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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. 4 hours in previous times - it's cause serious health problems. 8-10 hours of sleep in day now.
  2. An American citizen was killed last week in Yemen while on a visit to see his wife and daughter.. http://www.buzzfeed.com/stephaniemcneal/us-citizen-reportedly-killed-in-yemen-violence?bftw=world#.lejXKGYW http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2015/04/05/american-citizen-dead-in-yemen/25334045/ US stronk! Because of this Americans prefer to be saved by Evil Russian Emperium.
  3. French intelligence service don't find proofs of Russian aggression in Ukraine. http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150410/1015600534.html Finnish military HQ - "Russia is not military treat for Finland." http://yle.fi/uutiset/komentaja_lindberg_pohjoismaista_yhteistyota_tehty_vuosia/7922941
  4. Rules for blacks. How survive during encounter of bear police 1. Avoid eye contact. 2. Don't run. 3. Don't be a threat to bear policeman 4. Imitate death.
  5. All Westlings must known Russian language. http://youtu.be/xFLWjPHnPvA
  6. Canada to send troops to Ukraine ! http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/canada-to-send-troops-to-ukraine-in-non-combat-role-1.2321894
  7. Murican military pilots piss in pants... again. http://freebeacon.com/national-security/russian-fighter-jet-nearly-collides-with-u-s-spy-jet-over-europe/
  8. Lol. Westlings do want brainwash Russians. Wet erotic dreams. \ http://drakulablog.com/2015/04/01/west-and-ukraine-against-putin-and-his-politicians/ https://drakulablogdotcom3.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/stratcom-training.doc https://drakulablogdotcom3.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/conflict-pool-project.doc
  9. Democracy in times of Socrates is quite different thing in comparison with modern "Democracy" (they more similar to aristocratic republics in Roman style - such republics are the best form of states for Socrates ).
  10. http://youtu.be/vTdw2hWI1V0 http://youtu.be/rVa5riFPlE8
  11. obyknven

    Hey Oby!

    Lol. This guy seriously believe what these wars happened because of some tribe steal some sheep from another tribe few centuries ago. Such things as fight between mighty power groups for looting of billions valuable resources so unimportant for him. P.S. Crypto-Ukrainian propagandist detected, i drop this thread, nothing to do here.
  12. http://youtu.be/TcLSE8vlsRI http://youtu.be/-F-JfWqMG6g
  13. obyknven

    Hey Oby!

    Rwanda it's artificial genocide created by hands of US corporations. Main goal of this operation is kick off French corporations from this region. Just Baldur's Gate Iron Throne operation in real world. http://dissidentvoice.org/2009/04/the-rwanda-genocide-fabrications/
  14. http://youtu.be/lwrxs6zEfrc http://youtu.be/fl5W8Crk6vs
  15. obyknven

    Hey Oby!

    Actually Russian government don't manage our nukes more. Everything controlled by SkyNet AI Perimeter system now. http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1055087/pg1 From times of USSR this system has been extremely upgraded. It's fully autonomous AI who is real ruler of Russia now. You known this - "If there was no God, It would be necessary to invent him." Do you prepared for encounter a God?
  16. http://youtu.be/RsvuQmF7xgQ http://youtu.be/3pMSSqKlGF4
  17. Anyway this is a Russian Imperialistic music thread now. http://youtu.be/tF8eV8b5suA http://youtu.be/l_Wtvlwciu4
  18. Ok. I try explain. I just find some things curious. 1. Europeans always been mad about superiority of their "Caucasian" race and about their epic rivalry with Mongol hordes from East . But IRL they are mestizo people, they have big amount of Asiatic features for example. 2. Meanwhile non-mixed Caucasian race yet exist in Caucasus region, but for European posers they are not too "White". 3 In difference with European posers true Cuacasians quite ok with Islam. 4. Their Islam is quite different from deionized image created by European propaganda.
  19. Actually Russia is Empire of trolling. it's our official ideology now. Our Emperor do Crimean events only for watch a butthurt of the West.
  20. Native Muslim dances of purebred Caucasian race. http://youtu.be/U9S1F3Iz3Mo though for well Finno-Ugric mixed Europeans this is can be too alien. http://youtu.be/0trwO1xbv6E
  21. Estonian president. His costume size + brave heroes covered by medals (Estonia never participate in wars).
  22. These Romanians http://youtu.be/2o6AEuj09q4 don't looks like Gypsies http://youtu.be/mzE5jkHVyVA
  23. Bang goes the no claims! Royal Navy nuclear submarine suffers £500,000 damage after 'hitting floating ice' while tracking Russian vessels. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3025839/Royal-Navy-nuclear-submarine-suffers-500-000-damage-hitting-floating-ice-tracking-Russian-vessels.html
  24. and music from Russian videogames. http://youtu.be/2tHdAZFouyA
  25. Romania is absolute cultural leader of the world. http://youtu.be/an5_qFZVH-I
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