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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. And what else could they do? ... sit around and wait for Malak make a house call? That is the problem everyone likes to ignore, there was simply NO OTHER WAY. Besides Bastila role was to keep tabs of Revan, likely if Revan shown to remain the same Bastila was to signal the Order and deal with him, people forget Bastila role in all this was to find the Star Forge, not to help Revan finding the Star Forge.
  2. Yes but they were taking a chance it could make Revan turn away from the darkside, besides it was not like they could allow Revan to remain untrained since chances some Sith would taken him as a aprencide was too great to be risked, it was a gamble out of desperation.
  3. Some people downright cheat to get max DS points in Taris, you can never get enough points for the whole "zombie look" until after the training.
  4. There is a point cap in Taris section were you can NEVER be too much dark side or light side. This have been brought many times by people that appear that cannot grasp the story, Revan as assigned to the Spire so Bastila could probe his memories and learn about were the Sith was getting all those ships and battledroids. After Taris even they had no choice by train him for two reasons, one was to maintain Bastila cover as she countinued to probe Revan memories and two because Revan displayed control over the force again and they gambled the training might put Revan away from the darkside. Besides what is the solution ... do nothing and wait for the Sith take over that galaxy because there was NO other solution.
  5. Sith show up first on Darth Vader title, "Dark Lord of the Sith". It mean nothing at that time, just Vader title for him to look more scary or something. Because there was nothing on the Sith people start to come up with ideas and since Star Wars Extended Universe started to the time after the Battle of Endor and so the Sith were left pretty much alone for some time by EU autors. Then Dark Horse published the "Tales of the Jedi" line that was set well before the events of Ep. IV:ANH and they set who and what the Sith are in EU. Its not my vision that is correct, as it stands what is printed on those comics is what is correct since they alone are what set the Sith Empire and the Sith race ... problem is people have read something about the Sith being aliens and make errors since they lack information. Not exactly since there are diferences, the Rebellion was completly diferent that the Great Hyperspace War in terms of tactics and feeling ... in the Great Hyperspace War you are fighting invadors and in the Rebellion you are trying to bring down the evil empire.
  6. No, it was the fallen Jedi that created the Sith empire. So exactly sould a bunch of fallen Jedi that lost against the Jedi were able to be taken as gods by the Sith race. Palpatine did and Palpatine was no menber of the Sith race. So did Jedi Knight ... A primitive alien species that taken fallen jedi as gods. Because they are not. Star Wars games tended to be Galatic Empire vs Rebel Alliance until Ep. I come out and not Sith vs Republic. I give that much as refresing to BioWare. The Fallen Jedi created the Sith Empire, the Sith race was very primitive agressive race that taken as gods. Kinda like the Incas with the Spanish. Unfortunatly people twisted the Sith race to suit their expectations of some kind of Palpatine/vader/Fett alien combo, its very far from what they were created. The Sith race are simply a buch of primitive people that the fallen Jedi found and could rule over and inbreed with in. Their "strong with the force" comes more with the fact their ruling class was composed by force users that likely could trace back their origins to the fallen Jedi, most Sith were uncapable of using the force as used as force labor and soldiers. Because its overused, you have a game like Tie Fighter that did not had us fighting superweapons, we could way we were fighting IN superweapons since TIE Defendors and Missile Boats were very powerful.
  7. Republic Commando is released either before The Munchkin Lords or after but have been anounced for some time (there is a PC version so I am definitly picking that one). People sould not get ideas about having a game set during the Sith time because the whole thing was covered by the comics, there is no freedom to play with the Great Hyperspace Wars and before it the Sith Empire and the Galatic Republic did not know about the other existence (for the Sith Empire the Reoublic was just a myth) so you can never meet the Sith race unless its set in the Sith Empire. I have no idea of wht people care about a bunch of primitive lossers that were considered the fallen losing jedi as gods, there is nothing special aboout the Sith race at all.
  8. That is not the reason, Revan beat Malak in the Star Forge and was at the height of power in the ends so what was he going to do in the sequel ... lose his memories AGAIN?
