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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. "Exclusive" means exclusive to certain plataform, saying its Xbox exclusive as a PC version is anounced is basicly spreading false information. SW:KotOR2:TSL have Xbox and PC versions, its as Xbox exclusive as Silent Hill 3 is a PS2 exclusive.
  2. No offence taken, I dont like EA much (they killed too many companies) but as publishers they are very good at placing games in the stores. My point is EA (a huge publisher) simply holds to make all versions being released on the same day, saying that "the Xbox version is done so we have to release it" is complete BS, they can hold release. Heck "Vampire:Bloodlines" is done and its not released due to contract (Half Life 2 have to be released before it) ...
  3. Yes that is why there is a PC version as well. I see Obsidian is keeping up Black Isle moderation tradiction ....
  4. EA multi-plataform games and all versions get released exactly the same day, if one is completed they hold it until the others are done.
  5. Depends actually ... Imagine playing a game set in the Empire age, the player goes around collecting bounties until he does something that upsets someone that puts a bounty on his head. Genhorann side-quest were too simple, I would expect we actually have to collect information of the target, track him down using such information and get him. There are a lot of things that could be done in a RPG without falling into the now more that common "Jedi Simulator", I would personaly love to play a Repiblic agent set on several assigments to protect the Republic.
  6. You mean a Star Wars RPG that we are NOT forced to became a force user? Yes.
  7. Yuuzhan Vong are pretty much a NJO thing, having then show up 4000 years before they do in the NJO line would really screw up things. Also they are the cause of a great rift of SW fans, some like then as other hate. The first SW:KotOR just give a nod to then, I doubt Vorg would be using the same ship design over 4000 years and we really cannot take that as anything more that a slight cameo of the NJO.
  8. And? The Force is within everything, Han "luck" was the force helping him. The newest batch of Star Wars "fans" have the strange notion that only force sensative have a relation with the force and that is far from the truth, the Force is everywere and many people are influenced by the force, being then aware of it or not.
  9. In order to use the force you dont need to be a jedi, Obi even pointed to Han his luck was nothing more that the force. You can play a force sensative character, Kyle Katarn destroyed the Arc Hammer and the Dark Trooper project single handed and what was Vader comment ... "The Force is strong with this one". Also to manifest force powers its not required formal traning, we have the Force Adept class in the Star Wars d20 system for players that do not wish to be part of the Jedi Order. Advantages to the formal training (Sith or Jedi) are many but there are clear roleplaying disavantages to belong to either organization, they have rules and expect people that join then to follow then. There could have been a 3rd choice to Revan in the Temple Summit were s/he stated out he would follow neither, a extra lines of dialogue could have been put in and we had a slight diferent ending were Revan is simply abandons the Jedi Order (with good reason) and goes his own path. There are a lot of things that can be done, one is pulling a "Tidus" ... you dont play the "Jedi Knight" but someone that act in the same way Tidus did with Yuna and have a ending the way RPG sould do, Party vs End Boss. In case anyone is wondering, Tidus was one of Yuna Guardians as Yuna was a Summoner, Summoners role were to gather the Final Aeon and banish Sin for a time so Tidus was not the "hero" in the sense he is the one that could save the world, Yuna on the other hand was. Of course doing the clich
  10. That is what happens when trying to educate fanboys ... I bet the Tolkien forums take even worst crap.
  11. BioWare made a lot of references to Star Wars EU. A error made is that BioWare really did not give a crap about making their game fit Star Wars cannon and they made a game set 4000 years before Ep. IV that used the same story elements of the original triology, its more of a tribune that trying to come up with a new Star Wars saga. Too bad LucasArts was too stupid to see it ...
  12. Its EU, everything that have the Lucas logo is cannon. Things in contradiction cannot be consider cannon and so there is a list of what product types that over precedent over others. Kyle Kartan for example is canon, he is mentioned in some novels but many parts of Jedi Knight series can perhaps not be considered cannon. BioWare did not, this evolves from a BioWare product that contradicted some of Star Wars cannon and at things are its the comics that are right, the games even if they are newer cannot override the comics because the games stand lower that the comics. My post was to dispell any silly ideas that some computer game can contradict was happens to be in other Lucas products, video game sit at the bottom and anything else with a lucas logo overrules then.
  13. Driv3r sucks, I own it and despite the large number of fanboys that tried to defend it its scored 5s (and some 6s) in sites such as GameSpot. Getting a "5" sould not be bad if at this times a "7" is what we can considered to be a adverage game score. Hype is part of the marketing these days, every sticking game is now pretty much "revolutionary" and "the best game of its type" even if its just another clone based on existing technology, its not odd since they want to sell the game and marketing people have no problem in lying. A example of overhype is Fable, a lot due to comments of "proposed" features that end up not being in the game due to the fact they cannot spend half a century on making a game.
