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Everything posted by pmp10

  1. You are making the assumption here that innocence is a valid defense. I'm not sure if modern governments can be trusted to care about such nuances.
  2. I wouldn't pay much attention to steam tracking. I regularly lose achievements/play-time in offline mode and once have generated 100 hours of playtime by leaving game minimized for a few days.
  3. Perfectly. Fusion has been blowing things up since 1950s. You can disbelieve it all you want but it won't make hydrogen bombs any less deadly. Ever heard of JET? Most popular fusion reactor of our day.
  4. That rant is from before HotS launched. Most people would agree that no apocalypse happened in the world of SC2 and interest level has been pretty steady since expansion was released. What? in about one week.[/size] Beta streams. They were popular for a week and then shake-ups began. Naturally people lost interest in something that was getting reworked every week. It isn't but keep in mind that author had a massive fan following that he called on to push his point. Combine that with huge amount of people who agree only that Blizzard sucks and you had a massive war in SC2 community.
  5. That rant is from before HotS launched. Most people would agree that no apocalypse happened in the world of SC2 and interest level has been pretty steady since expansion was released.
  6. Fun fact: the fusion processes that power the stars are actually incredibly inefficient. It's pretty much a natural consequence of having too many elements mixed up with the fuel. Except that we have been building them for the past 50 years. Unless you have different definition of a reactor. And here I was hoping that we were holding an audition for the position of junior board troll.
  7. All reactors are in the open spaces of earth, air is everywhere, even in an empty shoe box, furthermore, reactors use Uranium for fuel, where does the Sun get its Uranium? I ask because you base the Sun's theory of fusion on the principles of Nuclear fusion from a reactor. Fusion not fission. We don't fuse Uranium and neither do stars.
  8. None of that contradicts loss of mass as part of fusion reactions. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed the radiation from the sun has to be released from something. And I doubt we can claim that asteroids/comets falling into sun provide enough replacement mass to break even.
  9. Sun is losing mass but you can't see it in out orbital cycle because the mass exchange is not significant. The sun is not losing mass pmp10. Since it dose fusion it has to. Unless you mean that its mass is being resupplied which AFAIK cannot be proven.
  10. Sun is losing mass but you can't see it in out orbital cycle because the mass exchange is not significant. We made enough hydrogen bombs that worked. Fusion is well proven. And here you are not even trying.
  11. The same way like tides: You can't explain that. - Bill O'Reilly Satellite Television -Transmitters. Satellite Internet - Cell towers. Satellite Imagery - Cell towers/transmitters. The Global Positioning System (GPS) - Cell towers/transmitters. We had fusion without oxygen since it's discovery. What are you talking about? The first fusion reaction achieved in laboratory conditions were hydrogen on hydrogen. Fusion as a reaction in general can takes place for all elements. No idea where you got specific need for oxygen from.
  12. We had fusion without oxygen since it's discovery.
  13. I wouldn't really call the game good on the strength of it's tech as it didn't do anything better than Half-Life or even Quake. And the combat system wasn't well designed (balance included) since Devil May Cry completely blew it out of the water. It is however an very interesting attempt to create a PC hack&slash (before Diablo 2 would claim that title). You just won't see regular enemies killing each other in other games of this genre.
  14. The obvious problem is that modern technology and production values require larger audience for games to be profitable. And it's not just the boob size that's getting cut. Just look at the dumbing-down in the gameplay department.
  15. I used to love the game back in the day but calling it a simulator is too much. It has not aged gracefully and is imbalanced as hell. I still can't believe that a normal person could finish the game with dwarf or knight.
  16. Spec ops the line. Pretty shocked that a major publisher dedicated money to have this game made. I may love it for it's commentary on military shooters but it was never going to make money.
  17. This brings up the question of why build gaming PC at all. If only you can get your favorite old games to run then you can spend the next decade gaming in nostalgia-land.
  18. I wouldn't really say that obsessing over game proves it had a good design. In fact more often than not they are just proof of heavy nostalgia. Games I personally spent most time into tended to be strategy games with separate strategic and tactical layers. In no particular order: X-com trilogy Master of Orion 1&2 Master of Magic
  19. Not really. Admittedly some of the elites understood that slavery is a poor issue over which to secede. But the common people of confederacy simply thought they had no choice since it was the basis of their economic and social order. Remember that when Lincoln got elected he didn't promise abolition of slavery - just stopping it's extension was enough to start a war.
  20. I'm afraid that it is you who are wrong here. Despite all the atrocities that happen during crusades and afterwards complete city razing was not one of them.
  21. That's not true at all. You may at best find fewer written laws but in antiquity tolerance was always in short supply. Really? Homosexuality and pedophilia were fully allowed... sounds very liberal to me. And tolerance? Tolerance was always in short suply. Today too. We just mask it better. That's the problem - they weren't fully allowed. Pedophilia had a specific place in the context of mentoring boys and homosexuality could have a prominent role in military structure but you were still tradition bound to marry and have a family. Traditions and expectations of ancient societies are way off from those of today.
  22. That's not true at all. You may at best find fewer written laws but in antiquity tolerance was always in short supply.
  23. Fair enough but not everything is pro-slavery. That's one of those institutions most people are uncomfortable with.
  24. Keep in mind that most people don't really know how the flag of confederacy looked like. In popular mind stars and bars have long been replaced by the battle flag. It's quite ironic that people celebrate successes of the armies but don't care for the state as such.
  25. The point is to have features that are now expected as standard. And that's exactly the problem with a lot of the freemium games. It's not only about CGI cinematics or good voice actors but things that should be standard by now (like having in-game tutorial instead of youtube one).
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