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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Russian society cause butthurt to ZOG NWO... again http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/12/world/europe/russian-groups-crowdfund-the-war-in-ukraine.html?partner=socialflow&smid=tw-nytimes&_r=2 NATO troops entered into Ukrainian territory. http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150610/1023165217.html https://twitter.com/AlexanderNNero/status/608380046143852544/photo/1 The Pope presented Putin with an angel-peacemaker medal http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3118845/When-Putin-met-Pope-Russian-President-secures-private-audience-Holiness-trip-Vatican.html
  2. Thanks for everything, guys, I'm leave Obsidian forum. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-06-09-chris-avellone-leaves-obsidian-entertainment
  3. Your friends can easily avoid this fate by change of job or by surrender to Russians for example.
  4. Western military help to Kievan Junta. 300 Marder APC through Bulgaria. Equipment for Western sniper rifles ( through Bulgaria again ) [docs removed because they contained e-mails, phone numbers and adresses]
  5. I just leave this here
  6. Full-scale war begin in Ukraine again. http://en.voicesevas.ru/news/
  7. Can't find sexual roleplay games in list.
  8. Foreign trips of Russians https://vimeo.com/128737691 https://vimeo.com/123733014
  9. Russians in Russia. In Syberia. https://vimeo.com/128453022 and in Caucasus mountains https://vimeo.com/128572905
  10. Western women beauty standard vs Polish women beauty standard thread.
  11. Meanwhile in Murica. Murican journalist blaming Witcher 3 because lack of Africans in game. Developer of Witcher 3 try educate him about Polish history but fail this hard task. https://twitter.com/aegies/status/598884273332957184 https://twitter.com/DanielVavra/status/598883653687635968 nice
  12. Days of Ukrainian Junta are numbered. Western media begin informational campaighn Ukrainian government. http://www.rferl.org/content/ukraine-poroshenko-land-deal-questions-tsars-village/27013945.html http://youtu.be/gdNecwGjFoM The Moor has done his duty, let finish him. Lol Murika acted as usual.
  13. Fashion of rebels. Do want buy Gorka 4 suit for hunting/traveling also.
  14. Game really looks ... very bad. Just yet another cheap isometric RPG instead of Quest of Glory successor. Do not want.
  15. I can feed your paranoia much more 9 May, Moscow. Absolute Safety.
  16. SA/SS lol? Westlings never changes, they again spread their hilarious fantasies about Russians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voluntary_People's_Druzhina https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neighborhood_watch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Guard_(Israel) IRL these people nothing more than volunteers who trying make life better.
  17. I suddenly recognize Mesopotamian goddess with horned nimbus . Lol, so cool secretive trolling of religious people (in Judaism, Christianity and Islam these gods considered as worst fiends evar). Glory to Mail.ru Second Babylon! I prepare my popcorn.
  18. Murica is barbaric country also. http://youtu.be/bXn1xavynj8 http://www.wetheurban.com/post/118753485219/american-reflexxx-by-alli-coates-signe-pierce Just pack of monkeys
  19. Just typical Russian modular design. Some secreted equipment has been removed from this placement before public demonstration. Usual practice with such class of equipment in Russian military forces.
  20. And winner is....
  21. Actually all photos of new Russian tanks has been heavenly photoshopped. Real photos from Moscow looks like this.
  22. http://rt.com/usa/256781-alaska-hawaii-self-determination/
  23. Who do you think the "Arctic Challenge" exercises, the 900,000 reservists who got sent letters reminding them of their obligations to the Finnish Defence Force, and the navy's depth charging of a submerged contact off their coast was meant to send a message to? Sweden? Finland's worst kept military secret is that the agreement to join NATO had already already signed, it's just sitting in some Finnish general's drawer somewhere in a glass box with a hammer that says "In case of Russian incursion into the Lapland, break glass and fax to SACEUR". @Walsingham Archive of the segment is now up for the next 30 days: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b007nf6t Yep, Finland and Sweden must pay money to NATO and play role of cannon fodder in Murican colonial wars. Because of it Scandinavian elites perform a hysterical huntings of imaginary Russian subs and do other thing for justify joining to NATO (kekeke - looks like Muricans just bribe Scandinavian elites and Swedish/Finnish join to NATO decided long ago... in Murica).
  24. This thread about Skyforge - yet another Korean Russian online game. Pro: Setting. Just cool. You can become a god (all Western "epic" games are not so epic for megalomaniac Russians who constantly dreamed about immortality and godhood in their philosophical/political movements as cosmisms/futurism (or about destroying of Universe in nihilism)). Visual. Look styled and cool. Interesting Classes. Partnership between playersLeveling, exp, skills etc is very good Arenas No craft Contra No plot - sandbox. voices are terrible Grinding - gameplay is boring (if you don't like Korean MMORPG's).
  25. New futuristic Russian tanks not only cause hysteria in Pentagon (who suddenly decide buy a hordes of tanks for counter Russian technological superiority), http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/blog/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=1829 but also cause quite funny ****storm in Western media and in Western internets.
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