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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. Come on its not that bad, I spent 300 hours on the single player version and about 1150 on the online game I dont understand some of the other criticism towards the game. Their are lots of activities outside the missions that include hunting, bounty-hunting, train robberies, kill the KKK and fishing. In fact here is an interesting list of 101 things to do https://www.gameinformer.com/2018/11/21/101-things-you-can-do-in-red-dead-redemption-ii Money has a purpose to upgrade weapons and buy expensive horses and upgrade your camp. Its no different to GTA4&5 meaning its typical Rockstar design and mechanics
  2. I must add I have just heard a weak argument from some Republican commentators about the overturning of Roe vs Wade According to them its justified because the word abortion doesnt exist in the US Constitution which is why the original ruling was unconstitutional in the first place But surly when the US Constitution was first created words like gender equality, LGBT and abortion didnt really exist or were used so how can that be a justification to overturn R vs W?
  3. The objective of overturning Roe vs Wade and the GOP controlled states pushing this ideological view is based on several reasons. Some of it is unhelpful culture wars and the GOP pandering to this and some of it is a legitimate belief that abortion is murder. I respect that even if I personally dont believe it. This view is common in SA and many other countries throughout Africa and the world I was watching on CNN pro-choice protests in Washington and all the anger and people saying " we wont accept this " But the US is a Democracy and a Federal system. I dont understand what their is to accept? If people arent happy dont vote for the GOP ....thats how Democracy works and we all have choices around who we want to vote for if we not happy with any political policy I can guarantee you their are many women who support the Republicans and they pro-choice but they wont vote for the Democrats because of what they consider are controversial and concerning far left policies But end of the day we all have to accept the overall will of the people and if the majority of people in GOP states are fine with Roe vs Wade being overturned then Im not sure what anger on the streets is going to do ? Protests dont change peoples ideological and political views, they just highlight what people who are protesting already think
  4. QFT Their is no status quo since Putins War started and no way this will end until Putins War is over and Russia has retreated. Russian apologists would happy appease Putin until every East European country is back under the control of Russia because someone who lives in Spain has no historical memory or interest in how bad things were under Communism So of course you will hear unconvincing fears about a "Nuclear war " and we "mustn't provoke the Russian Bear " and other hyperbole And as usual this type of argument ignores the obvious reason why we here, Russia invaded a sovereign country. This is on Putin and nothing is going change that ever
  5. Azdeus we cant dwell on the past and any historical political views. This is a brand new world since Ukraine was invaded and the EU is making new security arrangements to address this global threat from Russia We would all feel much better knowing that Sweden is part of NATO, you guys are part of the EU family and the thought of you guys being excluded from NATO just doesn't feel right?
  6. Elerond you must never think badly about your country doing the right thing Its in the best interests of the stability and security of Finland to join NATO. I watched an interview on CNN last night with a Finnish minister who sits on a EU\Finnish security council (I cant remember her name ) and she corrected Christiane Amanpour by saying " Finland is not neutral, we sit firmly in the Western camp and we are opposed to Putins War " Finland joining NATO is a progressive move and we should all be supporting it
  7. No thats your interpretation and words The initial support for Ukraine was because Putin is a liar, a warmonger and he invaded a sovereign country on the border of the EU. And Ukraine has become the battleground to end the egregious Russian " lets recreate the Soviet borders " pipedream we have seen over the last 20 years Once it was revealed how inept the Russian military has been an additional objective was realized. The Russian invasion can be stopped by defeating them militarily, not just relying on sanctions to end Putins War, and the Ukrainians believe they can do this and then renegotiate\reclaim Crimea and Donbas But the initial Western response is still a humanitarian one because we do care about the lives of Ukrainians
  8. " In Slovakia, media do not care, because like 99% of our population, have no clue where Yemen lies" I appreciate your honesty, it makes a refreshing change to the race card being played. The truth is always the best response
  9. Just to be clear so I dont make a detailed post and its not what you asking Are you asking why their is a perception that prominent Western countries and the global media dont seem to care about Yemen, you not asking why countries like SA, Kenya, Chile or NZ dont seem to care?
  10. No thats not the main reason for a perceived lack of interest in Yemen. Are you genuinely interested in this conflict because we can discuss it ? As far as I can recall no one has ever made a thread about this war on this forum and that tells me its a conflict most people are not particularly interested in
  11. GD can the Federal government outlaw abortion throughout the US or will it always be a choice individual states can decide ?
