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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Ukrainian army hit chemical plant in Donetsk by something... http://youtu.be/ZuQ5EPnSE_4 http://youtu.be/z39h3h9oWvk Looks like Muricans sell some amount of MOAB to Junta. Though this is can be a just good old Tochka-U. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OTR-21_Tochka
  2. Moar of Rebels. Initial stage of East-Ukrainian militia training. http://youtu.be/OkGWcrbwD7s Rebels can into modding. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GP-25 http://youtu.be/Ec32t0R5NbQ
  3. fix 8000 -10 000. Meanwhile mighty Ukrainian army begin counter-offensive for releasing of surrounded troops. http://youtu.be/PAqn3WB7g-g but result is predictable.
  4. https://translate.google.ru/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Farmydocs.ru%2Fkak-kupit-voennyiy-bilet%2F&edit-text=
  5. Rebels continue offense against Ukrainian army. http://youtu.be/AHtbWXog-d4
  6. Ukraine sell Murican weapon to Assad in Syria. Lol, it's so easy to brainwash of naive Westlings, Russian invasion, help us blah-blah, good old game in bad/good policemen. Yet another artifical war for profit.
  7. You sure this is propaganda? It looks accurate to me ..... Yeah, so accurate...
  8. Polish people do want be clowns also. Polish propaganda make me laugh, it's most stupid thing what i see in my entire life. Though this is yet another proof about Nazi-EU.
  9. He is too obsolete. http://youtu.be/XlN5LC3I4SE http://youtu.be/Fo-_K-kIBg8
  10. Photos from livejournal of Russian military pilot (Baltic fleet). Polish pilots has a balls. Best pilots of NATO, they fly at closest distances to target, though this is can be a just superb avionics of their old Soviet MIg's. http://sharabana.livejournal.com/24490.html Swedes. Can't fly at low speed and avoid close distances, bad maneuverability. It's photo of most brave Swedish pilot evar. http://sharabana.livejournal.com/25518.html typical Swedish pilots fly at much bigger distances. Britt's are pussies. http://sharabana.livejournal.com/11477.html
  11. http://youtu.be/TBeqtL5nSLQ http://youtu.be/Dc3T6qHBcQc Why NATO pilots constantly cry about danger of collision every times when they notice Russian fighters near of their jet ?
  12. This thread become only better with RuSSian music. http://youtu.be/uXJDmsC88ok http://vimeo.com/112693431
  13. some people yet don't understand Ukrainians. Two simple rules to meet with Ukrainians are: 1. Never believe to Ukrainians, they are pathological liars. 2. If Ukrainian tell truth - see rule number 1.
  14. Neither is Europe truth be told, unless they colonialist are PoC. O'RLY?! Do you think Europeans invaded Libya ( and kill leader who try create pan-African unity and independent African financial system), Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia and other countries around the world East Europe, Middle East, Central Asia, Latin America, Far East etc - not because of colonialism, but just for lulz? Anyway Bruce can migrate in Israel where he can continue to be a old-school hardcore colonialist without these European hypocritical songs about multiculturalism and democracy.
  15. Why Ukrainian clowns make so much butthurt to you? Your hate against these losers looks really strange.
  16. Bruce just must return to home in Europe. Africa is not best place for colonialists now.
  17. Suddenly - innocent West not so innocent. http://www.agoravox.fr/tribune-libre/article/le-couvercle-de-la-marmite-162898
  18. Yeah, absolutely nothing in that word choice that does not in any way, shape, or form evokes a sense of racial superiority over a group of supposed subhumans.
  19. Ukrainians so funny! http://youtu.be/npKK69gOCUw
  20. ban of human body is most stupid thing... EVAR.
  21. ok. Meanwhile Rebels continue extermination of another 10 000-strong group of Ukrainian army. http://youtu.be/c_P4DvNecyc
  22. Grand offensive of Rebels. First units of rebels enter into city of Mariupol and fight on the streets are begin. This video of Ukrainian news from Mariupol - notice Murican soldier/merc in 2:34 (!). Cool, this is a good prey for hunt at least. http://youtu.be/kiwIUsX63Hk
  23. http://youtu.be/RN8OoefnUPM
  24. Just leave this here - nice example how Western brainwashing machine works. French pools about who play main role in WW2 victory.
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