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sorophx last won the day on August 22 2012

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  1. I know you can, I used Torrent for the invincibility frames you get when mounting and dismounting, and it does help to close the distance, because this is supposed to be a boss weak to physical damage, but I eventually killed him with ranged lightning attacks.
  2. typical Elden Ring that's the last boss of the game, good thing it's not visible in the pic behind all the crap it threw at me.
  3. couple that with the news of Humble Games closing because their investor found out games take time to make, and it's not a money printing machine.
  4. finally got to Malenia in Elden Ring, attempting her pushed my total play time over 240 hours, and I have yet to even burn the friggin' tree. at least I'll be ready for the DLC once I get around to trying it.
  5. That's what I like about V Rising, it's a really good ARPG combat system on top of a really good survival game. It's the one survival game I keep coming back to, I've had the most fun with it out of all survival games that have come out in the last 3-4 years, beats Valheim for sure. OK, I have never played any DS, but I have 40 hours in Sekiro on PC, and 2 hours in Bloodborne on PS4. Played Elden Ring when it came out for about 100 hours on mouse + kb, reinstalled this week to try with a controller, played for 2 hours, beat 2 bosses, slowly getting back into it. Anyway, I just couldn't play it with the default M+KB scheme, I kept pressing the wrong buttons due to thousands of hours playing various ARPGs. After rebinding all of the keys it became playable, and I actually found one thing that beats controllers any time: camera control - you don't even need to lock onto enemies it's so precise, and not locking onto some enemies actually gives you an advantage. Now playing with a controller camera movement is the one thing I am having trouble with, really hard to orient myself without locking onto enemies, and combat becomes messy against groups of enemies. People do get used to it, so my advice would be to stick to what you're more comfortable with and building up some muscle memory. One tip I'll give you that really saved me regardless of what input device you'd want to use: there are many UI interactions that aren't explained in the game at all but they make combat much more enjoyable, and I'd suggest you looked them up. For example, the item quickbar in the left bottom corner has two sets you can switch between by holding down the "Interact" button. So you effectively have extra 4 slots for consumables that are easily accessible without having to scroll through them. I have only my healing flask in the default slot, so I cannot skip through it accidentally, and the consumable button always heals no matter what. The mana flask, the mount, the summoning bell etc. - all are on the second layer of slots, all having their dedicated buttons, this setup greatly helped me with my combat flow.
  6. looks really nice, apologies if it was shared already, and I missed it
  7. Workshop still beats mod.io and similar half-baked services
  8. I will not post pictures, but the fan art for those characters suggests otherwise
  9. at this point only performing well by Microsoft standards matters, and probably even that isn't enough (see Hi-Fi Rush)
  10. apparently Xsolla has to refund now, because BSG broke ToS with that release. people have been asking for refunds for ages, and now they just might get what they wanted
  11. I vaguely remember a Bayonetta discussion here fairly recently, and I was watching a review of B3, and this part just killed me https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx_aM6egJfZfOjEJ1-IH_pHtN3Jntchd-2?si=nDkXjsXOmyJ_Zol0
  12. it's made by Massive, so just like The Division and Avatar, it will be technically superb but mediocre in all other aspects.
  13. isn't really news, since this game has been out for some time now, but it's really good, and all the Stellar Blade talk reminds me of it, so check it out, it's basically "John Wick the video game". Here's one of my fav clips from it: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxgVK-QnATXesUdsfOm3CZLP1e9guZulr6?si=EEH3dlRvUMySx9dE
  14. I'd argue, that the real problem with Alpha Protocol wasn't bugs as much as the friggin' minigames, the underwhelming shooting mechanics and the ease with which you could cheese a lot of missions/bosses. I am certain that if a game with that kind of reactivity and better puzzles (something similar to The Witness or something) were to come out on, say, MW3's engine, it would be a masterpiece
  15. the issue with RPGs is they're not chess, which was my original point exactly.
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