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Everything posted by Labadal

  1. A glass of milk.
  2. Came home from work, ate, slept for two hours, took a shower and then watched Arrow.
  3. They are using all the money to develop a My Little Pony game.
  4. Home made French fries with Hamburgers in square wonder bread. Had ketchup, dressing, salad, tomatoes and whatever else I could find that looked tasty in a burger. 270g of meat was consumed.
  5. The Amazing Race, Boardwalk Empire and Arrow. I might not have much time for gaming, but I got to have some fun.
  6. My house flipping project as no more. When the bidding started, the price sky rocketed and I decided to pull out. Unless the winner intends on renovating it himself and live in the house, I'd say he's a madman high on top tier drugs. I've also been so damn busy, no time to lazily hang around here and not much gaming in general. I can't wat for the end of the month. Five days off work.
  7. Mars: War Logs. It's okay so far. You can tell it didn't have a huge budget behind it but I'm still enjoying it. I do hate the moles when you get stunlocked, but if you're careful and use the moves at your disposal, it becomes easier. We need more games that don't want to have a $100 million budget.
  8. Assassin's Creed III thanks to PS+. I won't be buying ACIV.
  9. Don't make me apply for the job, just hire Ziets. Please?
  10. ...why are you hashtagging a forum post? I've been lurking on twitter too much lately.
  11. I'll stick with the characters that I find most interesting on my first playthrough. On my second run, I'll pick some of my favorite companions alongside the ones I didn't use much.
  12. Meatloaf with potatoes, lingonberry jam and gravy. Simple but very tasty.
  13. Liverpool tops the PL. I'll savor these moments because in ten games or so, we'll be fighting for sixth place. #topoftheleague
  14. A primarily drama-based show like Cowboy Bebop wouldn't necessarily translate well into a computer game. The scope would likely need to be significantly modified. That is true, I guess. There is a Cowboy Bebop game for PS2 but I never played it. Don't think it was localized.
  15. I don't drink it either. I will also never own a car. According to Sleeping Dogs, I am a whole man because I eat pork buns.
  16. U wot m8? It does mention towels. I'll have you know that owning umbrellas is a very manly thing.
  17. No spatula was mentioned, I am not pleased.
  18. I'll play it this year, with Japanese voices. The game isn't actually developed by Square themselves by the way.
  19. Ate a sandwich with nutella and banana. Not very healthy.
  20. And I've only posted a fraction of the strange stuff that happened to me during the past couple of months. As I tell the kids at my job, the ghosts did it.
  21. I'd like to see a bounty hunter game in space. Something like Cowboy Bebop.
  22. Need to play it some day.
  23. Watched my football team advance to second place. Suarez, you are the man.
  24. I'd back it. The amount would depend on the pitch.
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