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Everything posted by Purkake

  1. Maybe they should choose their partners better and actually communicate with them regarding decisions also affecting them.
  2. Is that a joke? Pathfinder: Kingmaker has a good rule set, which did not come from the studio. It came from decades of development over the life of D&D, leading to d20, 3.5, and then Pathfinder. Is there anything else good about it? Certainly not the engine. Maybe the game gets better -- I can't tell, because it's unplayable now. Nothing has stopped Obsidian from using Pathfinder, it's been out for a while now. While there's still bugs, Owlcat has pretty much figured out RTwP gameplay things that Obsidian never could, stuff like AI (especially companion AI), the overmap, resting, inventory management, an intuitive UI. You know stuff that actually makes people want to play the game.
  3. Man, must be pretty awkward when a noobie Russian studio can make a better CRPG on their first try than Obsidian after god knows how many years now. Maybe they can license the engine?
  4. Yeah, not looking good, Pillars 1 has 6x that :/
  5. Nope, gotta give it the traditional Obsidian 3 months for it to be kind of playable.
  6. They're dead in the water just like arena shooters. Newer genres have overtaken them and there's just no players left. Look at Planetary Annihilation, Ashes of Singularity, even Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak (which was actually pretty good). Luckily there's still cool stuff like grand strategy, Offworld Trading Company, Rimworld, etc.
  7. Wait until you run into a Faceless scouting party, I got roasted and toasted. Game has that BG2 quality of having to figure each encounter out, puzzle style.
  8. Because kickstarter brought a whole new gneration semi-decent cRPGs to the market, leaving AoD to compete with them instead of being the only one for a nice long while.
  9. Too little too late for me. Should have got in before the Kickstarter stuf really took off. Now it just feels like a product of its time. Looking forward to Underrail for my Fallout 1/2 fix.
  10. Grabbed Grim Dawn, it's surprisingly awesome. Like a much less linear Diablo.
  11. Confederate Express is doing well.
  12. I never did figure out how to play Vangers, it was just too dark.
  13. Farcry 3: Blood Dragon or if you step a bit away from the F then Just Cause 2 or Red Faction: Guerrilla.
  14. Just found out about Confederate Express a bona fide PC tactical RPG. Thought you might like it...
  15. The real question is whether Dune has entered public domain yet.
  16. Still waiting for my Lovecraftian horror RPG, make it happen Obsidian, you don't even have to pay for a license or create a new world.
  17. Yeah that's probably just you then. It's a fantastic book. The idea is good, the execution is just sad. The Jesus copout is especially hilarious.
  18. Still not too impressed with the untested studio. Also, the community involement in the game is getting a bit overbearing (pun intended) for my liking.
  19. It's pretty much an unknown team. They haven't even released Space Hulk yet apparently.
  20. The previous games these guys have made don't exactly inspire confidence...
  21. Right, forgot the source, thanks Elrond.
  22. In case you guys missed all the fun, here's the skinny:
  23. I'm not sure they could have actually, I thought that was one of the stipulations of using Steam as a distributer. There's tons of games that that use a different system inside of steam for DLC etc. For example Bioshock 2 uses GFWL for DLC, all the Trackmania games use its own crappy frontend for all addon stuff. That's true but even then I'd argue that since you still need to use Steam to run the game to play the DLC that isn't tied to your steam account it's more practical and convenient to use Steam to distribute the DLC as well. I get why people are upset but if they are going with it as a mandatory requirement for patches then they may as well go all in rather that use an extra layer of annoyance like LIVE or Bioware Social. Obviously, I was just pointing out that there is not contractual obligation to use Steam for the DLC. Also nice to get the explenation. Sucks about the licencing stuff, but I guess they were lucky enough to get a license for a kickstarter game in the first place.
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