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Everything posted by pmp10

  1. You don't need to look to Dresden to find cases of selective memory. Any game about RAF is almost guaranteed to ignore the bombing of France. And even if we accept that bombing cities was murder then the list of targets is far longer then just Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And something a little more relevant to the topic: The (pre)history of Thief.
  2. Company of Heroes 2 recalled from stores in Russia. Normally I'd say that's a stupid overreaction but if Relic is sticking to the 'historically accurate' line...
  3. The same argument could be made for giving players the option to play female character and I'm sure those voice-overs cost a lot as well. Those decisions are more about maintaining standards and fulfilling expectations. It's just that expectations of old-school RPG players are no longer very important.
  4. And here is where I disagree.Not only were casual fans always important but with wide-spreading of freemium models they are actually affecting the bottom line more than ever. Losing them due to behavior of minority of players is slowly becoming unacceptable to the publisher/developer. The best example is the tribunal system in LoL which is most likely the first serious attempt to police a f2p community. I didn't say they were unimportant. I just think it's pointless to try and create an online community for them. They're casual players, they don't have time to invest in discussion on a forum, by definition of being casual. But they do have money to spend.If they want to catch-up to more hardcore players by spending extra $ it matters to developers. If that was the case they would auto-ban people that spent the most and leave those without purchases be.
  5. And here is where I disagree.Not only were casual fans always important but with wide-spreading of freemium models they are actually affecting the bottom line more than ever. Losing them due to behavior of minority of players is slowly becoming unacceptable to the publisher/developer. The best example is the tribunal system in LoL which is most likely the first serious attempt to police a f2p community.
  6. If your players are 'passionate' this way about a game so to threated developer with death then you can only imagine the way they commonly treat each-other. You can leave it to fester but then normal players will be pushed out and the community will start to give you a bad name. And the whole Fish nonsense just proves how immature gaming community really is. Apparently devs and journalists included.
  7. Who cares indeed? Remember when they tried to take down demonoid and those filesharing sites?
  8. It has begun a long time ago. This is more of a small jab at ISPs to prepare for assuming control in the future. Once serious money gets their hands on those ISPs logs they will shape prediction algorithms and that will be that. Enjoy your freedom while you can.
  9. Wow. And here I thought my opinion on dragon age was low. Why do you play Bioware games in the first place?
  10. The important thing is, do you think it will stop if people do nothing? Do you think it's plausible for everyone to not react? If not, is it still a productive thing to allow it in some capacity? You honestly think doing something will stop it? Of course. People threatened by bans suspensions and ostracization are perfectly manageable and can be made to obey social standards that you set. But it does takes continuous action and consequency which is more than most devs are willing to do.
  11. The problem has never been pandering to the biases but pretending that this is real history that is coming out of Hollywood. I never saw anything wrong with a bit of historical fiction but insisting those events have a solid grounding in reality is not just insulting but borders on arrogance.
  12. I'd be much more sorry for developer in question if they weren't partially responsible for this situation. Those standards were set over many years of competitive gaming but only now they are shocked that their target audience behaves badly? At least fess up that while even developers on f2p games were trying to somehow police the community you simply refused to do bugger-all. You can't fix the problem if you don't recognize the mistakes you have made.
  13. Bleed. A great little indie action game. The only problem is that with checkpoints it's too short.
  14. What is a militant atheist? Do they go door to door and say "Have you welcomed science into your life?" Or wave guns at you telling you not to pray? You start by calling the beliefs of others 'The root of all evil'. And it only gets worse from there - trust me. Trying to discuss papacy/crusades or the inquisition is difficult enough even in historical circles. Doing so on the internet almost invariably ends with invasion of someone keen to remind us how terrible they are/were.
  15. Those recent outbursts are just spill-overs from the 4chan/anonymous fighting removal of some compromising videos from the web. That and scientology aggressively combats it's opponents unlike most other religions that are just punching-bags for militant atheists.
  16. Israel just approved deployment of two more Egyptian battalions into Sinai. This is much more than a few policemen making a PR show. Whether they are there to stay is another matter. No matter how insignificant Hamas has been recently they still rule just across the border. Desperate people are always dangerous.
  17. I understand what you mean about future and potential but it's important to recognize that nuclear has much more issues that just scared public or fanatical environmentalists. In fact in US it was nuclear industry itself that underestimated the costs of nuclear power from next generation reactors about seventh-fold.
  18. Got Devil May Cry 3&4 bundle just for 7 euro. Normally I don't double-dip but that series has always been my guilty pleasure. And people looking for STALKER games should take a look at gamersgate since the whole collection is dirt cheap there right now. Just keep in mind that those versions do come with DRM.
  19. Apparently Egypt is cracking down on extremists smuggling into Gaza. You'd think they have enough problems with MB protesters but now they are aiming to destabilize Hamas. If they overreach we may indeed end up with a second Syria.
  20. I don't think this is really true actually. I believe Aristotle showed that the world was round in the Classical era. It wasn't so much that people felt the Earth was flat and that's why Columbus was crazy. It was more that they didn't believe a trip to India would really be feasible. Didn't the church supposedly disagree with Columbus on his calculations of the earths size? I recall someone telling me they told him that he'd made it too small or something like that. If true then it means they were correct incredibly enough. If you mean the scientific advisors to Spanish crown then yes - they were far closer to the real size of earth than Columbus. Columbus had to twist things a lot to prove he could make his voyage and IIRC his argument was that earth was pear-shaped so he could still make it by charting the correct route.
  21. Since nuclear industry is utterly state-dependent it matters a great deal what people at the top think. And I really hope you don't mean that "earth is flat" Columbus nonsense made up by hollywood.
  22. Support for Tribes Ascend unofficially dropped. I rarely have seen developer botch such a promising concept.
  23. The price argument is hard fought all over the internet and I'm sure we won't solve it here. The problems with nuclear are the enormous investment costs/time and adherence to safety regulations. But the bigger issue may be that it's not flexible enough to cover off-days of renewable sources. A coal/gas plant can always throw more fuel into the burner.
  24. That is by no means clear at this point. In fact in US the "renaissance" met with major setbacks. I don't understand your point. It has met with "setbacks" consisting of protests and sabotage from the same old Luddite faction who then says the project has failed? All I'm saying is that the nuclear future is by no mean certain. Nuclear will be an important energy source in developing world but the west is generally moving towards renewables and fossil-fuels.
  25. Clive Barker’s Undying is on sale. Quite good old FPS for those who missed it back in the day.
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