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Everything posted by pmp10

  1. does anyone care anymore? They can make daily show out of this shuff Nobody died so that's hardly a great political fodder. Besides I think people are starting to notice how ineffective Islamic terrorism really is. A decade of terror in UK killed about as many people as a bad tower fire.
  2. Right, sorry.
  3. And that is an alternative fact. There are carbon sequestration technologies that could make coal plants cleaner than natural gas. It's the expense that makes it questionable.
  4. Don't you think that claim of equivalence might go a bit too far? I might have missed some Christian terror attacks lately but still...
  5. I'm sure it also teaches that murder is wrong. If they found a way to rationalize around that I doubt they will lose any sleep over pork.
  6. That's really not a good argument. Most of Christian religious beliefs are nowhere near as extreme as they used to be. It took centuries of violence and bigotry for modern tolerance to finally be build. I think you take these things far too literally. I doubt any would-be-martyr believes he will go to hell for having been force-fed the wrong kind of food.
  7. But it's not that simple. 90% of men who made up confederate armed forces didn't own any slaves. The popular support confederacy enjoyed was not for the benefit of a few rich men but to defend the system. And frankly speaking I think history is pretty much always an art of reinterpreting the past to push modern political agenda.
  8. For a multiplayer looter-shooter it's pretty average. Would recommend only if you played Borderlands to death and are willing to accept a drop in quality.
  9. On the death of immersive sims Real shame. Prey at least should have gotten a sequel.
  10. You weren't supposed to know in advance. There are ropes in Shady Sands if you can be bothered to back-track.
  11. I'd agree if 'tomorrow' means 'not in our lifetimes'. As is, we would need luck to even see asteroid mining happen.
  12. And it would take trillions to extract them while you can do it on earth for far less. If there was profit in space mining people would be doing it right now.
  13. Moon has hardly appropriate resources even for rocket fuel let alone ship construction. Never-mind lack of business case of going beyond earth orbit.
  14. Accurate but over-intellectualizes his position. One man's checks and balances is another man's swamp.
  15. No, the Republican motto is "We're dumb as rocks, and we do whatever our corporate masters tell us." Isn't that to long of a motto for dumb as a rock party? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/24/poland-president-to-veto-controversial-laws-amid-protests Sharp_one whats wrong with your ruling party? Why do some members of your government think they should have the right to appoint members of the supreme court and judiciary....this was an unacceptable expectation that was set and would never be tolerated in a Democratic institution like the EU That wasn't the real problem Bruce. The real travesty was the idea that they would appoint all of the new judges. That went too far even for some of their own supporters.
  16. It's an enormous expense for very little gain. You are right about it being logical next step tho.
  17. Please tell me this wasn't serious. People understand that Chernobyl is shut down. Right?
  18. So what did Austria do to warrant flagging by Brussels?
  19. I hate to break it to you but that's Triad Wars. A multiplayer spin-off that was never released. Sadly no Sleeping Dogs 2 will be happening since developer got shut down.
  20. No, it's objectives may be political and unenforceable but it was supposed to show intent of flighting global warming. 0.3 degrees in the next 87 years! We think! Oh noes! The agreement was far more important in setting trends. The target numbers were pulled out of the ass anyway. US is not just a major polluter but also technological leader and the only developed country expected to keep growing it's population. And for all we know this may set a precedent and turn it into another Kyoto.
  21. Retreating from Paris is not as easy as signing an executive action. It would take 4 years and make US a international pariah. He might just effectively weaken it into complete irrelevance instead. Most of it is non-binding wishful thinking anyway.
  22. That's a pretty natural counter-reaction. Rebelling against propaganda leads people to embrace craziest causes.
  23. volo you are offending the land of your ancestors ? Dont you have any loyalty ? The guy who wants to kick out 2-3 countries of UE has won. What sustainability is this? Who does he want to kick out? I know he has been taking jabs at Poland so I imagine Hungary would also make the list. But I doubt it was anything more than election rhetoric.
  24. It establishes historical context for slavery, repression and exploitation in general. Something both sides like to cheery-pick to push their agenda.
  25. Thanks. That's a really interesting way of looking at change in media.
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