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Everything posted by C2B

  1. Yeah, actually it was. They even hinted at a Gamebanshee article accompying it later in the week. Which now seemingly has been delayed as well. (And read my posts. It's not even about the date. It's about the excuse given last week.)
  2. Yup, me too. I also enjoy not being lied to. If you didn't read my posts, I'm not strictly upset about the lack of an update. I'm upset that they didn't just say they weren't ready last week and be honest.
  3. Yeah, but I don't think its over the top to be treated honestly. Especially in a crowdfunded environment.
  4. I care about the other stuff the update apparently contains more than about the site. At this point the whole *Name is revealed but not* is a bit laughable to name a small thing.
  5. Eh, maybe. I just don't like being lied to. Just be honest in the first place.
  6. One week you're telling us one thing, which in the next doesn't seem to matter? Thanks for the honesty! (Just really upset about the situation. Last weeks excuse was very reasonable. This weeks laughs it in the face. Just br honest with your backers. We understand.)
  7. Aidan Karabaich - Senior Class Designer https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=70225792&authType=name&authToken=Whcj&trk=prof-sb-browse_map-name Skyforge related.
  8. Her Angry Robot profile/interview/announcement. I'd probably noticed two weeks ago on twitter when she posted about it, but I've recently been busy.
  9. Leaning more toward "stalker," myself. If only for the chance to say "Get out of here, STALKER!" Well, that and the whole creepy "trawling the internet to make inappropriately familiar overtures to complete strangers via a forum" thing. I'm really not sure a friendly welcome *via a internet forum* counts as inappropriate. Also,.. Narrative Designer @ Obsidian Entertainment and author @ home. I write computer games by day and books by night. Friends call me Carrie. You can call me Carrie. I think I'm still pretty safe on the scale regarding full on creep.
  10. Not 100% sure, but most likely from the contract writer position a few months back. http://www.electronicinkblog.com/ Anyway, hi carrie.
  11. Thanks for mentioning it early today anyway. Now hoping that magically everything works fine and we get the update still today.
  12. Edit: Forget that was already posted a while ago.
  13. Off topic Rachel Myre - Junior Environment Artist https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=99725556&authType=name&authToken=6ANx&trk=prof-sb-browse_map-name
  14. Gregory Kinneman - Programmer http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=39756391&authType=name&authToken=X_9x&trk=prof-sb-browse_map-name
  15. From Obs twitter http://www.incgamers.com/2013/11/project-eternity-qa-obsidians-adam-brennecke Confirms Eric Fenstermaker as the Creative Lead.
  16. C2B


    Two things First, while InXile now has a few ex-Black Isle employees, they are actually more Interplay rather than the Black Isle division specific. Not to mention most of the Black Isle guys are mainly working not directly at InXile. Blizzard for example has around as many (a bit less atm probably) ex Black Isle employees. And secondly, I prefer having two companies who work on a friendly basis rather than one. So, nope. You wouldn't get the *whole team* back in the first place.
  17. I feel a bid bad about Deck13. JK2 isn't that bad imo. Shame how GOG handeled the sale.
  18. I'm not sure what part you're referring to. I don't have any problem with goofy dialogues when they fit. "Entertainment" is a good reason to include a dialogue option as long as it's mixed in with choices that have a larger impact. I totally agree with you. I enjoy the grand perspective of games, I enjoy deeper and more mature themes (whatever that may be) but occasionally having funny dialogues and funny characters (Noober comes to mind) really brightens up a game, in my opinion For crpgs like pe variety is imo nearly an requirement. It's not like you have the same pacing as a movie or a book. In a 20+ hour rpg it can get tiresome.
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