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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. If you were in charge of finding a way to end Putins War what would you suggest? Lets say you could force both Russia and Ukraine to agree to certain terms what would you implement ?
  2. Gorthfuscious !!! That sounds very anarchistic ....remember we dont like to unfairly criticize large, global corporations unless we have evidence or links because we dont want to create negative sentiment? Interestingly enough its not dividend payment that sometimes motivate unethical or criminal behavior but the objective of making the yearly target that is obviously critical to the company being sustainable And what you often find is performance bonuses for the C level and or board that is contractually agreed to based on the company making its target and yes their are cases of corruption because of this. But companies dont always pay dividends because the profit is often utilized elsewhere But its not profitability that is the problem, all listed companies and non-listed companies have to be profitable for several reasons and when a company makes its target that is generally a sign of the company being well run Unlike the public sector SOE (state owned entities ) which normally dont have to be profitable. They shouldnt run at a loss but even if they do most governments will bail them out with taxpayers money ...so its much easier to sit on a public sector board knowing you dont have to worry about a target that is critical for the survival of the company I am just explaining the real pressures and responsibility that private sector corporations are always under compared to public sector ...Im not justifying corruption
  3. What about demands to end inequality by nationalization, violent protests and blaming the " evil, Capitalist system " for all our societal woes Do you think these will still be around
  4. I hope its Greyhawk....I really do
  5. https://qz.com/india/2171314/the-us-overtakes-china-as-indias-top-trade-partner/?utm_source=YPL&yptr=yahoo The US is now India's biggest trade partner. @Darkpriest Another blow in the new Russian economic world order? But the good news is Russia still has countries like Syria, Venezuela, NK, Eretria and Cuba as allies in this exciting new union of prosperity and trade
  6. Please take photos and share them next time, I love the entire culture of Comic-Con....oh and dont forget the cosplay and booth-babes
  7. Thats kind of what I mean, unfortunately when you take cameras into a courtroom you must realize it will immediately draw some of the SM\Internet\armchair activists into the commentary and for some people its not about the actual court case but about their own ideological views Thats not the end of the world because the actual outcome should be decided on the evidence and not the publics personal opinion. But for me it gets annoying because of how a case like this becomes a media feeding frenzy for people on both sides
  8. I dont think the media should be allowed in courtrooms, I just think the courtroom shouldnt become another theater of the left vs right ideological culture wars. I think it creates a distraction I havent really been following this Depp vs Heard case but from what I have seen I dont know who to believe? They both come across as deplorable people
  9. https://briefly.co.za/world/europe/127972-putin-engages-talks-german-french-leaders-ukraine-demands-sanctions-end/ The audacity and arrogance of Putin never ceases to amaze me. The Russian navy is blockading Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea and preventing millions of tons of wheat from getting to mostly third world and impoverished countries But Putin wants Western sanctions dropped before he will allow the wheat to leave Ukraine. I thought Western sanctions didnt matter and Russia was going to create a " new world economic order " ?
  10. Im still waiting for the US and EU economies to collapse because of the sanctions against Russia, when is that going to happen?
