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Everything posted by C2B

  1. A person who is posting screenshots on steam has 97 hours on record. http://steamcommunity.com//id/sawsebawse/
  2. That and jokes you wouldn't get in a single playthrough. Also the different classes will entertain me for enough time anyway.
  3. 15-20 hours sounds like it. Don't forget though that the game seems to have lots of variable jokes. I doubt the players so far have actually seen/heard everything. All depends as well on how different class playthroughs will be.
  4. Why did my thread get posted two times? Is there something wrong with the flood control?
  5. Something, Something We're getting closer. Shame we europeans get it two days after the US.
  6. Something, Something We're getting closer. Shame we europeans get it two days after the US.
  7. You did most of the summons, right? Are there some we haven't seen in trailers?
  8. Only the swastika is out in your version. Anal probe stuff is still in.
  9. Spoiler that ****. I can't edit my posts. Besides, I'm sure a lot of people have seen the "13 Minutes of gameplay" and the "Giggling Donkey" trailers. Eh, its fine. I meant more because getting that achievement without knowing about it would be pretty funny.
  10. It only heavily spoilers the main quest. I don't think it would hinder your will to explore.
  11. http://www.easyguide.de/xbox360/south-park-der-stab-der-wahrheit/tipps/erfolge/
  12. Itßs up http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1yy4v7/we_are_obsidian_eternity_team_ask_us_anything/
  13. Goes up in 5 minutes http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1yy4v7/we_are_obsidian_eternity_team_ask_us_anything/
  14. They are. But the change wasn't even made for rating reasons otherwise the pc version would have been changed too.
  15. https://twitter.com/Ubisoft/statuses/438360936559411200
  16. And Ubisoft now confirmed it on twitter. Pc version uncensored.
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