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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. That's definetly worse, I'm looking at a couple of months at most. I guess I just got alot of time to read my Conan rpg books though. A little over a year ago I managed to crush my right hand at work, couldn't play any serious games for about a month..
  2. Thank you, precisely in time for Metro Exodus release aswell. Guess I'm going to play with a controller.
  3. As a Swede, I can say that is correct. I can also say that my coworkers name is Jääskeläinen, so I know it is a real surname. Also a common Swedish name is Gösta.
  4. Injured myself at work. Again. The doctor says mallet finger and I'm getting an xray tomorrow. Atleast it's the left hand. Downside is it's the W finger... #gamer Edit; Also, got a shot of morphine, no effect. #fml?
  5. Why do you keep posting **** videos from this moron? He's almost on SM117 level Eh? Keep? First one from that asshat I posted...
  6. Impressive. If a little barbaric.
  7. Haha! I got soooo much hate for my dislike of Steam. I'll admit to get a bit of warm fuzzies now.
  8. Is it though? There are plenty of reasons for people to not want to sign up for their store. I can see people not wanting another piece of bloatware on their computer.
  9. Yes, whinge at your customers instead of the people that made the exclusivity deal, that'll work well
  10. Not one hundred percent certain if it is the correct name for it, but I work as a hostler More simply put, I reverse semi-trailers
  11. Can you even mod a Denuvo game?
  12. Took a day of work today because of the snow. The person that runs the snowplough here has been lazy so there is about 2dm of snow on the road, so people have been compacting the snow pretty badly the past few days, and yesterday the temperature crept above freezing with a tad of snowfall. Which is a really bad combination with the temperatures dropping to -10C over night and it has yet to go above -6. I'm not tempted to drive my Volvo with lowered suspension over that, since plastic spoilers are, surprisingly, not meant to be used for snow ploughing... So far, I've spent all day reading my new Conan; Adventures in an age undreamed of rule-books while listening to a variety of drumbeat heavy tribal soundtracks.
  13. Ofcourse, not going to deny that, but GOG and Steam does follow it in some capacity, Epic Store just doesn't at all. Admittedly, I haven't looked to see if they've changed their policies in the past two months, but as far as I remember they haven't.
  14. I doubt that many companies properly comply with GDPR, to be honest. Well, GOG.com and Steam does.
  15. Well, they don't comply with GDPR for one.
  16. I overslept something fierce. Went to be 13 hours ago and woke up thirty minutes ago. ****. On a more positive note, massive amounts of snow supposed to drop over here \o/
  17. Yeah, there's alot of things the majority of my friends, even close ones, don't know about me. That quote really doesn't seem anything special to me, it's a certainty of life unless you blab about your secrets and wishes to anyone you know.
  18. ****ing hell, if someone tried that here, we'd carve a blood eagle out of them
  19. I should say though, if you do like it, you should listen to Eluveitie since Cellar Darling was formed from members from that band.
  20. I live in the boonies here, and I've got 100/100 fiber. I pay about 35€/month for that.
  21. I got a "computer licence" from school that included "using the internet" somewhere around 1993 or 94. At the time I also got an email adress from the school but I didn't really use that one, but I did get my hotmail adress that I still use around 1998. My father started attending programming courses at around 89-90 so around then we also got our first computer, and he stayed on the cutting edge for the first few years, and I got my first own computer at around 1995, at the same time he built a home network for the computers, with a central server and Novell Netware for access to the computers. I think the first one I had was a 486DX2 66Mhz which got upgraded to a Pentium 120Mhz model soon thereafter. I think I had a S3 Trio wwith 4Mb of memory. I had that Pentium for quite a while, but I did get a Voodoo 2 accelerator, until I got an AMD K6-2 450Mhz at around 1999. And another Voodoo2 card. After that I got my fathers AMD Athlon 1Ghz and TNT2... That was the last computer I was really given, I was an adult after that and I had to buy my own stuff. Heh, I still have most of those cpus lying around...
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