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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. It's easy. Original Germans - mercs without homeland, adventurers, scientists, philosophers, they serve to anyone who pay to them around the globe, very tolerant and cosmopolitan people. Such type of German culture disappeared in Europe ({Prussianism kill it) and survive only in Russian populations of Germans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_von_Ungern-Sternberg Prussians, German Empire - etc. Just militaristic "culture" of barracks. It's more right to say - this is a degradation of German culture really - German authors and thinkers has so much butthurt from this in XVIII - XIX centuries. 3 Reich - complete death of German culture. After WW2 - 70s - some of resurrection of German culture as part of youths movements in 1968 around of Globe. 80-s - present days - elites for preventing such rebellions as they have in 70s kill European culture in all Western world . Dominance of Murican consumption anti"culture" in Germany.
  2. Why everyone chatting about Germans in thread about Blacks? P.S. Just reminder about how Africans do want live in Russia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZZPWeytkZA
  3. Because of my Migrants tread is closed i post answer here. Nope. These can't be because: 1. Jews are not ethnic Russians - word "Russian" can't be used as ethnic marker here. 2. These Jews who live in Murica are not citizens of Russia obviously - word "Russian" can't be used as citizenship marker here. As result we have quite strange situation when Muricans constantly spread hate against Russians, but in same time they use word "Russians" for marking of Jews, this is looks like masked antisemitism for me.
  4. Why Muricans constantly named Jewish migrants as Russians? It's really unbelievable misunderstand, Jews https://vimeo.com/121633288 and Russians https://vimeo.com/71415837 are so different people really. Probably majority of Muricans just newer see real Russians.
  5. Because this is a new tread with Western butthurt i post this here. https://youtu.be/bvn3LEx9dhw
  6. Imperial inquisition capture all killers. One of them explode yourself during arrest, but all others stay alive. Very soon they tell Everything about people who hire them. Don't mess with Empire!
  7. http://youtu.be/XdC6f0QplSs
  8. Ukrainian model fly away from scary Russia into Kiev where she become threatened by unknown people, her life in danger now. Western involvement in murder of Russian opposition leader looks not so laughable now. https://translate.google.ru/translate?hl=ru&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gp.gov.ua%2Fua%2Fnews.html%3F_m%3Dpublications%26_c%3Dview%26_t%3Drec%26id%3D152058
  9. Odessa. Jews vs Ukrainian Neo-Nazi. Jews win. http://youtu.be/XsQV0cIVwdY
  10. I think problem in different beauty standards of reptiloids. \ Or they just too jealous to anyone who is more beautiful than they are. Actually this is looks like modern Western elites become a closed society of neo-Aristocracy and their genetic degradation due inbreeding can be noted even by their appearance. Because of this war of reptiloids against all non-reptiloids is a war of ugliness against beauty also, http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=da&u=http://konservativungdom.dk/kandidatdatabase/nikita-klaestrup&prev=search
  11. Murican failure in East Ukraine even more epic than i can imagine! Stupid capitalists http://youtu.be/a4sk-WJAr4I
  12. Comrade Obama continue deliver lulz for us http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/191966#.VPRDdUmaXQd Win of US elections by Obama is a best operation of KGB/FSB forever.
  13. Russian version. http://youtu.be/G9uyHzH6Z_A
  14. P.S. Do Romanian Romani people yet cosplay descendants of Romans?
  15. You deliberately left out Berlusconi. Italy?! lolwut?
  16. This thread so laughable!
  17. Si vis pacem, para bellum!
  18. This Russian fat/senile political loser has a better escort girl than Western high-ranked reptiloids.
  19. What do you mean? When I (an American) started this thread I did so because I wanted to discuss how political correctness can paralyze the state's ability to do it's job properly. This thread isn't proof that anyone is non-tolerant. nothing to discuss here. Police just don't give own work properly (and cover own failures by fairy tales about bad migrants).
  20. multiculturalism and political correctness in Europe? O'RLY Jew walking in democratic civilized Paris http://youtu.be/AltyhmrIFgo Jew walking in tyrannical antisemitic Moscow. http://youtu.be/nnRGrxXWG_E nobody even notice him. Only two Muslims invite him into Mosque for talk with imam about faith. This thread is another proof how non tolerant and racist Europe is.
  21. Iraqi Army Downs Two British Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIS http://wearechange.org/iraqi-army-downs-two-british-planes-carrying-weapons-isis/ Westlings can't into proxy war.
  22. freedom of speech in Murica
  23. Actually his wife can hire killer for revenge to husband (he constantly waste money to prostitutes and this has been spotted by paparazzi many times).
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