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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. I tend to agree, we have no idea how well maintained the nuclear infrastructure has been. Its worth noting and seeing if we can get any confirmation
  2. Im very much committed to playing Oblivion and Im having an absolute blast I have been using Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul and its makes some excellent changes to the overall game that include no level scaling for enemies and its slows down level advancement so I have been playing for 50 hours and Im only on level 4. Its great and forces you to explore every dungeon, fort and cave to enable you to advance in levels @HoonDing Im following your advice and Im using some worthwhile adult mods which really enhances the game Here is my Viconia companion ( from BG series ), who needs Chainmail bikini armor when you have Dwemer armor
  3. Do you remember that time period on the old Bioware forums It was only a small group of Promancers who were interested in those types of details. Most of us who like Romance were not interested in that type of quixotic debate but anti-Romance people used those types of discussions to generalize and say things like " look how weird and depraved these Romance people are " ...but it was funny, some people were very committed to Romance topics
  4. I loved all the Metro games, I particularly enjoyed fighting all the factions like the Nazis and Soviets and Exodus had a great narrative. It was interesting seeing all the communities outside of Moscow and how they survive...anyone feel like a " toasted cheese and human flesh "
  5. Its a good idea, one of the problems of using this drug for many Ukrainians is they are fundamentally opposed to abortion because of religious beliefs But I agree, it needs to be part of the aid sent to Ukraine
  6. I was thinking about the family dynamic you in the middle of and it must be tough to navigate emotionally We have family in the UK who were born their and then SA family members who live in the US and Oz. Its complicated the family ties but end of the day the biggest difference of opinion, I am aware of, we have had was more around the US with some people supporting Trump and some being opposed to him and that was a minor rift between some family members. But we have never had to deal with something like Putins War as this has definitely caused tensions between many families in both Russia and Ukraine because of the close ties between the 2 countries But nothing changes the reality. Russia invaded Ukraine unprovoked so when you look at the devastation and atrocities committed by the Russian military for anyone living in Ukraine, who do have access to free media, it must be incredibly frustrating to hear people in Russia say things like " yes but Russia had no choice, we had to invade Ukraine because of Nazis\Nukes " or other spurious reasons So I can sympathize with your Ukrainian family
  7. My advice is just leave it, dont try to change the Russian families view. Sometimes people who live in autocratic countries survive, and sometimes thrive, by believing a certain false narrative. Its unlikely you can expect them to change their views because then the whole Putin government, house of cards, is false and that could be unbearable because of what people have had to accept because " only Putin can save Russia " And as your wifes aunt said you cant change the system anyway within Russia so for some believing the Putin lie is too important to their Russian identity to be untrue
  8. https://gizmodo.com/vr-researches-simulate-kisses-with-ultrasonic-transduce-1848849489 Guys great news, clever scientists have found a way to replicate VR kisses through sound. Thats means our Bioware Romance arcs and Elder Scroll adult mods can become even more compelling and realistic in the future
  9. Calax someone a while ago mentioned that a forum member had won a lottery. Was it you?
  10. No Im still not convinced that the Russians are not responsible for widespread war crimes, rape and mass killings of civilians in Ukraine In fact this post has changed my mind even less than your last post on this topic
  11. Malc you mustn't consider either Reddit or Twitter to be credible sources of information for most topics They tend to become ideological battlegrounds for the radical left, far-right and other extremist groups. Of course their is always some truth in these platforms but its inconsistent and should rather be avoided
  12. @Mamoulian War and @Chilloutman Mamie and Chill do you guys speak the same language? And then because you use to be one country do you have strong cultural and historical ties?
  13. Nah, Im not convinced either. Basically you dismissing accurate and credible Western\Global reporting because of some misinformation This use to be good way of handwaving Russia war crimes and military ineptitude before Putins War but no one really believes that anymore or takes it seriously. We see the truth everyday
  14. https://europeanwesternbalkans.com/2022/04/28/putin-stabbed-a-knife-into-serbias-back-tabloids-turn-against-russian-president-for-the-first-time/ @Sarex It looks like Mother Russia has betrayed Serbia, it was inevitable so dont feel bad Hopefully this will end these pro-Russia protests that concern me immensely that I have been seeing in Belgrade. Its not a good way to join the EU to support Putins War
  15. I have a form of arachnophobia because when I was 5 or so I got trapped in a curtain and a massive water spider was stuck in the curtain with me One of my worst things is people who keep spiders as pets, it should be outlawed. I remember about 15 years ago I met a really attractive women at a club and I got her number. The next day she was obviously bored and asked if I can come pick her up so she could chill at my place I came to pick her and I remember she stayed in this massive house and when I picked her up she said " I am going to bring Bob with, he is my pet ". So when someone says " a pet " I imagine a hamster or rabbit. She gets into my car with a cage in her hand and you wont believe what was in the cage ....a Tarantula spider !!!! It made me feel very uncomfortable but she really seemed to have feelings for this 8 legged monstrosity
  16. mmmm....honestly you seem to be very defeatist and negative about certain things people are asking you? Lets try to change that attitude. Firstly we must start with replacing the word " no " with " yes " Go about your day with the view " yes, we can " !!!
  17. I think he is the first British person killed in the military conflict in Ukraine . It was on Sky News so it must matter
  18. https://news.yahoo.com/british-man-killed-second-missing-150026787.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall Sad news, a British man has been killed in Ukraine People like him from all countries will be remembered as soldiers who lost their lives in the fight against tyranny and in support of the Ukrainian people. A brave and honorable man
  19. That cant be true....can it? Thats one of the funniest things I have ever heard because it just represents perfectly some of Russia's citizens indifference and callousness
  20. I was hoping you werent going to say that ....its a good point and I need sometime to do some research. Let me back to you about this
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