  9. Perhaps if you type "are" instead of "r" and "you" instead of "u" and "I" instead of "i" more people would actually mind your impressions of the story. I can live with typos, gods know I screw up a lot when typing but that type of writting on message boards makes me imagine a 12 years sitting on a keyboard and its hard for me to take such persons comments. And SW:KotOR story was a remix of the OT triology ... not doubt it worked and they did a fine job but it losses points from being too simple. I take SW:KotOR music over the story since the music was not another remix that is too common with Star Wars game.
  10. I visited enough forums to come to that conclusion.
  11. PC players tend to like the card game and dislike the other two mini games. Xbox players tend to like the racing and dislike the card game.
  12. I am adicted to that card game ... just because some *cough*xbox users*cough* dont like it *cough*because it requires stategy*cough* does not mean its a bad mini game.
  13. Actually is the force powers that make the change, dark side powers tend to be offensive at low level and lightside powers thed to be offensive at higher levels, they balance out. That is the "easier, quicker" of the darkside, at low level dark side powers offer a quick way to end combat and also lets not forget its always tempting to use the force to make others to obey, there is a thin line when using force persuade powers Also there are diferences of the dark side and the Sith, the Sith developed some unique powers and abilities with the use of the dark side of the force, we can say is not the dark side is the unbalance to the force but rather the Sith that bring a unbalance to the force with their manipulation of the force.
  14. I am not a adept of the system BioWare used, personaly I rather have the force points were I could use then to open a door or get rid of a DS point. That is were the diference lies, if you gain a DS because you wanted some kind of reward you would have to waste a precious force point to get rid of it, one that could save your character live down the path or do something truly heroic (like manage to convice a Hutt to help us with a impossible diplomacy check). And his proposed system is broken, no consular is going to care about his Str score being 8 when he his 2 levels above what he sould be at that point.
  15. Calling on the darkside means using a dark side power, unfortunatly SW:KotOR gone the "Jedi Knight" system that always been poorly repesentative of the force. Bad idea ... no really a bad idea since that means a purly offensive character is being screwed over twice because force enchement powers are usually lightside and so he is forced to use offensive force powers. B-R-O-K-E-N It only works assuming people will all play guardians, consulars not only do not get penalized by it at all but also get XP bonus and since dark side powers tend to be offensive powers. The effects on SW:KotOR already penalized "switching sides" and lets not start to penalize people that want to redeem their character and that sugestion is pure penalizing and with no support whatsoever.
  16. Anomen is damaged goods as well, the diference is that Anomen tries to act as he think he sould act as a knight and Carth is just "untrusting". Anomen requires we look deep because its not on the surface withi is the major diference of Carth and Anomen, in Carth case its everything on the surface, if you try to see Carth beyond what he shows there is nothing there as Anomen hides a lot and to know his past (as so his motivation) we must do his "knighthood" subquest and one way or another we can mold Anomen future. As a NPC he is clearly superior to Carth, Carth is a clich
  17. Well because romances in games rarely are suble, they throw in a NPC that reaks of "romance option" that its almost impossible to miss. Worst is thet thrown a clich
  18. With Fall-From-Grace, yes and even after all this time we cannot be sure of it being a romance or not. Annah was diferent, there is definitly a romance there and she stays with TNO because of that, even to her death. Also there are others, Ravel and Deionarra that love TNO and even if not joinable NPCs their love drives the story and its as intregal part of the game as everything else. Of course that TNO is not forced to take the romances, Deionarra did love TNO but his previous incarnation just used her ... he had no love for her and used her feelings for his own gains, nothing stops your from trying the same angle with Annah.
  19. I have to do EVERYTHING ... http://www.theforce.net/swtc/Pix/comics/totj/cathar.jpg Here is the Cathar.
  20. The one in that adult cable network ...
  21. Me too ... I kinda miss Saberist blocks of text.
  22. In The Munchkin lords he can now use a rocket lancher ... and dual wield lightstaffs.
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