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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Kotaku probably is worst media ever (for example Dragon's Crown sexism accusation ). Authors are profanes with megalomania and strong WestWay/Gayness faith. Non surprisingly this new article consisted only from personal butthurt and Russophobia without any proofs.
  2. http://youtu.be/1Nc8a9gnDso
  3. The inside story of the Liaoning: how Xu Zengping sealed deal for China's first aircraft carrier http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1681755/how-xu-zengping-became-middleman-chinas-deal-buy-liaoning
  4. I'm pretty sure that legitimacy comes from governments, it is immoral as **** but legitimate. Should tell you all you need to know about how moral governments are. Yes that may seem unfair but legitimacy does come from governments and organisations like official military missions from the likes of NATO Submissive slave so submissive.
  5. moar of Rebels http://youtu.be/q5dZLRTzB30 http://youtu.be/Dh5CTlhLDAQ
  6. A disgrace, another excellent example of Putins " Democratic and progressive " Russia that he is steering the country inexorably towards So basically Russia won't be tolerating any internal artistic criticism of their culture and society. I wonder how Michael Moore would do living in Russia O'RLY?! Russia yet stay most free country for artists. In the West appearing of such caricatures about caricaturists from Charlie after this shooting is just impossible. https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10929004_795560973847746_2974357205165185604_n.jpg?oh=34c7fc442a4982951b8548f74e3562d3&oe=55360F9E Also moderators on this forum constantly cut content from my posts, Russian censorship looks like joke in comparison with Western censorship - its my personal experience,
  7. Just war http://youtu.be/whgimLTo96s Polish mercs in Donetsk airport. http://youtu.be/G7TTV5IftX4
  8. Rebels kick butts of Ukrainian army from Donetsk airport.
  9. Bump by banned movie ( in Ukraine ).
  10. War! Go Rebels! http://youtu.be/MnHXboD_3A0
  11. United in Outrage http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/12/opinion/after-the-charlie-hebdo-attack-the-french-join-hands.html?ref=opinion&_r=2 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/paris-march-tv-wide-shots-reveal-a-different-perspective-on-world-leaders-at-largest-demonstration-in-frances-history-9972895.html
  12. Meanwhile in Ukraine. Bus has been shelled by anti-personnel mine on checkpoint controlled by Ukrainian army . Ukrainian president say this is terror attack performed by rebels (by his version they shot bus by MLRS ). He compare this accident with nearest terror attacks in France and use this tragedy as reason for begin of mobilization and full-scale war against rebelled people. http://newstwenty4seven.com/en/news/poroshenko-nachnet-mobilizatsiju-v-otvet-na-obstrel-avtobusa http://www.newsweek.com/fighting-escalates-ukraine-attacks-bus-donetsk-airport-299218 http://www.bdlive.co.za/world/europe/2015/01/13/ukraine-blames-rebels-for-rocket-attack-on-civilian-bus http://mfa.gov.ua/en/news-feeds/foreign-offices-news/31462-zvernennya-prezidenta-ukrajini-z-privodu-napadu-prorosijsykih-bojovikiv-na-pasazhirsykij-avtobus-pid-volnovahoju Meanwhile IRL - screenshots from video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFVLAO1ntOo submunitions of MON-50 mine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MON-50 Ukrainian soldier with bag for such mines Signs "Danger Mines!" near of bus and road. and comparison of bus destroyed by MLRS and bus shelled in Volnovakha. Ukrainian checkpoint in Volnovakha - no signs of MLRS hits Shelled bus Tests of similar class anti-personnel mine. but US ministry of Truth continue deliver lulz for us. http://www.rferl.org/content/ukraine-violence-donetsk-united-states-brussels-/26792625.html
  13. This thread is more about how Jews Europeans hate Goyim non-Europeans. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Russian_sentiment#Anti-Russian_sentiment_by_country
  14. Yes Oby, we live in a world of consequences for illegal annexations of regions. Its always consequences we should consider when we salute and support these types of unacceptable legal decisions by countries like Russia lol, explain please why your consequences punish occupied Ukrainians instead of Russians. Maybe you forgot, but by US version Crimeans are Ukrainians who taken into Russia by military force (referendum illegal and fake blah.. blah).
  15. Ukrainian President Poroshenko pays tribute to Paris terror attack victims. http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/ukrainian-president-petro-poroshenko-leave-flowers-as-he-news-photo/461270172 http://uatoday.tv/news/ukrainian-president-poroshenko-pays-tribute-to-paris-terror-attack-victims-401802.html
  16. Steam ban Crimea because of sanctions. Evil Russians occupy Crimea (by official US version) and because of this US impose sanctions against occupied Crimeans.
  17. predict epic fail. http://vimeo.com/116139688
  18. Yeeessss! Leeetttsss worrrlldd bbuuuurrrrnnnn!!! http://www.inquisitr.com/1744204/world-war-3-mikhail-gorbachev-warns-of-a-russian-nuclear-war-over-ukraine/ http://www.inquisitr.com/1744293/vladimir-putin-sets-stage-for-world-war-3-expands-russias-nuclear-weapons-defenses-near-europe/
  19. Potential enemies. Sadly can't post full set's because of childish forum rules.... And especially for Wals some amount of reptial beauty.
  20. Firstly France do want cancel sanctions against Russia... http://www.scoop.it/t/gatekeepers/p/4034753583/2015/01/06/russia-sanctions-must-be-lifted-now-hollande but then.. "Islamists" attacks France... what a "surprise"! US colonies must known their place.
  21. This photo can be used as Russian macro for this thread.
  22. Western civilisations are primarily your Western countries that follow ideologies like democratic elections, respect for human rights and Capitalism. We dont want it ever to collapse because of all terrible alternatives that exist like how Russia and some places in the Middle East are governed Rofl, this guy don't known about win of Capitalism in Entire World. Alternatives lol.
  23. fix
  24. I'm really surprised how Westlings can fill yet another thread by own butthurt. Especially funny to watch how "tolerant" and "multucultural" WASP's become mad about beginning of Asian dominance in the World.
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