  11. Thats great news, I never DM in the Spelljammer universe. I created campaigns mostly in Forgotten Realms about 80% of the time but we also played in Greyhawk, Dragonlance and Ravenloft So Spelljammer is something that I have never experienced
  12. https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/breaking-anc-cuba-r50-million-donation-why-latest-updates/ https://ewn.co.za/2022/03/22/court-halts-sa-s-r50-million-donation-to-cuba This is an ongoing SA specific story but relevant to the dangers and realities of any socialist state and its economic failures SA was going to give R50 million ($3.3 million) to Cuba in the form of supplies and food aid This has been blocked by our courts but it was incredibly frustrating to think of the limited money we have that a failed, socialist experiment like the Cuban government should receive anything Any aid like this needs to go to African countries and specifically countries on our border like Zimbabwe so they can rebuild their broken economy and the millions of illegal Zimbabweans can go home. This is what they want to do as well but they cant go home if their are no jobs or their government has no money to rebuild the economy
  13. The poem was poignant and evocative, nice one I have always believed that anyone who is prepared to do service in the military is demonstrating great patriotism and in times of war its bravery and sadly sometimes sacrifice so the rest of us can continue to have the numerous freedoms we take for granted
  14. Nice people in Sweden and hot women, every time I meet people from the Nordic countries they generally very friendly and love socializing and chatting
  15. Its not a crusade but an awareness and concern because the radical left\socialists are real and want to undermine the progress we have made in our societies in several ways You dont have to be concerned about it but lets not say it doesnt exist
  16. https://news.sky.com/story/mona-lisa-attacked-with-cake-by-man-dressed-as-old-lady-in-wheelchair-12624074 A truly deplorable and cowardly attack on the Mona Lisa ....it looks like the work of the radical left? The guy must be jailed in the longest terms possible
  17. Im making huge progress in my exciting and wonderous journey in Oblivion. I have started closing the Oblivion gates to get support for Bruma and I decided to make Frostcrag Spire my home. I have upgraded it and its ideal for R&R after a hard day at saving the world I am loving the following mods apart from the " must have " Maskars overhaul mod Ultimate Leveling : It uses XP points and makes exploring and most adventuring activities rewarding Midas Magic Mod : This is the most perfect and lore friendly mod to enhance all spell castings. Its adds hundreds of new spells, a dungeon, quests and monsters you need for ingredients. It has an exciting spell creation system that you use at a new Midas Shop at the Arcane University ....gems and other jewelry never became so important Alchemy Advanced : It makes everything about creating potions more complex and worthwhile ....highly recommended if you enjoy the art of alchemy I had one potential " ground breaking " bug where I couldnt initiate the Mythic Dawn attack on Weynon Priory but I used a console cheat to finish this quest but that in turn created another bug where I didnt get the key for Cloud Ruler Temple. But I solved this by using another console cheat to unlock the temple door in Cloud Ruler and then spoke to Jauffre to complete the quest
  18. Is it similar to Coteries? I enjoyed Coteries and I intend to play Swansong so I appreciate constructive criticism like the audio issue you identified So what I mean is these games are by design what I define as a narrative RPG and its always going to be " slower " than most games buts thats part of the enjoyment and fun. You really end up really thinking about your choices like in Coteries where I had to make these seriously deep decisions during several quests like the one around faith and the church and the one with the nosey reporter and the ex-girlfriend So I enjoy these types of narrative RPG and their slower design objectives
  19. Malc I can imagine you wondering what is my opinion on the question " were these cops cowards" and or " did they act appropriately " ? I have been avoiding getting involved in this specific debate because I have been tracking developments and facts and watching interviews. And I wanted to be sure about the points I can make that they are as well informed as reasonably possible But its also a fairly " long " post so I also didnt want to waste my time on making it if no one really wants to know what my opinion is. Because their are always debates that are active here or on Codex that people respond to and sometimes people agree with me and sometimes they dont. Like all debates ...thats the nature of a debate But the point Im making is let me know if you want to know what I think and @Sarex, and others, you may also want to know what I think?
  20. Whats your opinion on what do you expect from your government and this will be outside of the obvious that I mentioned to GD like delivering public services and ensuring border control So in other words do you want your PM to be married, what about affairs and other things ?
  21. I assumed you were being serious because its a valid point Remember Trump has very little interest or understanding of geopolitics and the US historical role and relationship with institutions like NATO. His strength was appealing to the base and internal US developments So if he was still president I am not saying he would be supporting the unprovoked invasion and war crimes but he wouldn't be sending the amount of aid to Ukraine or be as vociferously critical of Putin as Biden has been As you know I dont support the Democrats on certain policies but I did want Biden to win in 2020. Bidens response to the invasion is the correct one and Trump would not have responded in the same way Its not an exaggeration when people say " Trump had a bromance with Putin " and that bromance went both ways Putin definitely respected Trump and was very reluctant to ever criticize him
  22. I agree, people were much happier and content in those days. Think about all the violent protests and unhappiness nowadays that people put themselves through. No one complained about " white, male privlidege " back then....everyone was happy and we know this is true because the level of civil disobedience was almost non-existent
  23. GD going back to Gorths question, what do you expect from your government? And Im serious because obviously all governments have to provide public services and collect tax and do other similar things. So thats mandatory for all governments But for example do you think our politicians should be moral and virtuous people and not have affairs or gamble or go to strip clubs. Would these things bother you ? They dont bother me because I expect them to deliver on the policies they say they believe in and what they do in their personal lives isnt my business unless its illegal
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