  14. Well you are the one trying to point out that since the (sellout) gaming press said stuff about it then it must be a great game. Driv3r got good press and it still sucks, I dont trust those articles that are more for getting ads from publishers that anything else, I rather read reviews before buying anything. The only "fact" is that SW:KotOR have some ... features that were bad, I doubt you are going to find anyone saying good things about the combat model (that have a screw up dificulty curve) or the PC interface. But what do I know ... its not like I am a fanboy of the SW:KotOR that considers then perfect games ...
  15. You mean XBox gaming press dont you .... Xbox press are a bunch of overhyped idiots, they hype everything as the second comming of Christ, not the rest is much better but at least they lack the "PS2 envy" that marks Xbox gaming press ... Besides its not like there are many RPGs for the Xbox ... in the land of the blind the one with one eye is king. SW:KotOR is a decent game but its hype is completely off the scale of how good it happens to be.
  16. So what? Are you going to tell me with a strait face someone that was literaly kicked out of the Jedi Order would want to returm to then because those appear to be the choices ... Jedi Moron or Sith Bully. I would take the "screw then" and do my own thing but I bet the game is going to lock me in a room and force me two choices and none of then I want to take. Bad design.
  17. Thats crap, they say nothing of that kind. The player character just ends up being Revan but then they go around making Revan as mind blanked and underdeveloped as the main character ... I never get why some people like Revan since s/he show N-O-T-H-I-N-G in relation to a personality. And that was at the expense of the main character own evolution, a half assed job in both directions. I rather play Tidus, despite having a personality that I dislike he actually had one.
  18. A lot of bad DMs mke up such crap were player are forced to act for their enjoyment. I never limited choices, if they dont want ... fine, their choice but any choice they made have a impact. Also my players were smart to recognize the "herding" into the main story but I never pull that crap about being forced to join a side if they dont to, playing with their curiosity and greed works far better that shove then in a room and force then to be Jedi is crap I will NEVER pull, its a sign of bad DM and storytelling. Also I never pull the crap of using a player character for my use as a DM, the player put effort and time on his development and far from me to steal it, that is another example of DM abuse. And last I always taken a lot of time to study the setting and remain to be truth to the source material, most due to the fact I cannot expect players to understand all the changes I made and their character background can be off and affect their roleplaying. I have nothing against "FF" type of RPGs but AT LEAST they dont mask the fact we are playing a pre-generated character with a pre made path were they can only progress the story, unlike some other games that try to hide with a senseless character generation system and meanless dialogue choices.
  19. Yes, Maul was nothing but a tool and anyone could beat him as long it was in the script. After all Maul abilities were having scary face painting and a double lightsaber, not much to go with. Palpatine is a diferent subject, he was designed as the ultimate powerful enemy and nobody could win against him directly. In relation to stats and RPG mechanics we enter a whole new area, Palpatine is one of the incredible rare lv 20 characters so only a lv20 character could win against him or a party of the slight less rare lv16 characters that would have a run for their money but they could, depending on tactics and gears. Maul would be easier to bring down that Palpatine, he have far fewer levels that Palpatine (lv12) and even if he is a +12 character that are very uncommon there are a lot of people in the galaxy that is higher level he is. I do not say all classes are balanced in RPG and in fact force users tend to have some advantages compred to others of the same level but they also have weakness and unless we have a piss poor force system such as in SW:KotOR that really pushes things towards force users ... but then again we have the even more idiotic implant slot system and the insane equipment.
  20. Neither. If I dont get the chance to say shove it to both the jedi and sith then this game is not a RPG.
  21. We dont, we wake up wearing exactly what we had equipted during the Endar Spire escape. This "beta review" continues to bring that feeling of "suckiness" I have since day 1, the only entertaiment value I see is Star Wars boards going nuts over this game screw ups.
  22. No, you over estimate what a Jedi can do and that is the problem with the recent bunch of Star Wars "fans" ... they treat Jedi as literal gods. There are limits to what a Jedi can do, yes they have the Force as a powerful ally but even the Force have limits, starting with the Jedi own limitation in understanding the Force. Even a master have limits and lets not forget the Jedi that Jango shoot was none other that a Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council, Jango tactic against Mace was stupid since Mace had a clear advantage in that kind of battle, personaly I would fly around it fire rockets at him.
  23. Change? Here is the list of what is considered cannon. Movie Movie novilization Novels Comics Games SW:KotOR is at the bottom of what can be consider to be cannon, if you want to argue about Rookie One blowing up the first Death Star ....
  24. By replacing "soul" with "body" this post becames far better.
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