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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. those conversations also mention the person responsible for all the death in Odessa, if it's true... then it's just as everyone suspected: Ukrainian oligarchs simply struggle for power, and innocent people get killed in he process. it's the "wild" 90s all over again
  2. not "the Jews". one particular person passed on information through sinagogues that he will pay 1kk USD for Tzarev's head. and rumors have it somebody already burned down Tzarev's neighbors' house in an attempt to assassinate him.
  3. there's so much going on... a couple of phone calls were leaked, phone calls between Noginski, Tzarev, Kolomoisky and some unidentified member of the Jewish diaspora. and the things they say... I'll wait for you to hear it in the news before I say any more. but it's pretty ridiculous
  4. UN helicopter: http://ria.ru/world/20140514/1007769907.html you'll have to use Google to translate the page, but basically it says that the Ukrainian ministry of defense denies having a UN-painted Mi-24. while there are pictures of a Mi-24 painted white belonging to Ukrainian peace keepers, apparently
  5. that's what scares me, people actually voted that way. clueless masses... Morrowind and New Vegas below Troika's games (Arcanum has no business being in the top 10, but Codex is a sick little puppy, can't help that), flippin' Dark Souls in the top 15. oh, I shouldn't have clicked that link. now I won't be able to sleep tonight as for PST's story, I've said it before and I'll say it again: story doesn't make a game, and I'd never ever replay PST simply because it's a bad game, I'd much rather read the book version
  6. not to mention that PST is far from the best RPG ever.
  7. what about the military motorized column that was ambushed under Kramatorsk? officially they were carrying food supplies. but the vehicle that got destroyed was carrying ammo and an artillery weapon. and of course it shows that it is a full-blown civil war now that civilians are blowing up army convoys
  8. craaaap, turns out you get an extra point of Scholarship (therefore - Research) for free during the museum job in Downtown... I could've saved another 6 points of XP. well, next playthrough, I guess
  9. you guys are too easy to please.
  10. but you're not supposed to open it, it's a collector's item. so what do they care if it's crap?
  11. too late for me now, next playthrough. thanks for teh tip!
  12. ooh, Blade has Parker Posey! me likey also, Google claims this is Jessica Biel: I love her even more now
  13. we will not see eye to eye. a government isn't made legitimate by being "internationally recognized", in that case any proxy government is a legitimate one. a legitimate government is one that was elected by its people, and the one that represents the majority's interests. that's not what Ukraine's current government is doing. elections you say? would it be a stretch to expect it to be rigged under current conditions?
  14. Akira can never be made into a live action. it would not only lose its charm, but half of its message as well
  15. wow, I feel there's a great story in there somewhere, about the production cycle of this movie I'll have to look into it
  16. Tagaziel, I'm not so sure annexation is what happened in Crimea. Crimea's legitimate (elected by its people) government proclaimed independence from the country that has no government to speak of. then they held a referendum, then they sent a delegation to Russia to ask for Crimea to be incorporated into the Russian Federation as a federal district. and only then did Putin hold a press conference and announce his decision to take Crimea in. also, there are no reported violent clashes between Russian troops and Ukrainian troops or Crimean citizens. sure, there were individuals who tried to instigate riots on behalf of Russian government. but look at Crimea now, no reports are coming from there, the world is too preoccupied with Eastern Ukraine, while Crimea has willingly accepted its new federal government. of course, it could've been staged by Crimea's government, they could've planned the whole thing in advance, maybe even in conjunction with Putin's people. they could've foreseen the Euromaidan happening. but what are the chances of this being true? as I see it, people of Crimea made their choice, Russia accepted their proposal, because it greatly benefits both sides. the rest of the world should just chill the **** out, unless someone on the outside has solid proof Russia somehow staged it all
  17. Did I miss the memo? Where was it stated Russia was behind euromaidan?
  18. Yes. But some books like brawl and melee work at level 3. And since you can get a point each from nines you can have those maxed out with research alone bumping intelligence and scholarship in the process. I only wish I knew about it beforehand so I could have planned my build up to that point
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tbcZvGSgVk
  20. no, it is not that simple, I'm afraid. many people don't like action combat done badly. and from my experience, there was only one game that did it right. all others are complete and utter crap. and I hate developers that don't want to put in the effort to make combat in their games good but at the same time don't want to have turn-based combat either. amateurs
  21. in the blood bank, of course. I don't remember any NPCs there, but will check it out, thanks
  22. you can cheese it, while the boss is being distracted by your team, dash for the minigun at the back of the car, one burst will finish him off
  23. is there a place I can buy blood packs? I have none left after the Plaguebearer quest and I'm about to go investigate the disappearance of a Malkavian lord or somesuch, I'm more than sure it'll be combat heavy...
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