Sin 2 will be the only thing to play in September. I shall not beg for any games this month. Divinity: Original Sin 2 will be the only thing to play in September. I shall not beg for any games this month. Divinity: Original Sin 2 will be the only thing to play in September. I shall not beg for any games this month. Divinity: Original Sin 2 will be the only thing to play in September. I shall not beg for any games this month. Divinity: Original Sin 2 will be the only thing to play in September. I shall not beg for any games this month. Divinity: Original Sin 2 will be the only thing to play in September. I shall not beg for any games this month. Divinity: Original Sin 2 will be the only thing to play in September. I shall not beg for any games this month. Divinity: Original Sin 2 will be the only thing to play in September.
  11. Low Magic Age - Turn-based tactical (role playing) game. Currently, there is only an arena mode available in its Early Access state. An adventure mode (endless) is planned. I'm reading that a story mode will come in the future, too. You fight different challenges, when they are done, you get to fight a boss type of encounter. Beat that, and a new set of challenges appears. I think I have fought 105 times and died 5 times. You level up your characters, buy stuff from the shop/or get loot after you win an encounter. There aren't enough spells for Wizards/Clerics, but they are probably being worked on. More classes are being worked on. My current party setup is: Wizard(Elementalist), Wizard(Summoner, crowd controller), Barbarian, Cleric/healer/tank, Fighter with a bow, and a rogue/dual wielder. There are still stuff to iron out, but reading about their short term and long term plans, I have hopes that I will spend 50 more hours on top of the 15 hours I have already spent with the game. Other than that, I am playingreading World End Economica Episode 1. On Console, I am playing Arc the Lad 2. I will most likely put everything on hold in a couple of days, when Divinity: Original Sin 2 releases.
  12. I have not. I came to a crazy revelation just now... I have beaten 44 games this year and only one of them is a 2017 release, heh. That is CAYNE, and that came out in January and is free. I should just stop buying games at this point (will never happen). I've bought games like Nier: A, P5 and lots, lots more, yet I have not started a single one of them... Divinity: Original Sin 2 will be the first 2017 game I get going, but that is because everything else will be put on hold once it releases.
  13. Good. It is highly likely that you will be disappointed.
  14. I doubt it will be AAA, more like AA.
  15. I'm playing more Anachronox. It's the first time I have come this far in the game. I'm at the ship with the comic book style dialog windows. I beat a boss and he sent me to jail after. Combat is so very slooow. I don't dislike the actual systems, but a speed up button would do wonders. I'm happy I went with normal and not hard. Based on normal difficulty, I think I wouldn't have mega problems beating it on hard, but I am happy I chose normal, because enemies would probably have been bullet sponges. The sarcasm/comedy is alright, don't really mind it. Characters are fairly likable. Exploration is sort of JRPGish, I guess. Good to see that each character have their own abilities that you can make use of in the actual game world. Graphically, it hasn't aged well. Overall, I am enjoying myself, but I wish combat moved along much faster.
  16. Deadly Premonition is Twin Peaks in video game form. I couldn't handle the gameplay, though. I'm tempted to actually just watch a let's play. The mood was spot on.
  17. 4 Projects. Probably Tyranny Expac, Pathfinder Adventures stuff, Pillars of Eternity 2. Last one would be Cain/Boyarsky?
  18. Well, sorry that happened to you. I was done with two clicks.
  19. Took me exactly one minute to deal with. What was the problem?
  20. I'm neutral, but if this is structured like the Yakuza games in terms of how it plays, I will buy it.
  21. I will counter with one of their other projects. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBRkpUvWc2Y
  22. There was supposed to be a Mistborn game in development but it was cancelled.
  23. You probably made fun of a Liverpool supporter. Today is not the day for that.
  24. Not exactly getting hyped.
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