  12. Its true what you observing but having a finite amount of time to complete the main quest\mission would undermine the design of most sandbox and open-world RPG In Oblivion at the moment the Kvatch gate is open and I am supposed to close it urgently but its suggested you must be on level 16 to complete this main part of the game. With Maskars brilliant mod my level advancement is really slowed down and Im only level 5 after 60 hours. So Im not bothering with that quest and Im just exploring, joining guilds and doing as many quests as I can to get to level 16...but its funny to hear NPCs talking about " the urgency to close the Kvatch gate " and Im busy killing rats and visiting Daedra shrines
  13. I support pro-choice and always will but if Roe vs Wade is overturned it just means the states will decide which is what is basically happening now if you think of Texas? And if the majority of citizens in each state dont like that they must vote for the Democrats and not support the GOP I see this as an unfortunate but honest reflection of what the majority of people in each state want. And any women living in a pro-life state can just travel to a pro-choice state if they want an abortion. Its not like its been made illegal across the whole of the US
  14. You raise an important point, " once Putins War is over will the West be as committed to helping rebuild Ukraine" ? I believe the West wont abandon Ukraine in this regard but we will have to wait and see
  15. No Im not saying Sweden should defund the US, I am saying Sweden should declare war on the US !!! But you wrong about the world not changing, it has changed inexorably and forever but this change is a positive one as you will see in the future Putins War has made the EU, and most of the world, realize that security, sovereignty and freedom cannot and should never be taken for granted. This means that organizations like NATO have a purpose and they need to be supported and funded. It also means that many EU countries need to ensure they increase military spending so they not dependent on the US as the current main funder of NATO And we seeing this change already with the likes of Germany increasing their military spending
  16. I mentioned this before to you but I have gained new respect for the SJ and positive role that Sweden and the Nordic countries have played in the world since the Cold War Sweden has been very consistent with funding or defunding countries that dont respect human rights and I would be proud of that if I was Swedish citizen You dont really have experience at modern day diplomacy or mediation but it excels at things like its moral compass and value system and the culture that exists in the Nordic countries that is admired by many people globally
  17. Interesting points. But joining NATO is also about the fact that the US provides the most funding and resources towards it and it has an immediate military that will be deployed and utilized if any NATO country is attacked by Russia. So its not just a promise, it will be acted on. You know I support the EU unequivocally so what I am about to say is not a criticism towards the EU but without the US military support I question the EU military response if Sweden was attacked and how effective it would be As I mentioned earlier since Putins War our world has changed forever and you should try to see joining NATO as insurance. And its insurance I never would have suggested until 2 months ago And then its highly unlikely Putin will ever attack any NATO country so dont see this as the prelude to WW3 or something similar
  18. Interesting read around how artillery will change the nature of this war and it explains this in summary with the quote below Russians forces are using artillery to extricate themselves from Ukrainian ambushes and inflict fatalities as well as to avoid having to go “into the teeth of these very high-end Western weapons,” including Javelin and NLAW anti-armor missiles, that already have destroyed some Russian units, Cranny-Evans said. “They’re just going to sit back and let their long-range assets to do the work because they don’t have the manpower to waste,” he said.
  19. I appreciate your honesty about your reservations around joining NATO but freedom and the quality of life we all enjoy comes with a price and Putins War means that price has be paid in our lifetimes. Some generations dont have to pay this price but many do if you think about our parents and grandparents during WW1&2 or the Cold War Remember none of this would be happening if it wasnt for the arrogance and paranoia of Putin deciding to create the old Soviets borders. But the moment he invaded Ukraine everything changed forever in all our lives and it can never go back to the old days Putin has demonstrated you can never trust Russia over anything, not energy supply or respecting sovereignty. And the only thing stopping Putin invading another European country is NATO and their doctrine of " an attack on one is an attack on all " and that is the only reason Sweden may be joining NATO. If you had to go back before Putins War I would have said to you " as much as I support NATO their is no reason Sweden needs to join NATO. Its unnecessary because the Cold War is over and its not like Russia would conceivably threaten Sweden " But now NATO literally becomes the bulwark and insurance to a possible Russian invasion. You simply cannot live in a European country or country near Russia and ignore that I read the link you posted and I agree we should still listen to other opinions and free speech still matters, Im just not sure what " the other side " to the invasion of Ukraine is and the fact that Putin is a unashamed liar and cannot be trusted? In the article it mentions the EU view from some before Ukraine where it says " To prove beyond reasonable doubt that Russia is a great power, insulted Russian leaders might act even more as if the country were one "....the days of the world pandering to Russias insecurity and trying not to " insult " Putin\Russia is over And its over because of the direct actions of Putins War...not the US But it was a good read and made me realize some of the " anti-Western " sentiment that exists in the world for decisions made in the Cold War like Vietnam So in closing, its important to have an informed opinion and difference of opinions but Sweden cannot take the position of being neutral anymore. Thats why joining NATO is the best decision for overall security of your country
  20. I have been thinking about the reason for this constant gaslighting and embarrassing lies that come from Putin\Russia Since Putin came to power its become normal for them to lie and basically deny any allegation of human rights abuses, war crimes and other actions. This includes war crimes in Chechnya and Syria Assassinations of Russian dissidents throughout the world the killing and arresting of journalists within Russia poisoning of Navalny the rise of institutionalized bigotry where the Russia media and state ignore it the rise of a nationalistic Russian Orthodox Church that doesnt help things state sponsored cheating\doping in most sports events ensuring that no opposition political parties can campaign freely and fairly This has been going on within Russia for the last 20 years and the Ruskies just deny any of it is true and Russian apologists say things like " you cant trust Western media " yet they happily parrot the likes of RT and other similar Russian houses
  21. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/02/energy/germany-russia-oil-embargo/index.html Another good move by Germany in its opposition to Putins War, to quote from the link "Germany can't be blackmailed, we know there is a dependency on natural gas from Russia, it is a reality. We need time to reduce this dependency," he told CNN. "This is the situation of the contracts and we do not change because Putin needs rubles for his war chest." Germany has reduced its consumption of Russian gas to 35% of imports from 55% before the war in Ukraine, but says it needs to keep buying from Moscow at least until next year to avoid a deep recession" Germany also agreed to send heavier military equipment to Ukraine. Hopefully this will end\reduce the unwarranted criticism towards Germanys response to the invasion of Ukraine
  22. Another meaningless threat from the failed outcomes of Putins War. The Russians never cease to tire with not taking responsibility for what they created I wonder what this latest threat means, maybe an army of bears to attack the US in Alaska ??
  23. I havent played BG3 yet because Im waiting for full release. Why do you think I like BG3?
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